Are You Critique Group Savvy? When Jen Garrett Speaks…PLUS Critique Giveaways

Today, dear friends, I’m bringing you a truly special post – thanks to author Jen Garrett. We were chatting the other day about how important it is to have good critique partners and how difficult it is to find them sometimes.

Jen graciously agreed to share some of what she knows about critique groups. And she knows alot. JEN Garrett writes for, about, and around children all day. But sometimes she finds time to do the dishes at her home in Northern California. She also finds time to be the SCBWI Critique Carousel Coordinator for her region, query agents, and read mountains of books. How? We don’t know. You can find more about her at

Welcome, Jen! Thank you for stopping by Picture Books Help Kids Soar to chat with us. And before I turn the platform over to you, let’s tell everyone about the giveaway that accompanies this post. Jen has agreed to donate a picture book manuscript critique…and I will donate another. So TWO lucky winners will be chosen and announced on another special post next Monday, August 31st, when I interview Moose, the dog in Maria Gianferrari’s Hello Goodbye Dog. To be entered in the giveaway, please leave a comment and tell us how you feel about critique groups.

And now, take it away, Jen!

Five Ways to Find Your Critique Group

Critique groups come in all shapes and sizes. Some are online, while other groups meet in person. Still others have a combination of online and in person interaction. Finding the perfect one for you takes preparation, determination, and a little bit of luck.

Writing Events

#1 One of the best ways to find a critique group is to meet other writers in person and exchange info. Where can you meet local writers? At local writer events, of course!

Writer events are often advertised in local newspapers and community magazines. You can also ask at the public library, college campus, or look for neighborhood bulletin boards near where you live. An online resource for finding these events no matter where you live is Meetup.

If you can’t find any events in your area, consider hosting one yourself at your local library or a local restaurant. Bring business cards when you attend to make connections with. I found my picture book critique group through a writer’s event. Actually, they found me!

Join Organizations

#2 Organizations such SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators), CBI (Children’s Book Insider) and other writing organizations often host events that are not widely advertised. Consider joining and/or attending sponsored writer’s conferences and events. If attending the conference provides you with amazing opportunities – such as finding a critique group – then joining the organization will likely benefit you even more.

Online writing organizations such as NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and WriteOnCon (Writers Online Conference) provide forums for finding critique groups in your genre.

Hone Your Craft

#3 The more you hone your craft by taking classes and attending webinars, the more you’ll rub shoulders with like-minded writers. An added perk to such courses is meeting fellow classmates who are also serious about honing craft. Don’t be afraid to exchange emails to connect outside class!

Many agents, editors, and authors host online courses and webinars.  Here’s a handful of my favorites.

  • Children’s Book Academy
  • Institute of Children’s Literature
  • Writing Blue Prints
  • 12 X 12 Writing Challenge
  • Kid Lit Writing School


 Get Social

#4 Connecting through social media is another great way to find critique partners. Some Facebook groups are associated to specific challenges – such as Storystorm and ReFoReMo (Read For Research Month). But others – Subitclub and KidLit411, for examples – also have “Manuscript Swap” and “Critique Match Up” groups you can join once you’ve been an active participant in their main group.

Make a Comment

#5 Scroll down on your favorite blog posts, and see who else has commented. I’ve seen people connect through blog comments, but with this idea comes a warning: be careful not to ask for a critique out of the blue. Connect first and make sure they are open to exchanging manuscripts.

Bonus suggestion: Once you find a critique group, don’t be afraid to keep it on a trial basis for a while. If it’s not working for you or if your writing focus changes, then be honest and exit graciously.







Children’s Book Academy 

Institute of Children’s Literature 

Writing Blue Prints 

12X12 Writing Challenge

KidLit Writing School





WOW…Jen, thank you so very much! I know this post will be helpful to all of our writer friends…I’ll bet plenty of them are bookmarking it right now.

