#PPBF: Sam, Sebbie and Di-Di-Di at the Night Safari – Teaching Cooperation with Picture Books

Today is Perfect Picture Book Friday, but I have some exciting news to share first…I just completed Susanna Leonard Hill’s Making Picture Book Magic class.


I can honestly say that I learned more about writing picture books during the one month online course than I did in the last two years. More importantly, it was a hands-on experience ALL THE WAY – personally mentored by the lovely Susanna and filled with amazing comraderie and feedback from the other attendees…thank you to Jeanine, Carrie, Dana, Linda, Heather and Kirsten…for your support, encouragement and inspiration.

Don’t you love getting packages in the mail?

Yesterday the doorbell rang. The mailman had a package for me…I had to sign for it because it was from Singapore. I opened it carefully and took a deep breath, hoping I could bring back the scents of that beautiful city.

I wasn’t able to detect anything in the air, but the contents more than made up for that. TWO PICTURE BOOKS from leading Singapore author, David Seow! Hip hip hooray!

I don’t want to overwhelm you, so I’m reviewing one today and will save the other for another time. I read this one to my grandson last night…he loved it and wanted to hear it again…and we all know that is the sign that Continue reading