#50PreciousWords 2021: And the Winners are…

Welcome all! It’s been a busy month, for sure!
Writers writing!
Judges reading!
And an entire kid-lit community supporting with encouraging comments.
To me, the thread of almost 11,000 positive comments is probably what I love most about the contest. Well…perhaps the 770 fabulous stories and the courage of their authors are what I love the most. And honestly, I’m pretty fond of my five assistant judges who read all of the stories and commented on them. It was only when the sheer number of comments broke the Linky List that I instructed them not to comment, but to concentrate on reading because the blog was taking so long to load after each comment.

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Happy National Inventors Day and a Sneak Peek at #50PreciousWords 2021

Happy National Inventors Day!

Happy Birthday to Thomas Edison!

Happy Birthday to…me!

That’s right! Today is my birthday. I was always happy to share a birthday with a famous inventor. So, maybe it’s not surprising that I wrote FROM HERE TO THERE – a collection of stories about nine visionaries who changed the way the world moves.

And I guess it’s also not surprising that I created a contest for other writers.

Art by Vicky Fang

When I first got the idea for this contest back in 2016, I thought a few of my friends might take pity on me and submit a story – to my surprise, there were

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