WELCOME EVERYONE!!! The Contest is Officially Closed. We are leaving comments open so you can tell these amazing 672 writers how much you love their stories. And we hope to have prize winners and Honorable Mentions announced around the 1st day of Spring.

Some of you have been participating since the beginning. But others are here for the first time. So, I’d like to share a bit about the back story of this contest.

In 2012 I had a dream. I wanted to write picture books. One of the most important things I did was to participate in writing challenges like Julie Hedlund’s 12×12 and all of Susanna Hill’s contests. Why was that important? Because it got me writing. It got me revising. It got me submitting. Hmmm….writing/revising/submitting. I believe that if we do those three things enough times, our writing improves and agents and editors get a chance to see our work. And as much as I am thrilled with my own success, nothing makes me happier than to hear about the success of others in our kid-lit community.

When I first got the idea for this contest back in 2016, I thought a few of my friends might take pity on me and submit a story – to my surprise, there were 128 entries.

Logo art by Vicky Fang

The winner that year went on to sign with my wonderful agent, Essie White, and the story that won, LITTLE TIGER, is now part of a beautiful board book series by award-winning author Julie Abery. Little Otter and Little Walrus are the newest board books in her Little Animals series, and now she has a series of Little Dinosaur board books, also from Amicus Ink.

Over the years, other entries have become books…Amber Hendricks launched TWO books in 2022 that were both past entries for #50PreciousWords.

And last year, a 50,000-word YA novel launched that first appeared as a 50-word contest entry in 2021.

What a thrill to read that incredibly moving book by Federico Erebia, PEDRO & DANIEL (Levine Querido, June 6, 2023) – and discover that Federico’s #50PreciousWords entry are the final 50 words of the story!

I remember the assignment.
“Bring something special; your one true treasure.” 
Girls displayed dolls, dresses, diaries.
Boys brought baseball cards, cars, comics.
I’d been nervous on the bus.
How had I convinced Mom?
I remember the teacher’s face, her open mouth. 
Because my one true treasure was
Daniel, my brother.

I also love the enthusiasm and the positive energy that this contest generates. Every year there are thousands of comments on the contest blog post – and all of them are encouraging and supportive – and that’s not something you find in many places these days.

If you are currently writing picture books…or just reading them, you’ll notice that the average word length for many is getting shorter and shorter. I thought, wouldn’t that be a great challenge…to write a story for kids with only 50 words or less? With a beginning, a middle, and an end. I wondered if I could do it. I opened the challenge to all writers! And last year we had 756 submissions!

With all of those submissions, you know I need lots of help…and I am blessed to have a team of fabulous authors who stand ready to read! They are the BEST! A huge thank you to Maria Marshall, Carmen Castillo Gilbert, Amber Bouchard, Pamela Courtney, Leah Moser, Shirin Shamsi, and Diane Tulloch.

I also created something new a couple of years ago – a #50PreciousWords Literacy Initiative! I asked participants to purchase a children’s book from one of my local indie bookstores. And because of the generosity of this amazing kid-lit community, over the past two years we were able to deliver 700 brand-new books to local schools in need.

Behind these happy children is a table with 4 huge boxes of books!

So, my friends, please put on your thinking caps, sharpen your pencils, and get busy writing. The #50PRECIOUSWORDS 2024 CONTEST IS OPEN! Please read the guidelines carefully.


  1. Write a story appropriate for kids ages 12 or under.
  2. Total word count of 50 words or less.
  3. It can be prose, rhyme, free verse, silly or serious…whatever works for you.
  4. This needs to be a story, with a beginning, a middle, and an end.
  5. Title is not included in the word count.
  6. No illustration notes please.
  7. If you have children who want to write a story, please hold onto their stories until the kids’ challenge in May, #50PreciousWordsforKids.
  8. On March 2nd or March 3rd, post your story in the comments of this post. If you have a blog of your own and want to post it there also, that is terrific…please add the link to your comment so we can all go and visit you there. But please make sure you put your entry in the comments of this #50PRECIOUSWORDS 2024 CONTEST IS OPEN post, even if you are posting it on your blog. I love everyone sharing about the contest on social media and I love the amazing graphics some folks create with their entries on social media, but no matter where else you put your story, make sure you put the contest entry (words only) with title and your name in the comment section of THIS POST.
  9. If you know how, capture the url address of your contest entry – I think you hover over the date/time stamp…and if you copy it, you’ll be able to find it easily.
  10. Only ONE entry per person, please. For very prolific writers, I know that it’s hard to choose. But we had 756 entries last year – that’s a lot of stories for me and my judges to read and comment on. 😊
  11. Deadline for posting the story in the comments is Sunday, March 3rd, at 11:59pm EASTERN TIME.
  12. Winners will be announced towards the end of March…as soon as my wonderful judges and I are able to read and consider all of your fabulous stories.
  13. First place winner will choose first. Second place winner goes next and can choose from the remaining prizes. And so on.  There are critiques with EDITORS and AGENTS and PUBLISHED AUTHORS, seats in WRITING CLASSES, Author coaching sessions, a 2-night Personal Retreat at Highlights Foundation in Pennsylvania…and more. Some authors are offering a choice of critique/Zoom chat or books and the book prizes are limited to USA addresses, please.

HERE IS THE LIST OF PRIZES – Editors and Agents are mostly in the first group, seats in picture book writing classes in the second group, and author critiques and Zoom Ask-Me-Anything sessions and signed books and some author consultations are in the third. Just because something is Prize 1 or 2 doesn’t mean it’s the best prize…if you are one of the 57 prize winners, the best prize is the prize that is best for you. And honestly, the biggest prize is that you wrote a story and you submitted it – and for that, you deserve much praise!!

