Sunday Post: Splendid…Places, People and Things

Jake at Time after Time has a Sunday Post Challenge and every week he provides a theme…this week’s theme is SPLENDID.


The sky is SPLENDID: heavenly, grand, phenomenal!


Oceans and rivers are SPLENDID: impressive, magnificent, exquisite.


Family time together is SPLENDID: brilliant, memorable, charming.

Positive Parental Participation is celebrating the beginning of a SPLENDID new school year by donating a dozen copies of Show Me How! to schools all across the country.

The Show Me How School Initiative is a SPLENDID way to help schools put this award-winning resource of multi-sensory lessons and activities in their classrooms.

If you’d like your favorite school (or home-school) to receive a SPLENDID free copy, please leave a comment.  At the beginning of October, we will announce the winners.

Will you be SPLENDID?  Please help spread the word through your social media network…blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterist…however you love to interact with your followers.

Want more information about Jake’s Sunday Post? 

And here are some other bloggers who are doing Jake’s Sunday Post…click on a link and travel around the world:

34 thoughts on “Sunday Post: Splendid…Places, People and Things

  1. Pingback: Sunday Post: Splendid | Inspired Vision

    • Thanks, Susanna! The reason I wrote the book was to get it into the hands of those who can benefit from using it…the bottom line is that if a school classroom has it, many more will enjoy the activities. 🙂


    • Hi Jo…that’s very kind of you to say! I’m so impressed with the quality of photography I see when I visit Jake’s Sunday Post followers. 🙂 It’s such fun…just like taking a trip around the world…people are from all around the globe!


  2. Family quality time is wonderful. We have our son and girlfriend with us at the moment and the days on the beach, meals together, debates and games are great! We ill sleep for a week once they ahve gone though


    • Well…some scenes can make anyone look like a great photographer…they are just so “splendid”! Thanks for the kind words, Eliz…my favorite is the one of my son-in-law and grandson pitching pebbles into the lake. 🙂   


  3. Pingback: Sunday Post: People: Who Are the Most Important People in Your Life? « Positive Parental Participation

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