If anyone has questions that haven’t been answered in the post, you are welcome to put them in the comments. Jen and I will try to answer them…or will try to find someone who can. And don’t forget leave a comment, telling us if you are in one or more critique groups and, if you are, how they have or have not helped you and why. There will be TWO lucky winners of a picture book critique…I’m donating one and Jen is donating the other. So please spread the word far and wide…this is a topic we all need to think about.

Have a great week!  Those of you who follow me on Facebook already know that I’m going in for some emergency eye surgery Wednesday morning. I need these peepers in top condition so I can keep writing and blogging. I’ll see you back here on Friday and Saturday when Susanna Leonard Hill will be back in the house with another book blog tour!

94 thoughts on “Are You Critique Group Savvy? When Jen Garrett Speaks…PLUS Critique Giveaways

  1. Thank you for the wise suggestions. I have been in one group, and it has shrunk over the past year, but the individuals who have stayed have grown in their craft and give insightful critiques. We have evolved over time. I spent a very short time with another group found through a conference. There were a number of concerns I had, but the deal breaker was the lack of actual criticism. Just a lot of cheerleading- important to be positive, but honesty is equally important- how else do we grow?
    Thanks for all the resources= great help!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Great point about needing your critique group to be more than cheerleading. A good critique group is supportive, but also pushes each other toward their writing goals.

      Ooh, my critique group would tear apart that last sentence I wrote, but I hope you know what I mean anyway.

      Thanks for stopping by!


  2. Thank you Jen and Vivian for a wonderful interview. Great ideas, links, and a reminder to be honest and gracious while in a group and if you need to leave. So – do you find it most helpful to be a critique group with others at your same stage (agented, published, etc) or is it beneficial to have others above and behind you? Does it matter at all?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Great question!
      I’ve found genre is more important that whether you are at the same stage, in kidlit especially. For example, if you write picture books, look for others who also write picture books – and if you can find an illustrator or two also. No matter what stage each of the members are personally, everyone in your group should be actively progressing on their writing journey and honing their craft in the process.

      Another thing that is more important than the stage you’re at is the dynamic of your group. You want a group that provides you with a comfortable working environment. If there’s a personality clash, for example, it’s best to graciously withdraw.


    • Wonderful questions, Maria!!! And I’m so glad that Jen addressed them. I’d also add that I agree 100% with her thoughts about the dynamics of the group…there needs to be an enthusiasm and level of commitment, I think.


  3. Thank you, Jen and Vivian, great info for keeping in mind, it’s really difficult to find the right critique group, since life’s commitments are an obstacle for any group to keep going on. I agree that being connected with the groups Jen refers seems the best idea to find the ideal critique partners. I am still searching and trying to find the right group. I hope thru interaction this will happen, in the long run! I am a newbie in this, I just count a year in trying to do so, I have offered feedback to writers who got published, that’s very encouraging to me. Nevertheless, I wish to find a group that will be my group to share, exchange ideas and to receive good feedback!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Looks like you have the right attitude!
      I, too, have offered feedback to writers who got published, and you’re right it is encouraging. It took me a year to find my critique group, and now I wouldn’t live without it. I hope you find your critique group soon.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Thank you Jen, yes, helping others is a good process and you learn a lot of things, that’s the most important of all! I know the right group will come out for me, too! I am happy that you have found the right group to offer feedback and I am sure my wish will come true! Greetings to you, my friend!

        Liked by 1 person

    • And don’t forget, Agatha…although a critique group is a partnership…there are no legalities binding you to the group. If for whatever reason, it turns out to be the wroing group for you, you can always leave and keep looking. Sending positive thoughts for you to find the right group!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I highly recommend being part of a critique group. I know I’d be lost without mine. Not only do they give great advice on how to improve my manuscripts but they also keep me informed of new books, conferences, writing contest, etc. Plus, they are always there to pick me up when I am frustrated and there to celebrate all the litle triumphs along the way.

