How to Make an Elephant Craft – Dill the Little Elephant

Today is Friday – I have a children’s book review to add to the  Perfect Picture Book resource list that author Susanna Leonard Hill is building on her blog. For more wonderful reviews from authors, educators and others who contributed today, please go here

My picture book pick today is one of the treasures I scooped up in Singapore last week at the Asian Festival of Children’s Content. In addition to incredible presentations given by inspiring speakers, there were over a dozen book launches.

How to Make An Elephant Craft

Dill the Little Elephant

Retold by Ming & Volker

Illustrated by Yusof Gajah

Publisher: Integra Majujaya (2013)

Ages: 3 and up


Friendship, courage, family, animals

Opening Lines:

“One day in the forest, a baby elephant was born. He was so small, his parents called him Dill.”


When the elephant herd must leave their grazing field, little Dill cannot be found and is left behind. The little elephant strikes out to find his family. He meets two musicians, a frog and a cricket, who invite him to join their band. The journey to find his parents is difficult, but Dill never gives up hope.

Why  I like this book

I bought this wonderful picture book at the Asian Festival of Children’s Content in Singapore and was honored to meet the illustrator and have time to speak with him.

How to Make an Elephant Craft

From left to right: Mr. Ramachandran (executive director of the National Book Development Council of Singapore), my apologies for not remembering the name of the lady next to him, Evelyn Wong (author and consultant), Yusof Gajah and me.

Mr. Gajah’s elephant illustrations are known around the world and I was captivated with the simple pictures and bold brilliant use of colors. I also loved the message of friendship, courage and hope.

How a parent can use this book:

·      Journey into the use of colors when drawing…young children will love the illustrations and will be inspired to create their own.

·      Would recommend reading from the pictures for younger children…the text might be more appropriate for the older child.

Related Activities:


How to Make an Elephant Craft

How to make an elephant craft

For more information on other titles by Yusof Gajah:

To see his solo exhibition and more on YouTube:

 To see an elephant paint a self-portrait (thanks to Patricia Tilton for the heads-up about this):

Participating in the 2013 Asian Festival of Children’s Content was an amazing experience…it was a thrill to present my book to parents, teachers and conference attendees during my program: A Picture Book is Worth a Thousand Words.

How to make an elephant craft

No batteries required…powered by a child’s imagination!   Click this link to purchase a copy

What books have you read with your child this past week?

33 thoughts on “How to Make an Elephant Craft – Dill the Little Elephant

    • I was honored to participate…and what a fantastic experience to fly half-way around the world…especially since it was my FIRST international flight ever. 🙂 I hope they will want me back next year. 🙂


  1. What a charming book for kids with a great message. Am glad you’re sharing a special book from the Asian Festival of Children’s Content. Looking forward to a more detailed account of your time there.


  2. What a charming book for kids with a great message. Your hand elephants are wonderful. Am glad you’re sharing a special book from the Asian Festival of Children’s Content. Looking forward to a more detailed account of your time there.


    • Just get out the paper and markers…after reading this story, kids will be inspired to create their own masterpieces. 🙂 At the conference, there was a book launch session where an illustrator invited kids to come up to the stage and draw…while he spoke to the audience, the kids were happily engrossed in their work. At the end of the session, he awarded a prize to each of the children for their art.
      Glad you liked the book…the colors are captivating.


  3. Welcome back, Vivian.
    Friday’s book pic sounds wonderful.
    I love the elephant hand prints. Very creative.
    I’m glad you got to promote your super book,–the one where no batteries are required. Love that tag line.
    Tracy 🙂


    • Thanks, Tracy! The conference was incredible…and I was thrilled to be able to share ‘Show Me How!’.
      It was hard not to buy more picture books…but I knew I had to lug them home in my suitcase. 🙂


        • They gave us a canvas shopping bag when we registered at the conference (they were sweet and had mine waiting at the hotel when I checked in Saturday morning at 1am :)…in the bag was the conference book…with all the sessions laid out and the speakers’ list with photos (so helpful in figuring out who everyone was) AND several picture books the National Book Development Council had just published…so I had a head start before even buying any. 🙂


    • It’s good to be back, Julie! But I was pleasantly surprised by the ease of traveling that great distance…and I definitely didn’t want to say good-bye to the wonderful people I met in Singapore.
      Glad you liked the handprint elephant…I had never seen elephants done that way. 🙂


  4. So glad you had such a wonderful time at the festival, Vivian! This book looks wonderful, and I love the activities – especially the handprint elephant! How cute is that? 🙂 Thanks for sharing this one!


    • I had an amazing time, Susanna…now I know why everyone raves about going to conferences. The sessions were stellar…I learned so much! And my presentations went well…after the 1st blogging panel, people came up to tell me that I inspired them to try blogging when I relayed how I had started blogging and participating in social media although I thought a tweet was the sound a bird made.  Now I can’t wait for the Denver SCBWI Fall Letters and Lines Conference in September. 🙂


    • Milka…what a great idea for the summer. Here’s another idea for mess-free ‘painting’…go outside on a really hot day and find a little shade…take a bowl of water and paint brushes and the kids can have a ball, painting figures, letters, designs on the sidewalk or pavement…when you are finished, there is no mess to clean up and everyone is a little cooler. I did this with my grandson last summer and he loved it. 🙂


  5. Sounds lovely and those crafts are really cute. I’ve been painting elephants they are fun to do. Great picture from the festival, Vivian


  6. The last few posts I’ve received have been in unreadable text. See if when you receive this it’s that way. Don’t know what’s happenening. Rho (talk to you soon to hear all the exciting details of your adventure)

    Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2013 07:25:01 +0000 To:


    • Hi sweet sister!
      Sorry about that…I thought I had corrected it…wonder if others have experienced the same problem with my posts.
      It was great talking with you earlier…so much more to tell. 🙂


  7. Pingback: Emma’s Elephant: Picture Book Review and Activity | Picture Books Help Kids Soar

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