#PPBF: Tiny Creatures – The World of Microbes

The snow is falling…again! Here in Amherst, New Hampshire, we were clobbered by a huge blizzard just a few days ago and, as I look out my window, it seems Mother Nature is giving us an encore.


So it’s nice to be inside, cozy and warm, sharing my Perfect Picture Book Friday review with you.

tiny creatures

Tiny Creatures: The World of Microbes

Written by Nicola Davies

Illustrated by Emily Sutton

Publisher: Candlewick Press (2014)

Ages: 5 and up

Themes: Science, health, the world around us


Opening Lines:

“You know about big animals, and you know about small animals…but do you know that there are creatures so tiny that millions could fit on this ant’s antenna?”


From Amazon: “All around the world — in the sea, in the soil, in the air, and in your body — there are living things so tiny that millions could fit on an ant’s antenna. They’re busy doing all sorts of things, from giving you a cold and making yogurt to eroding mountains and helping to make the air we breathe. If you could see them with your eye, you’d find that they all look different, and that they’re really good at changing things into something else and at making many more microbes like themselves!.” Continue reading