Sunday Post: Landscapes and a February Poetry Contest

Jake at Time after Time has a Sunday Post Challenge and every week he provides a theme…this week’s theme is LANDSCAPES. 

In addition, Marylin Warner over at Things I Want to Tell My Mother is having a February Poetry Contest 

The Rules:

“Be a rebel with a writing cause; break away from the expected February verses and write a poem about a date or an activity or adventure that WASN’T what you (or your mother) wanted to do…and how it ended.

You choose: rhymed, free verse, a sonnet or a series of Haikus or even non-bawdy limericks, etc.   Just keep your poem to a maximum of 50 words (not counting the words of the title–and please have a title).  JOIN THE FUN!”

I began to wonder how I could combine these two seemingly unrelated ideas into one post.

And then I had an idea!

According to the dictionary, a landscape is a picture representing a view or expanse of scenery that can be seen in a single view.

My poem, Fears of the Inner Child, is really a landscape of my life.  I hope you enjoy reading it.


Childhood often invades adult life.

Fears laid down early create later strife.

Afraid of adventure and trying new things,

Mom constantly cautioned: Be careful! Life stings!

To conquer that panic is my fervent wish.

I’ve parasailed, skydived and swum with the fish.


If you have the time and want to see the sky-dive I did with my son in the summer of 2010, you can go here.

It was an amazing adventure…and a wonderful bonding experience to have with an adult son.   With my book, Show Me How! and my school programs and workshops, I encourage parents to spend time with their young children…reading, crafting and cooking or doing anything positive.   “Raising the Next Steve Jobs”, the cover story in the February issue of Parenting Magazine, offered parents some simple advice: read with your children, talk with your children, participate with your children.  I was quoted in that article…and my book was mentioned.   You know that if want to be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you need to be in their lives today.  The fantastic skydive I did with my son only strengthened the connection we forged over thirty years ago when he was a little boy…believe me, those early years are so very important!

If you’d like more information about Jake’s Sunday Post: 

And here are a few of the posts from other participants in Jake’s Sunday Post:


114 thoughts on “Sunday Post: Landscapes and a February Poetry Contest

  1. That is amazing! You’re braver than I am. I won’t be jumping out of a plane anytime soon. 🙂 I think it’s great that you and your son have such a good relationship.


    • Hahaha…and I won’t be doing it again soon either. 🙂 But I am truly happy I did it…it definitely made me stronger and gave me more confidence in myself…if I could do that…I guess I could do anything. 🙂 Thank you so much for stopping by.


    • To be honest…when you skydive in tandem with the instructor, you really don’t have a choice. 🙂 You are strapped together, like peas in a pod, and when he jumps out of the airplane, he takes you with him. 🙂 It was an amazing experience…I’m so glad I did it,especially because I shared the time with my son!


  2. Love your poem! Skydiving! I would have done it once, but now as a mom I’ve become so much more cautious! I hope I get to a time in my life when I would be willing again to do it. My aunt’s parents sky-dived together for their 50th anniversary!


    • Thank you so much…glad you liked the poem!
      WOW…skydiving for a 50th anniversary…now that is bravery…and togetherness…quite special…these days, some married couples barely want to sit next to each other at the movies.:)


    • So nice to have you stop by. 🙂 You are very brave to have been a flight attendant…you went up in the air every day…I only jumped out once. 🙂 Glad you liked the poem…I think many of us carry feelings from childhood into our adult lives.


  3. How wonderful that you are able to write in multiple media- the power of the internet, huh? I love the poetry and the heartfelt help you’re pouring out to parents to encourage them to improve their parenting, and thereby their lives. Beautiful.


    • I hope you like it, Amy.:) I met a preschool teacher the other day and we began talking about reading picture books and doing activities. I gave her a bookmark…and she said, “Oh, I have this book…I love it…I almost don’t have to make lesson plans anymore…everything is right here. 🙂


    • Thank you for the gold star. 🙂 You get one for homeschooling! 🙂
      Perhaps when your children are older, you will decide to do some of the things that you steop back from now…or maybe not. 🙂 If you are happy and fulfilled in what you are doing, you are doing the right thing for you!


    • Hi Betsy,
      Glad you came by…the skydive was a surprise for me. 🙂 Years before, my son had done it and I had commented, “Oh, that looks like fun..I’d love to do it.” When I visited him in Chicago, he announced that we would be going skydiving the next day. I guess that proves that we need to always think before we talk. 🙂 🙂 It turned out to be an amazing day…and our bond is stonger than ever before. 🙂


    • It’s funny, because I’ve never thought of myself as brave…in fact…quite the opposite. 🙂 However, I’ve always known I have an iron will…ironically I am also the most flexible and tolerant person you could even meet.:) I guess we are all very complex people.
      The skydive was exciting and fun and all the more special because I did it with my son. 🙂


    • Hi Stacy,
      Thank you for stopping by. We all have hidden reserves of courage, I think, that get activated as needed. 🙂 A positive self-image is needed to look forward to the challenges in our lives…we can be afraid of something…that doesn’t mean we are cowardly…sometimes it just means we are thoughtfully cautious. 🙂 But that is why I think it is so very important to lay the foundations for high self-esteem early on. Those children will be eager learners.


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