PB 14:14 – Day 3 – Top 10 Picture Book Story Elements – Character

Today is Day Three of Christie Wright Wild’s PB 14:14…I had fun yesterday, hopping around to several other blogs to read the other entries.

If you are just tuning into the challenge, click here to go to Christie’s blog post where you will find the link up with today’s wonderful entries: http://christiewrightwild.blogspot.com/2015/02/day-3-vulture-view-by-april-pulley.html

If a book is going to be enjoyed, it has to be strong in certain elements. And, whether it is an adult murder mystery, a light-hearted teen romance or a picture book, the main character must grab our attention and engage us.



Author: Artie Bennett

Illustrator: John Nez

Publisher: Blue Apple

Date: 2014

Word Count: 500 est

Top 10 Element: Character (and also Rhyme, Pacing, Word Play)

What child wouldn’t identify with this adorable panda bear who gets frustrated and loses his cool? My grandson loved this book the very first time I read it to him – and he has wanted to hear it many times since then….probably because Continue reading

PB 14:14 Day Two: Top 10 Picture Book Story Elements – Beginnings and Endings

Today is Day Two of Christie Wright Wild’s PB 14:14…I had fun yesterday, hopping around to several other blogs to read the other entries

If you are just tuning into the challenge, you can follow this link to find out all about it: http://christiewrightwild.blogspot.com/2015/02/pb-1414-in-2015-day-one-with-vivian.html

Do you ever wonder why you love certain books, while others leave you wanting more? Every book needs to be strong in certain elements in order to capture…and hold your attention.

For me, the beginning of a story – the hook that grabs me…and the ending of a story – the finish that leaves me feeling satisfied, are crucial. Love, Twelve Miles Long is a perfect example of a picture book that succeeds in both of these.

love twelve miles long


Author: Glenda Armand

Illustrator: Colin Bootman

Publisher: Lee & Low

Date: 2011

Word Count: 1200 est.

Top 10 Element: Beginnings and Endings

This book stands out for many reasons, but the beginning absolutely grabs you.

The scene is set in a Continue reading

PB 14:14 – Top 10 Picture Book Story Elements – It’s Time for Rhyme

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Today is the first day of Christie Wright Wild’s PB 14:14…fourteen days of immersing ourselves in picture books – probably the best Valentine’s day gift I could ever get!

I was honored to guest-post on Christie’s blog today: http://christiewrightwild.blogspot.com/2015/02/pb-1414-in-2015-day-one-with-vivian.html

And I’m thrilled to be participating in this challenge – examining ten different elements that make a picture book sing. Here is the list Continue reading