Perfect Picture Book Friday: What About Moose?

Can you believe it? It’s already the middle of August. A couple of trees have taken on a tinge of the autumn that is yet to come. I’ll be sad to see summer disappear—I love long sunny days. So I might be asking,“What about making summer longer?”

But instead, because it’s Perfect Picture Book Friday, I’m asking, “What About Moose?”



Written by Corey Rosen Schwartz and Rebecca J. Gomez

Illustrated by Keika Yamaguchi

Publisher: Atheneum Books for Young Readers (2015)

Ages: 3-8

Themes: Teamwork, social skills, friendship


Opening Lines:

Fox met her friends, with her toolbox in hand.

“Time to start building! Now here’s what I’ve planned.”

She divvied up jobs, and then Moose trotted in.

“I’m here,” he announced. “Let construction begin.”


From Amazon:

“It takes a team to build a tree house—but what if that team includes one very bossy moose?

When Fox, Toad, Bear, Porcupine, and Skunk set out to build a tree house, they know just what to do: they’ll follow a plan and they’ll work as a team. But when bossy Moose barges in and upends their plans with some of his own, his friends become more and more frustrated…until things go hilariously awry!

This lively rhyming picture book is pure, bouncy fun even as it imparts a subtle lesson about teamwork. Young readers will love to chant along: “But what about you, Moose!”

Why I like this book:

  • The incredible rhyme and humor of Corey Rosen Schwartz and her co-author, Rebecca Gomez
  • Bold colorful illustrations of Keika Yamaguchi
  • Addresses teamwork and sharing
  • Encourages friendship building


How a parent can use this book:

  • Wonderful read aloud
  • Great book for kids who are having a problem with sharing the load and teamwork
  • Talk about how to be a good friend – what are the qualities we want in a friend…those are the same qualities a friend wants in us



Related Activity


moose paper bag craft

Photo courtesy:

I’m a big fan of using inexpensive materials for craft projects with young kids…with a paper bag or a paper plate, you can have a barrel of fun!

You will need: One paper lunch bag, one piece of construction paper, markers or crayons, scissors, glue.

  1. Help your child trace his handprints on a piece of construction paper.
  2. Glue at the top of the lunch bag – these are the antlers.
  3. Draw moose features with markers or crayons.
  4. Role play with your child and retell the story – you can take turns being moose. Acting out the story is a great way to develop literacy skills like comprehension and vocabulary.

There are several other simple moose crafts here:


And guess what? I’ve got a special treat in store for you TOMORROW.





Please don’t miss it—she’s got lots to share, including a stellar recipe for gingersnaps!

Thank you all for visiting – I look forward to your comments – please share this wonderful book and activity with parents, teachers and librarians  – they are always looking for great books and quick & easy activities that educate and entertain.

11 thoughts on “Perfect Picture Book Friday: What About Moose?

  1. Pingback: Story Station – para crianças relutantes à leitura | Blog do Enio de Aragon

  2. Pingback: Story Station – para crianças relutantes à leitura – Blog do Enio de Aragon – Inovações em tecnologia educacional

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