#50PreciousWordsforKids: THE STORIES


Logo by Vicky Fang

Drum roll please!!! Strike up the band!!! It’s time to post some wonderful stories written by children!!!

When I do school visits and story hour events, there’s one thing I notice. The kids love telling their OWN stories. And that’s what #50PreciousWordsforKids is all about!

These young kids have definitely discovered the storyteller that lives in them.



THE SNAKE by Alison G, age 12 

“Ahhhhhhh.” I screamed.

A 40-foot long snake is in my back yard.

It seized my sister by its tail.

My sister and I were throwing knives.

I got close and threw a knife in its eye which hit it dead on.

My sister is safe from the clutches of the snake.



TWISTING AND TURNING by Lorelei G, age 11

My face contorts into a heap of lines and shapes when I speak.

If someone points it out, I immediately retract in embarrassment and rush out of their sight.

But then one day, a girl told me, “That’s cool.”

I then realized what a gift I was instead.


THE SUPER SEAL by Samantha V, age 10

“Help! Super Seal we need you!”

“I’m on my way!”

Old lady is stuck in a tree, AGAIN!!!

I fly up to get her.

“Arr, Arr, this is the last time I’m rescuing you!“

“Thank You for saving me, I can always count on you SUPER SEAL!!!”



ANDREA’S NEW HAMSTER by Bethany G. age 8

Andrea was an only child. She was 8.

She wanted a hamster so Andrea and her mom went to Petstuff.

There they bought a hamster, cage, energy wheel, toys, bag of food, and water bottle.

When they got home, Andrea set her pet’s cage up. She named her Hannah.

Andrea's New Hamster_050719



MAGIC by Kelsey, age 11

Magic everywhere, floating high and beneath the clouds.

Down down below in a small valley sat a small girl who deeply believed in magic.

She searched for hours, days, weeks. She never gave up.

Then one day in a corner was a sparkle of light.



SNOWMAN by Brayden, age 8

Once there was a snowman who moved around.

He had many friends, but he was melting.

All the friends went under trees.

Then he found a sewer.

He climbed in and saw trash everywhere!

He cleaned it and made it his home!


RUBERT THE PIG by Emma, grade 1

Once there was a pig named Rubert.

Rubert liked slops.

Rubert did not know he was a pig.

Rubert looked at a human.

He thought the human was a pig.

He thought sheep was a cow.

But Rubert was still smart.


THE TIGER ATTACK by Aaron, grade 1

Once there was a cougar and cheetah.

They were friends.

One day while they were playing a tiger attacked.

The tiger scratched the cougar then the cheetah jumped on the tiger.

The cheetah bit the tiger ten times, and the tiger ran away.

The cougar and cheetah were happy.


THE LITTLE BABY TIGER by Andrew, grade 1

Once upon a time there was a little baby tiger who had a mother who took great care of him.

One day a hunter came to hunt the tigers for their skin.

The mother fought the hunter and she won.

The tiger grew after that, and now he was alone.



BY Abel, Amoura, Anala, Andrew, Briony, Cole, Cynthia, Eliana, Elias, Irwin, Josiah, Lakai, Liam, Lucy, Lyric, Marvin, Miles, Rinko, Ruca, Sienna, Stephanie, Talia, and Wardah

(First Grade Students from Mrs. Catherine Hashimoto’s class)

One Friday, Rose, a winged-lioness, flew through clouds to find a magical garden.

Rose picked daisies, dandelions and roses for her mom’s birthday.

Rose flew home to give her mom the flowers.

When Rose gave them to her mom the flowers danced and sang happy birthday!

Happy Birthday!

The End

And here is another wonderful story from Mrs. Hashimoto’s class:

The Mission by Eliana

One hot summer day there was a flying dog, named Bella, that found a cat in need of water.

Bella flew home and got a bowl of water, and gave it to the cat. T

he cat said, “Thank you, you saved my life.”

Bella said, “Your welcome.”

The End

But, perhaps it is not the end. I am actually going to keep this page open so that I can add any stories that parents or teachers care to send, all year long! Let’s have a wonderful place for kids to see their work published – as they discover the storyteller that lives within us all!


I know everyone will join me in congratulating our young writers and thanking them for sharing their precious words with us! And thank you to the parents and teachers for helping your children join in the fun…you will receive a certificate of participation that can be printed out and personalized for each child who wrote a story. I believe that listening to a child’s story is validation to them that they are worthy and of value. And believing we are worthy and of value encourages us to set goals, accept challenges, and build our dreams into reality.

Nothing Is Impossible If You Can Imagine It


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend…Happy Mother’s Day to all those who give their hearts to children.


16 thoughts on “#50PreciousWordsforKids: THE STORIES

  1. Wonderful job, everyone! I loved reading your stories. Keep writing. I can’t wait to read your books one day!


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