Happy Book Birthday: BIONIC BEASTS Plus Critique Giveaway

WOW! WOW! WOW! I’m so excited about this new book! Please join me in singing a hearty HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a book that is entertaining, educational…and totally inspiring!


Written by Jolene Gutierrez

Published by Millbrook Press

A little snippet from Amazon:

What happens when a young elephant steps on a buried land mine? What happens when a sea turtle’s flipper is injured by a predator? Thanks to recent advances in technology, we have new ways to design and build prosthetic body parts that can help these animals thrive.

Meet an Asian elephant named Mosha, a Kemp’s ridley sea turtle named Lola, a German Shepherd named Cassidy, a greylag goose named Vitória, and Pirate, a Berkshire-Tamworth pig. Each of these animals was struggling, but through a variety of techniques and technologies, humans created devices that enabled the animals to live and move more comfortably. Discover the stories of how veterinarians, doctors, and even students from around the world used 3D printing and other techniques to build bionic body parts for these amazing animals.

I love this book because the stories show us that people do care about the well-being of animals…and each story exemplifies the strength of character and strong will to survive of the animals portrayed – true stories all!!!!

Jolene is one of the shining lights of our kidlit community…she’s active in countless picture book groups, participates in many of the writing challenges and recently co-chaired #KidLitZombieWeek. I first met Jolene online during my #50PreciousWords contest a couple of years ago…and then, happily, I met her in person in August 2019 when I was in Denver for a book event at Second Star to the Right. We had so much fun – and enjoyed a lunch at Sushi Den after.

Here’s a few words from Jolene:  My nonfiction middle grade book, Bionic Beasts: Saving Animal Lives with Artificial Flippers, Legs, and Beaks, launches TODAY with Lerner/Millbrook Press. My editor and I have worked very hard to tell the stories of animals who have been helped by technology and the people who helped them. I’m so excited to share their stories with you! You can order a copy here.

And to find out more about Jolene and her wonderful books like MAC AND CHEESE AND THE PERSONAL SPACE INVADER that was our Perfect Picture Book Friday selection recently, you can go here.

And guess what? The lovely Jolene is offering a critique as a giveaway! YES! Either a picture book manuscript critique or the first few pages of a middle grade novel. Just leave a comment below and share on social media for more tickets in the giveaway hat.

I hope you all have a safe and happy weekend. We are all moved in…surrounded by boxes that need to be unpacked…but very blessed to be together in this wonderful home.

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