    Jen has given lots of info and tips for people searching for a critique group. Great list of links, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for this post, Jen and Vivian. I too feel that crit groups are life lines to writing and publishing. Mine are online though I”ve met up with some of my peeps at conferences or retreats. (after the fact!) Lots of great places to go and study up on in this post…thanks again Jen.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Last year my critique partner and I attended a conference at Highlights and were blessed to find three other like-minded writers who were interested in joining our group. What a profound and unexpected blessing! Their feedback and friendship are invaluable to me! I can’t imagine doing this writer’s life without them. If you haven’t found your tribe yet, don’t give up! When you do find them, you will wonder how you ever did this without them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Laurie…I still hesitate as my finger hovers over the SEND button…but I know that my critique buddies appreciate the feedback…no matter what stage of writing we are at, we can usually ‘hear’ when something sounds off or when something sounds brilliant.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I completely lucked out meeting my critique group at a Highlights workshop. I was afraid to ask anyone if they wanted to join a group, but someone asked me. Our group grew as we added more members from the workshop and I can’t imagine how I would be getting along with them. It’s a wonderful experience and I love my group so much! If you are at an event, don’t be afraid to ask. I almost missed my chance!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thanks Jen and Vivian! Theses are great suggestions. I met my critique partners in person at a local SCBWI group. Over the years we have grown and changed members. They are an amazing support to my writing.


  9. Great post Jen and good luck with your eye procedure Vivian. I am in 2 in-person monthly critique groups and several online critique groups. The frequency of submission for the online critique groups varies so life doesn’t get too hectic. I love that writers of all levels of experience, from beginning writers to established writers, always have helpful/constructive comments. Critique groups are such an important way to improve as a writer and so much fun, too!


  10. Thanks, Vivian and Jen! I’ve been with my critique group for three years and I love it. No matter how much I wrote, read and honed my craft, my improvement as a writer only became palpable once I joined it.


    • Exactly! We talk about how writing is a lonely profession, but really one can only get so far on their own. (I’m sure there’s some exception who can write in their closet and sell a perfect draft to the first editor they query, but I haven’t met that person yet.)


  11. Thanks, Jen and Vivian. Lots of great suggestions on finding/starting a critique group. I am in two critique groups. This is my first year in an online group through the 12 x12 PB Writing Challenge. The second is in-person, and we have been meeting together for 8 years. Both are invaluable to my writing work. Besides all the great feedback that has helped me improve my writing, these groups have helped me stick with writing. I might have faded into the “I used to be a writer” group.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for this post! I am a member of a FB group that is fabulous, but have been struggling to find something local. So many great suggestions! I have considered staring my own meetup group and you just convinced me to give it a go! Vivian I am a huge fan of your site!


  12. I am a member of 4 steady critique groups, two on line, and two in person. Plus I have a few individuals I exchange with. Having so many forces me to be writing and revising constantly so I can actively participate. Not all of the groups look at the same material – I don’t want to be overwhelmed with too many ideas for the same manuscript. But it is also nice to have a new group of people take a look at something that seems to have gone as far as it can with the first group. Not only do my manuscripts improve tremendously from the advise I receive, my writing skills have improved greatly by doing critiques – finding the strengths and weaknesses in others’ work and applying those lessons to my own.


  13. Thank you for the insights on the benefits of critique groups. Our local SCBWI has an open critique group that meets an hour before our regular monthly meetings for anyone who wants to participate, first come, first served. It is a great way for me as a new writer to get comfortable with critique groups. I have since also become involved with small online group, the 12 x 12 Picture Book Challenge, and one that I organized. My craft has improved with each set of eyes on my writing. I am especially grateful for the friendships I have made.


    • I might be a bit biased as the Critique Carousel Coordinator of my own SCBWI region, but I can’t say enough good about having that type of program in your area. We, too, have monthly meetings for critiquing each other’s work.


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