Have Books – Will Travel —————— Where in the World are Vivian, Sarah, Pippa, and Those Tobogganing Otters?


Hello my friends and welcome!

I wanted to share some of the events coming up on my calendar in the next few months.

February 2: Today is Groundhog Day – what will he do???? Susanna Hill, author of Punxatawney Phyllis might know.

punxatawney phyllis

But if you want to know what I am doing for the next six weeks or more, here’s a brief (or not so brief) itinerary so if you are interested (and I hope you are), you’ll be able to keep track of me and the blogs (and the countries) I’ll be visiting! I don’t have url links for most of these, but I will put the generic link to each blogger and when the posts go live, I’ll try to grab those links and add them here. I’m also adding the url links to guest posts I did in the last few days.

January 28: Guest post on Darlene Beck-Jacobson’s blog: all about collaboration between author and illustrator – plus there is a chance to win a pb manuscript critique from me…just leave a comment on Darlene’s blog post: https://darlenebeckjacobson.wordpress.com/2019/01/28/authors-and-illustrators-and-editorsoh-mywhen-creating-a-book-is-a-collaborative-effort-free-pb-manuscript-critique-by-pb-author-vivian-kirkfield

January 30: Guest post on Jennifer Provost’s blog: all about Pippa’s Passover Plate: https://magnoliasandmanuscripts.wordpress.com/author/magnoliasandmanuscripts/

January 31: Guest post on Kathy Temean’s blog: all about Pippa’s publishing journey and a chance to win a copy of Pippa’s Passover Plate: https://kathytemean.wordpress.com/about/https://kathytemean.wordpress.com/about/

February 1: Guest post: 12×12 Featured author and a chance to win a PB critique from me: http://12x12challenge.com/2019/02/01/12-x-12-featured-author-february-2019-vivian-kirkfield/

And also, right here, Perfect Picture Book Friday: Hedy Lamarr by Laurie Wallmark: viviankirkfield.com

And, it’s World Read-Aloud Day! I’m reading Four Otters Toboggan to a kindergarten class in NY in the morning.

February 2: Where In the World are Vivian, Pippa, Sarah, and those Tobogganing Otters: That is this post, telling you where I will be for the next few months, both virtually on blog tours and actually, in real time, traveling around the world, and talking about my books and my writing journey in Australia, NZ, Switzerland, France, Italy, and the UK.

February 4: Head on over to Melissa Stoller’s blog where I am answering her THREE QUESTIONS. www.melissastoller.com

And I’m also talking about writing in rhyme on the #PictureBookBuzz debut authors of 2019 website: https://picturebookbuzz.weebly.com/blog/nine-rhyme-crimes-to-avoid-when-writing-a-rhyming-picture-book-by-vivian-kirkfield

February 5: Book Birthday for PIPPA’S PASSOVER PLATE! I’m so honored it is a PJ Library Selection for 2019! Please head over to Susanna Hill’s Featured Author post because guess who will be visiting there? www.susannahill.com

cover on amazon


February 8: Perfect Picture Book Friday: Pippa’s Passover Plate review right here (I couldn’t resist) plus a Sneak Peek and a Save the Date for the #50PreciousWords Contest coming next month. YOU NEED TO BE WRITING! www.viviankirkfield.com


Also, there is going to be a Facebook Chat in the evening with Mira Reisberg and a bunch of other authors regarding Pitch and Bios.

February 12: Please hop over to Kaitlyn Sanchez for my guest post there and meet FOUR OTTERS TOBOGGAN: AN ANIMAL COUNTING BOOK.  https://mathiseverywhere439319476.wordpress.com/

February 15: Stay right here for Perfect Picture Book Friday: THIS BOOK IS SPINELESS by Lindsay Leslie. www.viviankirkfield.com

February 17: You can find me on Kellie Byrnes’ blog, chatting about lots of good stuff. Kellie is actually in Queensland, which is only 1500 miles away from Sydney where I will be a few days later. www.kelliebyrnes.com

February 19: I’m off to Sydney to speak at the Australia/NZ SCBWI conference.

But if you hop over to Writers’ Rumpus, you’ll find me chatting with Kirsti Call about PIPPA and PUBLISHING and a process that contains lots of P’s. www.writersrumpus.com

Februry 20: I won’t be anywhere because for me, February 20th won’t exist. The flight takes 24 hours AND since I am crossing the International Date Line, I’ll be losing a day…so if the police ever ask me for an alibi for February 20th, I won’t have one.

February 24-26: Lots doing at the SCBWI conference in Sydney – we’ll be visiting a local bookstore, having a day of presentations (I’m one of the presentors – woo-hoo!) and a big dinner-dance in the evening (my incredible agent, Essie White, and one of her Australian clients will be keynote speakers), and then, another full day of workshops and master classes. For a look-see at the schedule of events: https://australiaeastnz.scbwi.org/event-scbwi-sydney-conference-2019/sydney-conference-program-2019/

February 27: My dear critique buddy, Diane Tulloch and I will be flying to Auckland where I will spend the next three weeks, discovering the beauty that is New Zealand. Stay tuned for many FB shout-outs, shared photos, and even some video interviews.

