Sunday Post: Captivating…Reading Builds Vocabulary

Sunday Post: Captivating

Jake at Time after Time has a Sunday Post Challenge…today’s theme is CAPTIVATING.

The dictionary definition of captivating: attracting, influencing and holding by excellence or charm.



The excellence of a book is captivating.

Fishing Jeremy looking up at Grammy

The charm of a child is captivating.


What captivates you?


Captivate your child by reading excellent picture books. Studies show that children who are read to every day have greater success in school. They enter kindergarten understanding 20,000 words or more of vocabulary as opposed to 5000 words or less. And the children who are behind almost NEVER make up the gap.

“In 1950 the average spoken vocabulary of a child entering first grade was 4000 words. By 1990 this figure had dropped to 1000 words. Why? Because children are not read to and do not have very much quality interaction with their parents. Plus they do not pick up new words at play with their peers. And it is hard for two tired, working parents or a single parent to do much with their children at the end of the day. Many kids are simply placed in front of the TV while mom and/or dad get supper ready.” – Yale-New Haven Teacher’s Institute

Show Me How! Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem Through Reading, Crafting and Cooking can help! Click this link if you would like a copy! The book makes it easy to pinpoint the best books to read. It gives parents arts and crafts activities that are quick and easy. And it provides simple healthful recipes that you can make with your child. Captivate your kid, encourage creative expression and, most of all, have fun together!


Join in the fun with Jake’s Sunday Post.

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Jakesprinter’s Sunday Post : Captivating | restlessjo

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The Sunday Post: Captivating | Thirdeyemom

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Sunday Post: Captivating | patriciaddrury

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