Sunday Post: Shelter

Jake at Time after Time has a Sunday Post Challenge and every week he provides a theme…this week’s theme is SHELTER.

I always try to tie in the theme with something related to parenting.

The dictionary defines “shelter” as a something that covers or protects.


“Oh wert thou in the cauld blast, On yonder lea, on yonder lea; My plaidie to the angryairt, I’d shelter thee, I’d shelter thee.”

             –  Robert Burns

Yes…parents need to be a shelter for their children.  Sad to say, all too often, here in the United States and in many places around the world, parents are not.  Sometimes it is because they don’t know any better or because the parenting they received was lacking in love and nurturing.  In many instances, though, it is because of conditions beyond their control…war, famine and drought. 

Is there anything we can do to help?

One mother and her son have found a way.

Did you know that in many parts of the world, children walk several hours a day to collect the water needed by their family for drinking, washing and cooking?  And the water they finally get is often contaminated…but they must use it anyway, because there is no clean water available to them.

Angela, over at A Child’s Heart of Faith, and her six-year old son, Jackson, are doing something to help!

Instead of getting a bunch of gifts from his friends for his birthday, Jackson asked them to donate $6 to his Water Wishes Project…when the goal of $5000 is reached, they will be able to provide a well for one of the many communities around the world where children are giving up their childhood because of the lack of clean water.  Please visit Jackson’s Birthday-Earth Day Water Wishes page…your children are invited to draw a picture for the project…and your donation will move them closer to their goal of providing clean water for an entire community.

Just as houses are shelters to protect our bodies and parents are shelters to protect their children, libraries are shelters that protect the books that serve as windows on the world to many.

“To a historian libraries are food, shelter, and even muse.”  – Barbara Wertheim Tuchman

There is only ONE MORE DAY LEFT in the The SMH Library Project.


And, if you haven’t done it already, please nominate your favorite library in the comment section!  Twenty-five libraries will receive a free copy of Show Me How! Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem Through Reading, Crafting and Cooking.  NOMINATIONS CLOSE April 30!  Don’t let your library lose out on the chance of getting this award-winning resource for parents and teachers and your entire community.


Want more information about Jake’s Sunday Post? 

And here are some other bloggers who are doing Jake’s Sunday Post:

36 thoughts on “Sunday Post: Shelter

    • Thanks so much, Gilly Gee! It is a photo of my daughter and her son, when he was a few months old.  They are so very precious to me…and they provide many great picture-taking opportunities as well. 🙂   


  1. Sounds like a wonderful project. For now, we just have birthday parties and ask for no gifts, but this would be a great alternative.


    • Thank you, Stacy, for stopping by. 🙂  I love the idea of turning kids on to volunteerism and reaching out to others.  And, as you are exhibiting by the “no gifts” request for Enzo’s birthday, many parents are realizing that their children just have TOO MUCH STUFF. 🙂   


    • You are so welcome, Kate!  I’m happy to spread the word about them…both the Birthday Water Wishes Project and the SMH Library Project. 🙂  Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting!  


  2. What a wonderful interpretation of the theme! I love your story too. A loving mother is a shelter for her children. I just love your post, Vivian.
    Fantastic! Thanks for the ping back too!


    • Hi Judy, Thank you…and you are so welcome! When I saw the theme, I immediately thought of how a child is sheltered by parents, oftentimes by momma…and the photo of my daughter and her son just jumped out at me. 🙂   


  3. Beautiful message, combined with a wonderful cause. Safe Drinking water is of great interest to me and I support several organizations that build wells. Proctor and Gamble has a great program called PURS, Will check out the website.


  4. Pingback: Shelter Me From The Rain | this man's journey

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