March 1: A reminder about #50PreciousWords (as if I’d let you forget) on Jennifer Prevost’s blog: https://magnoliasandmanuscripts.wordpress.com/author/magnoliasandmanuscripts

March 2: #50PreciousWords Writing Contest OPENS! Magic Happens When You Make Every Word Count. You’ll have till March 6 at 11:59pm to post your 50-word kidlit story in the comment section of that March 2 post. www.viviankirkfield.com

Meanwhile, I’ll be reading Four Otters Toboggan to a group of kiddos during a library story time in Auckland.

auckland library flyer

March 4: Don’t miss my WOMEN INVENTORS post for Women’s History Month featuring my own Sweet Dreams, Sarah for Mia Wenjen’s Pragmatic Mom blog. www.pragmaticmom.com

Plus, I’ll also be visiting with Kathy Temean again, talking about my journey with Four Otters Toboggan and also sharing a bit about the Australia/NZ SCBWI conference. https://kathytemean.wordpress.com/about/https://kathytemean.wordpress.com/about/

March 9: Will Write for Cookies – I’ll be turning the spotlight on my dear critique buddy and Storm teammate (and host while I’m in Switzerland) Julie Abery plus a DOUBLE GIVEAWAY. www.viviankirkfield.com

And in real time, I will be sitting down with the local members of the Auckland NZ SCBWI, chatting about how Magic Happens When You Make Every Word Count: embracing revision, joining critique groups, and various tips and techniques in the picture book writing toolbox.

March11: Hop over to Maria Marshall’s Picture Book Buzz interview with me – there is going to be a fun guessing contest and a PRIZE. www.mariacmarshall.com

March 12: Happy Book Birthday right here for Little Tiger and Little Panda by Julie Abery plus a DOUBLE GIVEAWAY. www.viviankirkfield.com

March 15:  FOUR OTTERS TOBOGGAN: An Animal Counting Book LAUNCHES. Please don’t miss Maria Marshall’s Perfect Picture Book Friday review of Four Otters Toboggan: An Animal Counting Book. www.mariacmarshall.com

four otters cover amazon

I’ll also be guest posting again for Mia Wenjen’s Pragmatic Mom blog with a list of Passover and Easter picture book recommendations, including, of course, Pippa’s Passover Plate. www.pragmaticmom.com

March 19: I’m off to Geneva, Switzerland.

March 25: You’ll find me guest posting again on Darlene Jacobson’s blog – chatting about how I researched Sweet Dreams, Sarah…and three mysteries about Sarah that remain unanswered. http://www.darlenebeckjacobson.com

March 28: Back to Jennifer Prevost’s blog to celebrate Four Otters Toboggan. https://magnoliasandmanuscripts.wordpress.com/author/magnoliasandmanuscripts

March 29: Stop by here for a Perfect Picture Book review of Andria Rosenbaum’s newest book, HAND IN HAND. www.viviankirkfield.com

April 1: It’s April Fool’s Day but I’m not fooling around when I urge you to head over to Laura Sassi’s amazing blog where she’ll be providing SIX extenstion activities for parents, teachers, and librarians to use with Four Otters Toboggan: An Animal Counting Book. www.laurasassitales.com

April 2: You won’t want ot miss my Book Birthday post for one of my favorite author/illustrator friends and critique buddies, Maryann Cocca-Leffler. Her newest book (she’s got 60 of them out there already!) GROWING SEASON – I saw it from first draft and it is FABULOUS! www.viviankirkfield.com

And, while you are enjoying that post, I’ll be training to Bologna to attend the Bologna Book Fair.

April 5: Don’t touch that dial…stay right here for Perfect Picture Book Friday: Growing Season, by Maryann Cocca-Leffler with activity sheet printouts. www.viviankirkfield.com

April 6: You’re still here, right? Good. Because author/illustrator Maryann is stopping by to chat for Will Write for Cookies. www.viviankirkfield.com

April 7: On my last full day in Italy, I’ll be training to Florence to hook up with…none other than…one of my favorite mentors…the founder of Lyrical Language Lab…Renee LaTulippe, who just happens to live in Italy! We’ll have lunch and then stroll around the city. I can’t think of a better way to end this glorious adventure!

April 8: My huge adventure is over and I fly back home. But really, it’s not over, because I have book events at local shops and libraries in April for Pippa’s Passover Plate and Four Otters Toboggan, plus the NESCBWI conference May 3-5, plus some type of book launch for Sweet Dreams, Sarah in Chicago in late May, plus the annual American Library Association conference in Washington DC in late June, plus a trip to Colorado with family in August, and last, but certainly not least, a possible trip to the NCTE in Baltimore in late November.

