Perfect Picture Book Friday: SIMPLY SKYE

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, dear friends. I’m excited to feature SIMPLY SKYE by Pamela Morgan and illustrated by Heather Bell. When I was growing up…and when my children were growing up, there weren’t really any books that explored gender expression and identity.


Written by Pamela Morgan

Illustrated by Heather Bell

Published by Amicus Ink

Ages: 6-8

Themes: Gender expression, nonbinary identity, self-acceptance

Synopsis: From Amazon:
Avi’s doll Skye is not a boy or a girl. Neither is Avi. But what will their family think? Avi uses Skye to explore gender expression and identity and also to discover how their family will react to Avi’s own nonbinary identity. Breaking gender stereotypes, Avi’s clothing choices and actions show their brother, sister, and parents who they really are as their family gradually understands and accepts Avi’s identity.

As the mother of a nonbinary child, author Pamela Morgan wanted to make the books her child wasn’t finding on bookshelves. She is a fierce advocate for transgender rights and an award-winning author and playwright. Illustrator Heather Bell grew up playing tea party, war, and squirrel adventures. The labels “girl” and “boy” never fully fit as Heather felt like both. It would be years before Heather heard the term “non-binary” and felt understood and seen. As a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community and a mother, illustrator Heather Bell sensitively portrays Avi’s story with relatable emotions and family dynamics.
A touching story of self-acceptance, Simply Skye is a great starting point for discussions of diversity and understanding others and building SEL skills.

Why I Love This Book:
1. I love books that help all children feel seen and heard.
2. I love books that encourage children to accept themselves and others.
3. I love books that are beautifully written and illustrated.

Create a Butterfly Picture

Photo courtesy:

Look at pictures of Chimera Butterflies and other butterflies. Let kids observe that the Chimera Butterfly is not symmetrical like many other butterflies – but this is not a mistake – this is how the Chimera is supposed to be. Give each child a sheet of paper and crayons or markers to create their own Chimera Butterfly.

Here is a great article geared for art teachers, but with helpful information for anyone who seeks to create safe and inclusive spaces for all students:

And here is another link that provides helpful resources and information:

And yet another link with fabulous book suggestions and lesson plans:

Plus a lesson plan about Chimera Butterflies and accompanying craft activity:

Please remember that the best way to support the authors and illustrators who write the books that we love is to buy their books, review their books on Goodreads and Amazon, tell friends about the books, and ask your local library to purchase copies for their collection.

I hope you all have a beautiful weekend!

7 thoughts on “Perfect Picture Book Friday: SIMPLY SKYE

  1. The changes and additions of such stories that I’ve seen as a librarian in the past 15 years are amazing. Thanks to all who write and illustrate them!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I hope this book gets the wide distribution that it deserves so that children who don’t fit neatly into one category or the other can see they are not alone. It’s a huge step forward to help them understand they are perfect and that others will accept and appreciate them as they are. Thanks for sharing, Vivian!


  3. This sounds like a wonderful book! I have an illustrator friend who creates Chimera butterflies with kids linked to her books, too. I love seeing more options for kids, so they can see they’re fine just the way they are.


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