Cover Reveal: THOMAS JEFFERSON’S BATTLE FOR SCIENCE: Bias, Truth and a Mighty Moose

Written by Beth Anderson – Illustrated by Jeremy Holmes – Published by Calkins Creek/Astra

Hurray!!!! A new book from one of my favorite authors and CPs, Beth Anderson!!!

Here’s a bit from the Amazon sales page:
Thomas Jefferson is one of the most famous founding fathers, but did you know that his mind was always on science? This STEM/STEAM picture book tells how Jefferson’s scientific thinking and method battled against faulty facts and bias to prove that his new nation was just as good as any in the Old World.

Young Thomas Jefferson loved to measure the natural world: plants and animals, mountains and streams, crops, and weather. With a notepad in his pocket, he constantly examined, experimented, and explored. He dreamed of making great discoveries like the well-known scientific author, Count Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon.

But when Buffon published an encyclopedia of the natural world, Jefferson was furious! According to the French count, America was cold and swampy, and filled with small and boring animals, nothing like the majestic creatures of the OId World. Jefferson knew Buffon had never even been to America. Where had Buffon gotten his information? Had he cherry-picked the facts to suit his arguments? Was he biased in favor of Europe?

How could Jefferson prove Buffon wrong? By using the scientific method, of course! This first picture book to emphasize Jefferson’s use of scientific methods is an accessible and entertaining approach to a lesser-known side of Jefferson.

And here’s a bit about why Beth wrote this story:

BETH: The possibilities of this story grabbed my attention in spring 2018. And with the times we were in – and are still in – I knew I wanted to go after the importance of truth and the dangers of bias, misinformation, and faulty facts. As I wrote and revised, the scientific inquiry process emerged, focusing on questioning and verifying. I was obsessed. And was thrilled when the manuscript went under contract in 2019. Then BOOM, Covid hit along with more misinformation and turmoil in the world of science, and the publishing timeline stretched longer. But it was totally worth the wait. I’m thrilled to share the cover with just one of the fantabulous, creative, and marvelously detailed images from illustrator Jeremy Holmes. This story with history, humor, and science will appear in bookstores – and at your doorstep if you pre-order – May 14, 2024!  

And here’s where you can grab a copy:
Available for PRE-ORDER at booksellers near you and • IndieBound • Amazon • Barnes & Noble • Books a Million

And here’s a little bit about the talented and amazing Beth:
Beth Anderson, a former educator, has always marveled at the power of books. Driven by curiosity and a love for words, she writes untold tales, hoping to inspire kids to laugh, ponder, and question. She’s the award-winning author of CLOAKED IN COURAGE, FRANZ’S PHANTASMAGORICAL MACHINE, REVOLUTIONARY PRUDENCE WRIGHT, TAD LINCOLN’S RESTLESS WRIGGLE, “SMELLY” KELLY AND HIS SUPER SENSES, LIZZIE DEMANDS A SEAT!, and AN INCONVENIENT ALPHABET. Beth has more historical picture books on the way.

I am so excited for this book – I saw early drafts of it and loved it then – and now it’s going to be brought to life with AMAZING art by Jeremy Holmes! Please put this on your Goodreads WANT TO READ shelf

27 thoughts on “Cover Reveal: THOMAS JEFFERSON’S BATTLE FOR SCIENCE: Bias, Truth and a Mighty Moose

    • Thanks, Mona! Yep – who would expect a moose to play a role in critical thinking and scientific inquiry! ha! There’s a bit of humor, and EW factor, and with the science and history that connects to today – I was smitten!


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