Happy Mother’s Day – And Happy #50PreciousWordsforKids

Happy Mother’s Day to every person who fills that role – moms, grandmothers, teachers, babysitters, daycare providers, neighbors…and yes…sometimes dads!

And Happy #50PreciousWordsforKids!

Life gets very busy for teachers and for families – perhaps that’s why this year, we only had a few submissions. But I urge parents and teachers to continue to encourage their children to express themselves through words and pictures – there is really no deadline for our goal to inspire young people to tell their stories – and I’m happy to add any stories that come in throughout the course of the year.

But meanwhile, I’m thrilled to share the stories we received – CONGRATULATIONS to all!!! As a writer, I know that it takes courage to sit down, tell your story, and then share it with the world.

by William – Age 6 – Kindergarten – Portland, OR

Once upon a time, Super Esther woke up just to see that all the volcanoes in the world were erupting at once. But she didn’t panic. Grabbing her cape, Super Esther flew out and said the magic word one letter at a time—qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm— and the day was saved!

by Michael – Age 7 – 1st grade – Trenton, Michigan

Once there was a ninja named Speed. Do you know why his name was Speed? Because he was SO FAST.

One time, a robber was robbing a bank! The ninja wanted to make a trap for the robber and got to work.

Illustration by Michael

He caught the robber and saved the bank!

(Based on a True Story)
by Charlotte – Age 8 – 2nd grade – Trenton, Michigan

There was a cat named Lily and a girl named Abby.

One day before school, Lily tried to climb up the stairs when Abby’s mom was shaking a jar of shells.


The jar fell and Lily jumped right into the glass.


Abby checked her paws. She was okay!

by Ember – Age 7 – Grade 2 – Queensland, Australia

The worm squirmed. 

“Love me!”

It squirmed, wiggled and dived.

Goodha picked it up And chanted “I’ve got worms”!

The teacher told the nurse.

The nurse told the principal.

The principal told mum.

Mum said “yes he does”.

Everyone freaked out.

Goodha showed everyone his worms.

They all said “few!”

Hurray! Those were awesome stories! I love how each is unique! Each had drama and action! Well done, young writers!

Each child received a Certificate of Participation that can be printed out and personalized!

I hope you all have a fabulous Sunday!

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY: #50PreciousWordsforKids 2023

Happy Mother’s Day to every person who fills that role – moms, grandmothers, teachers, babysitters, daycare providers, neighbors…and yes…sometimes dads!

And Happy #50PreciousWordsforKids!

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Happy #ChildrensBookWeek & Happy #50PreciousWordsforKids

Happy Children’s Book Week, dear friends.

What is Children’s Book Week, you ask?
Established in 1919, Children’s Book Week is the longest-running national literacy initiative in the country. Every year, young people across the country participate by attending events at schools, libraries, bookstores, celebrating at home, and engaging with book creators both online and in person

And Happy #50PreciousWordsforKids!
What is #50PreciousWordsforKids, you ask?
It’s an International Writing Challenge that invites children all over the world to tap into their natural storyteller skills.
In past years, we’ve received submissions from Australia to Austria, from Singapore to Switzerland, Canada to Cannes, and from states all across America.
Here are the guidelines.

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