Perfect Picture Book Friday: I Am Jazz – A True Story About A Transgender Child

Roses are red, violets are blue.

We’ve got so much snow, I don’t know what to do!

Yes, you’ve guessed it. We got more snow during the week and they are predicting another HUGE blizzard within forty-eight hours. As you can imagine, I am now on a first name basis with our lovely snow plow guy. See what his plow looks like after pushing all that snow?


Fortunately, there is so much for a writer to do when stuck in the house. I’m still participating in Kristen Fulton’s 52 Weeks of Charting Non-Fiction Picture Books.

So today’s Perfect Picture Book Friday selection is one of the special stories from that challenge.

But before I get to the review, I wanted to mention another challenge that is near and dear to my heart. Whether you are a writer or a reader, a teacher or a parent, you know that reviews are very important for the success of a book…especially those that are posted to Amazon and other review sites. I’ve been tagged by a dear friend, Carrie Finison, to participate in BOOK LOVE – a Blog Hop

. Anyone can jump on board. And I hope that all of you will. There is only one requirement. Review a picture book (especially one that doesn’t have many reviews) and post it to Amazon. I did that last week for All Different Now – Juneteenth, the First Day of Freedom by Angela Johnson (only had 4 reviews), Elizabeth, Queen of the Seas by Lynne Cox (only had 15 reviews), Skit-Scat Ragetty Cat, by Roxanne Orgill (only had 9 reviews). I’ll be posting my review for today’s selection also, as well as doing a bonus book review (which you will find at the end of this post).

Writers and illustrators work so hard to put quality books on the shelves for our children. I’ve spoken to published authors who tell me Continue reading