April 18: Head over to Kathy Temean and you’ll find me discussing my journey with Sweet Dreams, Sarah plus some highlights of the Bologna Book Fair and Italy! https://kathytemean.wordpress.com/about/https://kathytemean.wordpress.com/about/

April 26: Perfect Picture Book Friday: Pencil’s Picture is Perfect by Jodi McKay: www.viviankirkfield.com

April 28: One last trip to Jennifer Prevost’s blog for a run-down of Sweet Dreams, Sarah. https://magnoliasandmanuscripts.wordpress.com/author/magnoliasandmanuscripts

May 1: SWEET DREAMS, SARAH launches. And lots more happening today.

Hop over to the GROG BLOG where Tina Cho is asking me some questions. www.groggorg.blogspot.com/

Plus, join the Facebook thread in the Missing Voice Picture Book Discussion Group because the book this whole month is…SWEET DREAMS, SARAH…YAY! https://www.facebook.com/groups/676954869064803/

Sweet Dreams Cover Template Revised

May 3-5: I’ll be presenting at the NESCBWI conference in Springfield MA…and meeting up with so many kidlit friends – I even found my 12×12 badge and will wear it proudly!

May 7: You won’t want to miss my THINK QUICK interview with Kirsti Call on the ReFoReMo blog. www.reforemo.com

And while I’m traveling, please don’t forget to check my social media sites as I pop in to say G’dayKia Ora, Bonjour, and Buongiorno and post photos of Where in the World are Pippa, Otters, and Sarah as I travel to landmarks in Australia, NZ, Switzerland, and Italy.

I am so blessed to be taking this journey…it wouldn’t be the same without all of you as my virtual traveling companions.

I know I am taking your good wishes along – and that makes all the difference.

52 thoughts on “Have Books – Will Travel —————— Where in the World are Vivian, Sarah, Pippa, and Those Tobogganing Otters?

    • Thanks so much, Tina. I actually didn’t realize I had so many…that’s why, when people reached out to ask if I wanted them to do a post for me, I said yes. Then I laid it out on the calendar and realized – oh my gosh – there were some weeks, especially in the beginning, when there was a post almost every day…Vivian overload, for sure!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. OH MY GOODNESS! So much going on. How can you do all this? I’m exhausted just reading your blog. LOL. And I just had an email from the woman I was put on to about having you come to a school library. I’ll message you in the morning regarding this. Not long now dear friend.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oooh…a board game! I like the sound of that. One of my critique buddies wrote and illustrated a little pb story about my first big adventure when i went to speak at a conference in Singapore in 2013…and now she says she’s going to do one for this trip. Thanks for the good wishes, Dee!


  2. Wow Vivian, I’m blown away by your schedule and your enthusiasm. I think you are who my mom is talking about when she says “If you want something done, ask a busy person.”I know your enthusiasm will give you the extra energy needed for this trip, as trusted friends guide and protect you. Please listen to your body too, and rest plenty and eat well (carbs and fat have no calories/impact this trip however) We will enjoy watching your adventures and catching your blog drop-ins as able. Savor the magic V! love, Annie✌🏼💙💁🏼🎶🎨📚🏆😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I wish I could go to Australia, but I’ll see you at the NESCBWI conference, if you’re still breathing by then! You’ve got a very full few months ahead of you!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Well this takes the cake, we’ll make it chocolate of course! What an amazing journey for you Vivian! You already know how amazing I think you are and I am thrilled to get to follow along from afar. Thank you for always sharing. Best wishes and prayers for safe travel, good health and a thrilling experience!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hope Australia conference is great. I got great feedback from your editor reference. I will be presenting my three books at next weekend’s SCBWI conference. Bless you. Keep in touch. Joan Ramirez

    On Sat, Feb 2, 2019 at 12:03 AM VIVIAN KIRKFIELD – Writer for Children wrote:

    > viviankirkfield posted: ” Hello my friends and welcome! I wanted to share > some of the events coming up on my calendar in the next few months. > February 2: Today is Groundhog Day – what will he do???? Susanna Hill, > author of Punxatawney Phyllis might know. But if you wa” >

    Liked by 1 person

    • Now I am totally curious, Joan…which editor reference did I give you that resulted in you speaking at an SCBWI conference? I need to take my own advice, perhaps. 🙂 😉 Although if you are presenting next week, I have a feeling this was all due to your own efforts.
      That is awesome…have fun!!


  6. Oh, my goodness! That is SOME SCHEDULE, Vivian! I’m dizzy just looking at it! I thought I was busy, but apparently I am just twiddling my thumbs! So excited for all your success and publicity and world touring and blog touring, and sending you a good supply of virtual chocolate to keep your energy up! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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