Project 365 and the 2012 Positive Parental Participation Challenge

Last year, bloggers on WordPress were given a challenge to write a post every day…it was called Post-a-day-2011.

This year, another daily post challenge has been issued by WordPress…Project 365.  Why not Project 366 since 2012 is a Leap Year with 366 days?  However, I guess if bloggers are able to write 365 posts in 2012, I’m sure they will consider themselves an unqualified success…I know I would.

I took part in the 2011 Post-a-day challenge and started out 2011 writing posts every day…this lasted about three months.  After that I tried to post at least twice a week…sometimes I succeeded, but other times I didn’t.  I take my hat off (or would if I wore one) to those bloggers who completed the task and made it to the end of the year, still posting every day.

For 2012, I am throwing my hat into the ring (even though, as I’ve already stated, I’m not wearing one) and will try to provide a post of value for every day.

In addition, I’m also issuing a challenge to every parent of young children.  Make 2012 a year of engagement with your child!  Read with your child every day!  Be positive and consistent!  Get back to the basics and spend time with your child doing fun-filled educational self-esteem building activities, like arts and crafts or simple cooking experiences.  Keep a journal of the picture books you read and the activities you do.  Share them here with us.

At the end of each month, there will be a prize of a picture book awarded to one family.  During the year, any parent who is participating in the challenge and wishes to buy a copy of Show Me How! Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem Through Reading, Crafting and Cooking will receive an additional $5 off my website price.  I’ll set up a special PayPal button to reflect that discount.  This award-winning book is a unique resource for parents and teachers…it pinpoints 100 picture books every young child should hear and then provides a story summary, parenting tip, simple craft project and easy cooking activity for each of the recommended titles. 


Why should parents use Show Me How?  The author of the Angelina Ballerina series says, “Parents will find inspiration in this delightful guide to reading and planning activities with young children.”   And the creator of the Clifford the Big Red Dog series adds, “Show Me How is a wonderful resource for parents who care for their children and hope to better their reading and learning experiences.”

Parents…make this a fun-filled self-esteem building year for your child!

Join the 2012 Positive Parental Participation Challenge!

A small investment of your time will bring a great reward for your child!

The Show Me How program requires no batteries!

The activities are powered by your child’s imagination!

17 thoughts on “Project 365 and the 2012 Positive Parental Participation Challenge

    • Thank you so much, Jackie. I continue to be blown away by the quality of the people (like you) that I meet while blogging. 🙂
      I think if I had it to do over again, I would opt for homeschooling for my own children…it wasn’t so popular 30 or 40 years ago…now more and more parents are trying it so that they can have more control over what their children are learning (or not learning 🙂 and have more opportunity to develop a strong connection with their children. Very worthwhile, I think!


  1. Pingback: Add your URL to MEME for Project 365 | ♥ Project 365 ♥ Challenge ♥

  2. I’d love to participate in this challenge, but am a little confused about the accountability. Will there be a link so that we can share or do we just come and comment on your blog every day?

    Can’t WAIT to get started!!

    PS – Will you be doing any events in the Springs soon?


    • That’s great, Jenn!!! I’m excited about the Challenge! I was thinking that people would just comment on the blog site each day…or as often as they can. I’m not tech-savvy enough to know how to make a link for them to go to. At the end of each month, I’ll enter each comment (or the name of each commenter) into a program like, so someone who comments 10 times in the month has a better chance of winning than someone who only comments once. However, since it is a random pick, anyone can win, so people shouldn’t feel hesitant to take part if they think they won’t be able to comment frequently.
      As far as programs, I haven’t connected with the Family Christian Bookstore since their new manager took over…I’ve been so busy with other programs at the District 11 schools. I also haven’t contacted the Pikes Peak Library District about doing another story/craft program…but they told me just to let them know whenever I want to do it again. I have a PTA presentation coming up at Ridgeview Elementary next Monday night…and then in Feb and March I’m doing a special after-school program for 1st and 2nd graders. So I’ve been pretty busy…but I will let you know when I schedule a library or bookstore program.
      You are such a wonderful fan…I’m honored. 🙂
      Hope your holidays were joyful and the New Year is filled with happiness, good health and success!


  3. Hi Vivian – I just popped over from Stacy’s blog – her post was so nice I had to come check 🙂 I love your idea of challenging parents to read with their kids every day, and I just wanted to say that I run a series on my blog called Perfect Picture Book Fridays (you are most welcome to join if you’d care to! – Stacy is a regular participant.) PPBs are all highly recommended, and they all come with suggestions for and links to activities of all kinds for both home and classroom. They are archived on the Perfect Picture Book tab of my blog. So if your readers need additional book suggestions, want to know what’s age appropriate, are looking for a book on a certain topic, or want activities to go along with reading, that’s what the resource is for! Please visit if you’d like 🙂

    So nice to “meet” you!


    • Hi Susannah,
      Thank you so much for stopping by…I will be over to visit you in a bit. I’m excited to link up with you and offer my readers what sounds like an awesome resource for picture books and activities. If you have a button, I will definitely grab it. 🙂
      It’s lovely to meet you as well!


  4. Pingback: Celebrity Reveal on the Importance of Reading « Positive Parental Participation

  5. Pingback: Project 365 Challenge: Official Comment Page for January « Positive Parental Participation

  6. Hi Vivian, Nancy Hatch sent me over to take a look at your challenge and I think it’s a great idea. I have two little ones and we do read several books every single day.

    I’m not sure I understand how this challenge works though. Where do we post our progress, on our blog or yours?

    Thanks for explaining.


    • I know…I think I confused a lot of people. 🙂 Sorry about that!
      I just posted an explanation in today’s blog.
      There will be a page for each month that you can comment on…there is a button posted on the top right sidebar. jUst click and it will take you to that page where you can add your comments whenever you make them. Or…you can comment on any page…let’s say you are reading the Perfect Picture Book Friday post where I will review a picture book…you can comment on that post with your sharing of books you read with your children. One of the other moms suggested I make a separate page for the sharing comments to make it easier for everyone to link up on one page.
      If you have a better way to do this…I would welcome any input or feedback. This is the first time I have done something like this…so I can use all the help I can get. 🙂
      Would LOVE to have you and your little ones be part of the PPP Challenge…hop aboard!
      I’ll visit your blog in the morning…right now I think I need to go to bed.


  7. Pingback: Did You get a Hug Today? « Jackie Paulson~Writer

    • You are such a special person, Jackie…and that’s why you got this prestigious award!
      I’m honored that you’ve passed along the Hug Award to me…I will definitely pass it to others who are making a difference.


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