Sunday Post: Sentimental Value…Easter Craft for Kids

Jake at Time after Time has a Sunday Post Challenge…today’s theme is SENTIMENTAL VALUE.

Sentimental value definition: value placed on something because of its emotional associations rather than its monetary worth.

Easter Crafts for Kids

What has the greatest sentimental value for me?


My family!

My children and grandchildren!


Did you know that it costs over $200,000 to raise a child to age 18?

But some of the most important things you can give your kids are free!

1.     Give them your time – participate with them in activities that are fun.

2.     Give them your attention – listen to them when they talk to you.

3.     Give them your respect – ask for their opinions and thoughts.

4.     Give them your love – show them and tell them EVERY day.

5.     Give them boundaries – set expectations and consequences.

Your return on investment will be well worth it!

Spending time with kids can be fun for everyone. If you have young children ages 2-8, my book is a great resource. Join hundreds of other parents and teachers who use the ideas in the book every day. It makes a great baby shower gift…the baby will quickly outgrow those little sleepers, but will never outgrow the benefits of positive parental participation!  Click this link to find out more about it!

What are some things you do with your kids?

With Easter just around the corner, how about crafting a paper plate bunny? Arts and crafts activities build self-esteem, develop stronger literacy skills, increase coordination and encourage creative expression and imagination.



photo courtesy all kids network

You will need: Paper plate, cotton balls, glue, construction paper in white and pink, pipe cleaners, scissors.

1.    Young kids will especially love plunking cotton balls all over the bunny’s face…use a glue stick for less mess.

2.    The picture shows pipe cleaners for whiskers and mouth…as well as a pom-pom pink nose…but you can substitute pieces of construction paper.

Step-by-step instructions at: Paper Plate Easter Bunny Craft


There’s lots of fun over at Jake’s Sunday Post.



33 thoughts on “Sunday Post: Sentimental Value…Easter Craft for Kids

    • Thanks so much, Pat! I know there is a lot out there for parents…but it can get overwhelming. And really, all kids want is a little of our time and attention. Making a simple paper plate Easter bunny would only take a few minutes…but participating with a child will make a lasting impact.:)


    • That’s what I love so much about blogging…you get to meet the nicest people…just like you! 🙂 I’ve just started with Pinterest…so I’d be thrilled to have you pin some of my ideas…I’m not very knowledgeable about that social media network yet.:)


  1. In a fire, the things we grab to save are the sentimental items; the ones insurance will replace we aren’t as quick to grab. Anything created by our children and grandchildren will be saved first!


  2. Ahh I love your bunny! You’re right the best thin we can give our kids is lots of time and attention. When my kids were little there wasn’t much money and they weren’t overloaded with toys but we always played together – result, great adults!


    • I love to hear that, Gilly! Unfortunately, the media puts a lot of pressure on parents and kids to buy all sorts of expensive, unnecessary stuff. Thanks for sharing your beautiful parenting experience. 🙂


  3. Hang on 5 mins, Vivian! I just need to clean this sticky off my fingers after making bunnies. (smile) Great idea. I loved every second that mine were small (bar the odd temper tantrum) and going in to school to assist was a joy.


  4. CHILDREN ARE PRICELESS! And pricey! Hee hee, I laughed out loud when I read that. Your five tips are wonderful and again you’ve taken Jake’s prompt and pulled a rabbit out of a hat. Love the rabbit craft. 🙂


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