Children and Art Activities: Some Observations

Once a month, our local Family Christian Store hosts the Show-Me-How Story-time with Miss Vivian program.  I read a picture book story and do a related craft project, chosen from those recommended in my book.  This is the same program that I provide to District 11 kindergartens and Pre-K’s during the school year.

Yesterday, the program’s topic was: How to Stay Healthy This School Year.  I read Stan and Jan Berenstain’s, The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food.  In the story, Mama Bear realizes that the bear cubs and her husband are eating too many sweet and junky snacks.  She removes the junk food from the pantry and refrigerator and the entire family goes grocery shopping the next day where they purchase healthy foods: vegetables and fruits, whole grain breads and cereals and eggs, cheese and milk.  They go to their family doctor for a check-up and she tells them that if they want to stay in good health, in addition to eating healthy foods, they should exercise every day.  Taking the doctor’s advice, the bears begin a program of daily exercise.  At the end of the summer, they win a prize for being the only family to finish the entire Bear Country Three-Mile Run.

After the story was over, the children eagerly moved to the tables for the craft project.  Each child got a paper plate, 2 small black circles for eyes and 1 small black circle for a nose.  Although we all started out intending to make bear faces, two of the children decided to make dog faces and one child made his paper plate into a cat.  After gluing on the eyes and nose, each child used markers and crayons to add features and designs to the paper plate face.  For over an hour, the children happily worked on their projects…the only frowns I saw on these children were when parents came to say it was time to go.  Parents were able to take home an informational flyer, Five Simple Steps to Stay Healthy This School Year.


If you give children art supplies and a project to work on, they will be engaged and productive and happy.


If you allow children a certain amount of freedom when they are engaged in art activities, they will almost always surprise you with their creativity.


Children often become very talkative when they are happily engaged in arts and crafts…this is a PERFECT time for parents to listen and interact with their children.

So, I have a few questions to ask if you are a parent or caretaker of a child age 2-7:

  • Would you like to put educational, fun-filled activities in your child’s day?
  • Do you need tips on school readiness for your child?
  • Are you time-short when it comes to planning activities for your child?
  • Do you wonder which books to choose to read to your child?
  • Would you like to have a simple plan to follow on rainy days…or any day?
  • Do you want your child to be engaged in positive learning on a daily basis?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions:

  • Purchase a copy of the award-winning Show Me How!.
  •  The low price (50% off) is only available on my website.
  • This is a perfect holiday gift for anyone who takes care of young children.
  • Schools and other organizations can receive additional discounts.

A book is a child’s window on the world…no rules, just read!


Children who love books step out from inside the covers and succeed in life!


Art & children…peanut butter & jelly…combinations that create magic!


We all need a cheering committee…a parent is a child’s most important fan!


Want to be in your children’s memories tomorrow?  Be in their lives today!


Don’t let this opportunity pass you by…with gift-giving holidays right around the corner, we are excited to provide Show Me How! at 50% off the cover price.  Parents, expectant parents, grandparents, preschool and nursery teachers, babysitters…this is a gift that will keep on giving long after the package is opened.  Please visit my website to purchase a copy for yourself or as a gift for someone special!   When you purchase a copy, you are helping others…a portion of the proceeds from the sale of each book benefits three children’s organizations:, and

14 thoughts on “Children and Art Activities: Some Observations

    • Thanks, Stacy! I’ll make sure to get the word out to you in time for the next Show Me How Story-time program. 🙂 The e-book you got was on Amazon’s Kindle, right? Hope the activities and story suggestions make a fun day for all!


    • Nancy…it’s funny you say that about getting out the crayons…my husband took up watercolor painting and pen & ink drawing two years ago…with no background or evident past interest in art. He absolutely LOVES it and is so engaged in art now…he is either painting a picture or planning his next one. 🙂 Art is such a wonderful way to express our creativity and emotional center.


    • Hi Amberr,
      So glad you enjoy my posts…and I hope I’m sharing some info and ideas that are helpful to you and others. Maybe you can “request” the book as a gift for the next event that merits a present.:) It’s no joke that the book can change lives because it changes the way we see ourselves and the way our children see themselves. So many simple activities and tips…you’ll never run out of things to do with your family.


  1. Im out of the classroom now, but I used to work with Primary Elementary Ed students and this is such a great lesson. I love it. I think many parents can take these lessons and do smaller versions of them to keep their children learning and busy at home. Especially moms of toddlers and preschoolers. I am interested in checking out your book!!

    Thank you for your kind words and stopping by my blog. I really liked your post on marriage after kids. I agree that those three things are the most important in connecting again.



    • Your post really touched my heart…because most of us have been there as well. I’ve been married to my husband for 44 years!!!!!! And we met when I was 16 and a freshman in college, so I’ve known him 48 years. 🙂 No one is perfect…we are just lucky if the man we marry is “perfect” for us and his particular “faults” are not so important to us.:) When people congratulate me for being married to the same man for 44 years, I tell them that it is a “work in progress”. Many highs and many lows…but communication is such a big factor…I think I mentioned in the blog post on marriage and children that the car parked in the driveway was our “conference room” and we spent many hours there talking.
      I hope you check out the book…it lays out a simple plan with so many easy educational activities.


  2. You always make it fun Vivian… Glad to see you are back in the classroom with the kids and your wonderful projects… I hope they know how lucky they are to have you and your enthusiasm… A great year to you! 🙂
    Finally catching up again… where did the time go? Phew! 🙂


    • Yes, it is lots of fun…and the kids absolutely love it…hope I can communicate this to parents who may be hesitant and unsure when it comes to doing reading, crafting and cooking with little ones. 🙂
      Happy Autumn, Eliz!


  3. Pingback: Holiday Stress and How to Renew, Relax and Rejuvenate « Positive Parental Participation

  4. Pingback: Festival of Trees Festive Family Fun Days: A Few Reflections « Positive Parental Participation

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