3 Must-Have Health Screenings for Women

I just received an email from a blogging friend over at Diva Cafe.  She went for a routine colonoscopy…and they discovered precancerous polyps.   

I went for my first routine colonoscopy when I turned 50…and a couple of years ago I had my second…they usually tell you to have one at age 50…and, if everything looks good, another ten years later.  I will tell you that the prep stuff I had to drink the night before the first time was yucky!  The prep stuff a couple of years ago was much better.  The actual procedure was a piece of cake…they give you something so you think you are sleeping and then you don’t remember anything…perfect!

How about the rest of you?  An annual routine check-up with a family doctor should be on every woman’s calendar.  Also, a mammogram (first at age 35 or so for a baseline reading and then, if all is ok, check with your doc as to when and how often you should have the next ones.  In addition, a Pap smear and, as I just mentioned, a colonoscopy at age 50.

  • Are these exams fun?  NO!  But not having them could impact your life very seriously!
  • Find doctors you are comfortable with…ask friends who they go to and, if your insurance allows, schedule appointments with them.
  • If you don’t have the money for them, check with community organizations…for many people these exams are free or at a very low cost.
  • Try to schedule the annual routine exam first (maybe around your B-day or the first of the year so you will remember to do it).  Your family doc may have to write referrals or lab orders for the other tests, depending on your health insurance.

Moms often get so caught up with caring for their children and their home; they tend to put themselves last.

But your health is paramount…if you get sick, who is going to take care of your family? 

So please, take care of yourselves!

What other important check-ups should moms have?  Please share!

15 thoughts on “3 Must-Have Health Screenings for Women

  1. Important post. It’s good to know your family history. I started screenings at an earlier age and am glad I did. I would include dad’s too. Have two younger brothers being treated for colon and throat cancer right now.


  2. Excellent reminders, Vivian.
    Another good one is a blood workup…even just a general scan like a CBC. And now they’re also saying the Baby Boomers should have the blood test for Hepatitis C. It might seem extreme, and I don’t want to alarm any one, but a friend who had no symptoms had the test because during knee surgery following a car accident she received three units of blood transfusions. This was before hospitals tested for HepC in donated blood, and it turned out she did have the virus. There are successful treatments if treated early, before obvious symptoms appear and cause damage, and she is almost finished taking the meds now and is very grateful.


    • So many thanks, Marylin, for this added info! Yes, blood tests are very important for the reasons you mentioned. 🙂 My family doc always orders the ones he feels are necessary before my annual routine exam…then, when I see him, he can discuss the findings and make recommendations if there is a problem…such as low Vit D.


    • I know, Susanna…moms almost always put themselves last…but their good health is crucial to the smooth functioning of the entire family.  And thank you, Susanna…for always stopping by and commenting…I know what a super busy woman YOU are…and yet you find the time…much appreciated!!!!   


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