All Different Now: Juneteenth, the First Day of Freedom

Is it Friday already? The days seem to fly by! The good thing is that it’s time for a Perfect Picture Book review and craft activity. Susanna Hill’s blog is the place to go to find a whole bunch of other Perfect Picture Book Friday entries.

Today’s Perfect Picture Book is a perfect book to read as we celebrate Martin Luther King Day on January 19th.

all different now

All Different Now: Juneteenth, the First Day of Freedom

Written by Angela Johnson

Illustrated by E.B. Lewis

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers (2014)

Ages: 5-9

Themes: First day of freedom, slavery, family togetherness


Opening Lines:

“A June morning breeze off the port blew the smell of honeysuckle past the fields, across the yard, and into our room to wake us. And nobody knew as we ate a little, talked a little, and headed to the fields as the sun was rising, that soon it would be all different.” Continue reading