#PPBF: Tiny Creatures – The World of Microbes

The snow is falling…again! Here in Amherst, New Hampshire, we were clobbered by a huge blizzard just a few days ago and, as I look out my window, it seems Mother Nature is giving us an encore.


So it’s nice to be inside, cozy and warm, sharing my Perfect Picture Book Friday review with you.

tiny creatures

Tiny Creatures: The World of Microbes

Written by Nicola Davies

Illustrated by Emily Sutton

Publisher: Candlewick Press (2014)

Ages: 5 and up

Themes: Science, health, the world around us


Opening Lines:

“You know about big animals, and you know about small animals…but do you know that there are creatures so tiny that millions could fit on this ant’s antenna?”


From Amazon: “All around the world — in the sea, in the soil, in the air, and in your body — there are living things so tiny that millions could fit on an ant’s antenna. They’re busy doing all sorts of things, from giving you a cold and making yogurt to eroding mountains and helping to make the air we breathe. If you could see them with your eye, you’d find that they all look different, and that they’re really good at changing things into something else and at making many more microbes like themselves!.”

Why I like this book:

  • I’ve fallen in love with non-fiction picture books – and this one is a great example of one that is full of fun facts
  • The text is engaging – encouraging kids to learn about microbes – and how important it is to wash our hands
  • Clear simple colorful illustrations help the young child understand the size differential between microbes and other objects



How a parent can use this book:

  • It’s really important for kids to wash their hands – but most of them think it is a pain and a bother. This book will show them how important it is to do it
  • Help children understand that even things that are small can be powerful and useful

Related Activity:

Kids love to find out about ‘stuff’…I know my grandson loves to do ‘experiments’…anything that includes measuring, seeing how things work, or watching how baking soda fizzes when you add vinegar to it. 🙂 Clean sink drains, anyone?


Great websites with reviews, lesson plans and more:



I hope you are all enjoying my journey into non-fiction picture books this year. If you’d like to read more picture book reviews, please stop by Susanna Hill’s Perfect Picture Book Friday blog…there are more than a dozen new ones today – plus she has a tab on her blog that will take you to over a thousand more! What a fantastic resource for parents, teachers and librarians.

And now for some MORE FUN! I was tagged by a good friend and critique buddy, Carrie Finison, to participate in a Book Love Blog Hop, posting reviews to Amazon and other sites of books I love: https://storypatch.wordpress.com/2015/01/30/announcing-book-love-a-blog-hop.

Authors work so hard to write these wonderful books – so I’m thrilled to help spread the word about them. I plan to post a review to Amazon for every book I review on my blog the year. I’ve already posted Amazon reviews for the four books I’ve reviewed so far this year. If you would like to participate in the blog hop and post a couple of Amazon reviews for children’s books you’ve read, please leave a comment on this post or pm me on Facebook. Ready, set, go!

17 thoughts on “#PPBF: Tiny Creatures – The World of Microbes

  1. Aha! You’ve picked this book to review! I just got it from the library, and I do love it. It’s very well written and illustrated. But I am still flabbergasted that it doesn’t contain any back matter. Hmmm.

    Wish we had some snow in the Sierras right now. I’d settle for rain. Enjoy that lovely white stuff!


    • You are so right, Jilanne…I was really surprised that there was no back matter or bibliography…maybe because the author is an expert in that field, the publisher didn’t think it was necessary…but it is helpful for the parent/teacher/child who picks up the book and maybe wants to pursue the subject further. 🙂

      Wish I could send you some of the snow…you would be welcome to a WHOLE BUNCH!!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • I love non fiction also, Heather. I always did as a child…and now I’m rediscovering it in the shape of these new fun non fiction picture books.
      How old is your son? My grandson is six and enjoys the science type nf books like this one…not the bibliography ones so much yet. 🙂


  2. Yes, please! This sounds like my kind of book. I’ve worked in hospitals and clinics and whatnot and really, really, really, hand washing can save your life. Any book that can help me echo that to my children is a book I must have indeed. Thank you for the review!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Glad to help out in this important task…you are right…and I’m not sure why it is…but kids seem to not want to wash their hands. 🙂 I think the world offers so much for them to be learning, they just can’t take the couple of minutes to do it…so we must help them develop this good habit. 😉 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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