Are YOU anxious about your child’s 1st day of school?

Yesterday, I blogged about the fears and anxieties young children have about starting school and how you can help your child approach the first day of school with eager anticipation.

How about YOU?  What feelings do you have about your child starting school?  Happiness?  Sadness?  Fear?  Relief?  Anxiety?  Or a combination of all of those.

In SHOW ME HOW!  BUILD YOUR CHILD’S SELF-ESTEEM THROUGH READING, CRAFTING AND COOKING, I point out that we help build our children’s self-esteem when we acknowledge and accept their feelings, both positive and negative.  This principle holds true for you as well.  It will help to acknowledge and accept the way you feel about this new stage in your child’s life.  Once you do that, you can think about why you feel the way you do and work towards resolving any negative emotions you have.

What are the top 10 fears parents have about sending their children off to school?  I’ll post a list tomorrow.

2 thoughts on “Are YOU anxious about your child’s 1st day of school?

  1. I hear parents often whisper “oh my poor baby”, but deep inside there’s always this excitement. Pure EXCITEMENT. Truth is, we have to let them GO. As in “Finding Nemo”, how daddy tortoise handles his siblings. Nice post!


    • Thank you so much! Yes, you are right. Excitement is another emotion we experience at this time. And so many more…I think one of the problems is that many of the feelings are conflicting ones and this adds to the confusion and discomfort in a parent’s mind. But, the end goal in having children is (or should be) to raise them up to be independent, positive, responsible-for-their-own actions, caring, loving people…so GO they must!


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