Perfect Picture Book Friday: JACKIE AND THE BOOKS SHE LOVED Plus Signed Book Giveaway

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, dear friends. I have a very strong connection with today’s featured book…I was a freshman in college when JFK was assassinated – I remember watching the funeral and the grace with which his widow, Jacqueline Kennedy, conducted herself. And so, when I heard about this new book, I knew I’d want to share it with all of you.


Written by Ronni Diamondstein

Illustrated by Bats Langley

Published by Sky Pony Press (November 7, 2023)

Ages: 4-8

Themes: Books, Jacqueline Kennedy, Be true to yourself

Synopsis: From Amazon:
“There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.” —Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Discover a delightful new story about Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, one of the most famous women in the world.

History remembers Jackie as the consummate First Lady, especially for her White House restoration and the cultural events she instituted during her husband’s administration. Jackie was on the world stage in 1963 when President Kennedy was assassinated. She led the nation in grieving the fallen leader with grace and dignity.

In this inspirational celebration of reading, Ronni Diamondstein, with her engaging writing style in this picture book biography, introduces readers to an independent and confident Jackie and the idea of how books guided her life. The insightful story paints the portrait of a child captivated by reading and a love of literature and writing—from five‑year‑old Jackie reading Chekhov stories to a seasoned and confident Jackie at her desk as an editor in the last two decades of her life.

Jackie never wrote a memoir but revealed herself in the nearly 100 books she brought into print. Jackie and the Books She Loved is a dazzling book about the real woman behind this American icon of style and grace brought to life by the whimsical and tasteful artwork of Bats Langley. 

Why I Love This Book:
1. I love that we get such an authentic picture of Jackie as a young girl and how her love of books and reading influenced her life.
2. I love the beautifully written text!
3. I love the engaging illustrations that follow Jackie as her life unfolds – and we get to see the places and people she knew.

Q&A With Author Ronni Diamondstein
ME: Ronni was kind enough to stop by to chat about how she came to write this book.

RONNI: Thank you for spreading the word about my book, Vivian. Jackie and the Books She Loved is a celebration of books, reading and writing and the star of the show is Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis!

I was inspired to write JACKIE AND THE BOOKS SHE LOVED because I always admired Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. I was eight years old when John F. Kennedy was inaugurated. I remember Jackie, especially how she led the country in mourning her husband. I was always interested in her style and admired her for becoming a book editor. After she passed away, I had an idea for a novel about her and started researching her. I started to interview people who knew her. When I was talking to Margot Datz, the illustrator of Carly Simon’s children’s books that Jackie edited, she suggested that I write a children’s book. I have an extensive library of books about Jackie and the Kennedys. I first wrote a long chapter book that got no traction and then about five years ago I thought a book about how reading and writing were a thread through her life.

ME: Were you in contact with anyone in Jackie’s family regarding the book?

RONNI: I was thrilled to get permission from Ambassador Caroline Kennedy to reprint her mother’s poem “Sea Joy” that she wrote when she was 10 years old. 

ME: We know that quite often, authors don’t have much contact with illustrators, but you mentioned that this book was a true example of teamwork. Can you explain?.

RONNI: I had a great collaboration with the illustrator Bats Langley. I have lots of books about Jackie and the Kennedys was able to provide himwith photographs he could use to incorporate so many realistic details in the illustrations. One day Bats wanted to know about Jackie’s favorite birthday cake was. And of course, I had the answer. I had a book called Cooking with Madam in my collection, so I sent him pictures of Jackie’s birthday cake that you’ll find in our book.

I love to hear that. Thank you so much for stopping by, Ronni.

And here a little bit about Ronni in her own words:

RONNI: I have spent my life surrounded by books and immersed in the world of children’s literature. 

 An avid reader since childhood, libraries, books, and writing are my life’s work. As a school library media specialist and teacher of gifted and talented students in the U.S. and abroad, I nurtured my students’ creativity by sharing my love of reading with them. I took great pride in my collection development as I enriched the lives of my students with extraordinary books, both fiction and nonfiction, that I read and recommended to them. I grew up reading and writing stories and creating writing opportunities for myself. I successfully pitched a column for the school newspaper, so I had a voice. Many years later I gave a voice to my toy poodle by creating the Maggie Mae Pup Reporter column in a local magazine, writing from a dog’s point of view that developed into a blog. I graduated from Syracuse University, attended Bread Loaf Writers Conference, and led writing workshops and open mics to encourage people of all ages to tell their stories. I proudly served on the Board of the Chappaqua Children’s Book Festival and am a Past President of the Chappaqua Library Board of Trustees. I live in Chappaqua, New York with my toy poodle, Maggie Mae.  

For more about me and the book, here’s a link to my website:

And now, dear friends, how about a related craft activity for the kiddos.

Thank you for spending your precious time with us…and please remember to leave a comment and share widely on social media for a chance to WIN the fabulous giveaway: A SIGNED COPY of this beautiful book, JACKIE AND THE BOOKS SHE LOVED.

Other things we can do to help books like this one success:
Buy the book
Review the book
Put the book on your Goodreads WANT TO READ shelf
Ask your local library to purchase copies for their collection

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

35 thoughts on “Perfect Picture Book Friday: JACKIE AND THE BOOKS SHE LOVED Plus Signed Book Giveaway

  1. I was only a preschooler when Kennedy was assassinated, so I don’t remember much except my mother crying. However, in the following years I got to “know” and greatly respect Jackie. This looks like a beautiful book.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love this way you chose to introduce little readers to Jackie. It encourages me to dig deep with my own writing and research. Congratulations on this amazing book!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This sounds like a great book! And a unique way to understand Jackie Kennedy, especially as a child. I don’t think I knew she was an editor, or a lover of books— though it totally tracks!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I ADORE this unique approach to our former First Lady! Children reading about a child who grew up to be famous, finding her way in the written word. While other books focus on Jackie the young wife, mom, and widow or style icon, this book will resonate with young readers and encourage literacy!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Vivian, thank you for having Ronni here to share her wonderful new PB about Jackie. Indelible images of our iconic First Lady in her blood-stained pink suit on that fateful November day remain still haunt my 7th grade self. Looking forward to reading it…and I will be asking my local library and neighborhood school to purchase copies!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Vivian, thank you for having Ronni here to share her wonderful new PB about Jackie. Indelible images of our iconic First Lady in her blood-stained pink suit on that fateful November day remain still haunt my 7th grade self. Looking forward to reading it…and I will be asking my local library and neighborhood school to purchase copies!


  7. I never knew Jackie loved books so much and can’t wait to read this fun book. I shared this post on tumblr, Twitter, and Pinterest and added this book to my Goodreads want to read list.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Can’t wait to check this out. I am also a fan of this era and sounds like your book has a lot to offer on that. So much new information on this intriguing lady. Congratulations on getting this wonderful story out in the world.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Ronni, you’re living your dream and I’m so happy for you sharing this beautiful book with the world. Enjoy every moment and know how much everyone will appreciate your book! Huge congratulations and I look forward to sharing our interview next week.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. RONNI & BATS: WHAT a WONDERFUL way to preserve Jackie O’s TRUE life mission, as noted in her quote above: “There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.” HOW BEAUTIFUL! THANK YOU for sharing Jackie’s story!

    Liked by 1 person

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