National Bullying Prevention Month – PPBF

Today is Friday – I have a children’s book review to add to the Perfect Picture Book resource list that author Susanna Leonard Hill is building on her blog. For more wonderful reviews from authors, educators and others who contributed today, please go here.


We’ve been so busy with our move, the fact that it is National Bullying Prevention Month almost got past me. We read tragic stories in the media about kids who suffer from bullying so much, they can think of no other option but to take their own lives. The campaign to prevent bullying starts with each one of us. What will you do to help?

One of the things I do is to encourage parents to help their young children develop strong positive self-esteem. Kids who believe they are valuable and worthwhile are much less likely to be bullied. Spending time with your children, whether you are reading, crafting, cooking or simply having a conversation with them, is an important way. Please check out my award-winning parent/teacher resource for quick and easy activities that are fun for the entire family.

Another important element in building self-esteem is feeling loved and accepted. One of the stories on my grandson’s bookshelf is all about this.



Written by Bonnie Verburg

Illustrated by Henry Cole

Publisher: Orchard Books (2011)

Ages: 3 and up


Separation anxiety, feeling loved

Opening Lines:

“Mama Bear was always home, and that’s how Little Bear liked it. But sooner or later, all mama bears need to go away, even if it’s just for a little while.” Continue reading