Academy Award of the Blogosphere: The Liebster Award


31st Academy Awards Presentations, Pantages Th...

Image via Wikipedia


The 84th Academy Awards will be televised on Sunday, February 26th at 7pm EST.  If you are interested in a run-down of the nominees, you can go to the Official Site of the Academy Awards.

The Blogosphere has its own awards that one blogger can confer on another blogger.  Among the many awards are the Versatile Blogger Award, the Stylish Blogger Award, the Kreativ Blogger Award and the Liebster Blog Award.


I was honored to receive the Liebster Blog Award yesterday from Patricia Tilton, an amazing woman who has been in love with writing for most of her life.  Please visit her Children’s Books Heal blog to learn more about this special lady.  I’ve connected with Pat in Julie Hedlund’s 12 x 12 Picture Book Writing Challenge and in Susannah Leonard Hill’s Perfect Picture Book Fridays.  If you love picture books and children, you will love all of these talented authors.

Liebster is a German word, meaning dearest or beloved, but it can also mean favorite. The idea behind the Liebster Blog Award is that it is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers in order to create new connections and bring attention to their wonderful blogs!”

In accepting this award, I must thank the giver, add the award to my blog, list five things about myself people don’t know and select five bloggers to whom I want to give the Liebster Blog Award.

Patricia…Thank you so much.  I truly am grateful for the award…but connecting with you and the others who have motivated me to return to writing picture books is, in itself, the ultimate reward for me!

I’ve posted the award logo…so on to five things about me that most of you might not know.

  1. Heights are not my favorite thing, but I went skydiving with my son last year in Chicago.  I had a ball.  You can click on the link to see the video.
  2. Oceans and swimming are also not my favorite things, but I went on an undersea walk with a Jules Verne-type helmet on my head during a trip to the Caribbean.  It was an amazing experience!
  3. Decades ago, I almost failed the verbal part of my teachers’ license exam because of a panic attack…but I managed to collect myself and continue on, even though my hands were sweating, my knees were knocking and my teeth were chattering.
  4. In addition to being a kindergarten and Head Start teacher before I had children, I also operated a home daycare for many years while my own children were growing up.  At the same time, I helped my husband in his financial planning business and had to get licensed as a registered insurance and investment representative.  Talk about juggling many hats!
  5. When my children were small, I wrote several picture book drafts that lay languishing in boxes or were lost during our many moves.   I’m thrilled to be back writing picture books…thank you, Julie and Susannah…and I keep a notebook and pen with me at all times (by the bed, in my handbag and yes, even in the bathroom) in case a brilliant thought comes upon me and I need to write it down before it returns to the universe from whence it came.

And now here are five wonderful bloggers who I’d like to give the Liebster Blog Award.

Barb at Plate Spinning 101

Amberr at Like a Bump on a Blog

Elizabeth at Mirth and Motivation

Nancy at Spirit Lights the Way

Milka at Perfecting Motherhood

I honestly don’t know how many followers each of these bloggers have already…but I know I enjoy reading their posts regularly…they make me laugh and cry…they teach me things I didn’t know and make me think…so please go and check them out!