Prize 1: A 2-night personal retreat at the Highlights Foundation. It includes two nights lodging plus meals (based on availability).

The Highlights Foundation offers personal retreat opportunities for our community at our campus in northeastern Pennsylvania, The Barn at Boyds Mills.


On your personal retreat, time is yours to focus on your work, be in nature, and spend as you please. No structure. No schedule (unless you make one).  You can come as an individual, or in groups (friends, critique groups, writing partners, interest groups, and more).

PRIZE 2: One PB Critique plus a 15-minute Q&A with Michele McAvoy, owner and editor at The Little Press, an independent children’s book publisher, publishing picture books through YA.

Michele McAvoy is a multi-award-winning author, attorney, educator, and publisher from New Jersey. Her publishing company, The Little Press, publishes picture books through YA. She is also the host of the popular kidlit podcast, My Messy Muse, and the creator of #GirlPowerHour, an annual event celebrating strong women and diversity in children’s literature. Michele’s titles include Buckingham Gets A New Shell, (Pigman Books), multi-award winning Cookie & Milk (Cardinal Rule Press), The Gorilla Picked Me! (The Little Press), and the award-winning My Superhero Grandpa (The Little Press.) You can find Michele on social media @michele_mcavoy (Twitter) and @michelemcavoy (Instagram.)

PRIZE 3: One PB manuscript feedback with Marissa Moss, editor and publisher at Creston Books

Marissa Moss has written more than seventy children’s books, from picture books to middle-grade and young adult novels. Best known for the Amelia’s Notebook series, her books are popular with teachers and children alike. Her young adult novel, A Soldier’s Secret: the Incredible True Story of Sarah Emma Edmonds, a Civil War Hero, won the California Silver Book Award. Barbed Wire Baseball, a picture book biography won the California Book Award, Gold medal and was named an ALA Notable Book and a Notable Book for Social Studies this year. Her books have been translated into French, Spanish, Chinese, Indonesian, Korean, and Polish. Her first adult book, Last Things: a Graphic Memoir of Loss and Love, won the Cowan Award.

In 2013, Moss founded Creston Books, starting the small children’s press with a kickstarter campaign. Dedicated to strong storytelling, the creator-centered house hopes to give debut and established authors a bigger role in their books, from design to marketing. Each list of four titles has a good balance of picture book and older readers, debut authors and well-known names, and strives to showcase the very best in children’s books. Of the nineteen titles published so far, a third have earned starred reviews from Kirkus, Booklist, and Publishers Weekly, three are Junior Library Guild selections, one was named a Notable Book for Social Studies, one an Outstanding Trade Science Book, Cook Honor Book, Eureka Gold Medal Winner, and Amelia Bloomer book, and three made the Kirkus Best Books lists


PRIZE 4: One Picture Book Manuscript Feedback from Victoria Selvaggio, Storm Literary owner and agent

With over thirty years of business-ownership and publishing experience, Victoria became the owner of Storm Literary Agency in 2022. Her list features both debut and award-winning authors. She represents all age categories and all genres except Erotica Romance. Currently, she is closed to submissions but does plan to open for a limited time in 2024 (Victoria does accept and opens for submissions as a presenter at conferences).

Her favorite authors include: Stephen King, Judy Blume, Shel Silverstein, Lois Lowry, Margaret Atwood, E. B. White, C. S. Lewis, Suzanne Collins, and so many more.

In her spare time, Victoria can be found on a sixteen-foot ladder painting or knocking down a wall in one of her remodeling/flipping home projects.
Twitter: @vselvaggio1

PRIZE 5: A 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom chat with Sandra Sutter, owner and editor at Gnome Road Publishing

Gnome Road produces books that engage and inform, develop and strengthen a love for reading, and bring smiles and laughter to the world. 

Our books are made with all readers in mind and with a focus on the “R” factor … Re-Readability! We want them to be read time and again, to be cherished, and to light the way on a lifetime of reading adventures. 

PRIZE 6: PB Critique OR a 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom chat with Helen Wu, author and editor at YeeHoo Press.

Helen H. Wu is a children’s book author, illustrator, translator and publisher. She is the author of Tofu Takes Time, illustrated by Julie Jarema (Beaming Books, 2022), and Long Goes To Dragon School, illustrated by Mae Besom (Yeehoo Press, 2023). Helen is the associate publisher of Yeehoo Press, an independent children’s book publisher. Being fascinated by the differences and similarities between cultures, Helen loves to share stories that can empower children to understand the world and our connections. Born and raised in Hefei, China, Helen moved to the US in her 20s. Currently, she resides in San Diego, California, with her family and two kids. Learn more about Helen at and follow her on Twitter at @HelenHWu and on Instagram at @HelenHWu.
Yeehoo Press is dedicated to publishing fun, enchanting, and socially responsible children’s books for audiences around the world. Yeehoo Press has offices in Los Angeles and San Diego, California, and Shanghai in China. Yeehoo books are currently being published and sold in English and Simplified Chinese editions. 

PRIZE 7: Feedback on THREE Chapters of a MG novel from Michelle Hauck, Associate Agent at Storm Literary.

Michelle been helping writers long before taking the step to become an agent. Her Midwest roots taught her to pay things forward, and along with several co-hosts, she ran an impressive collection of contests for writers, including Query Kombat, Nightmare on Query Street, and Picture Book Party. She also learned much from six years as a successful Pitch Wars mentor in adult SFF.
Publishers Marketplace Website | Twitter | Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram

PRIZE 8: An Author Career Consult with author and bookstore buyer, Susan Kusel

Susan Kusel is an author, synagogue library director, an independent bookstore buyer, and children’s book consultant. She has served on multiple book award committees including the Caldecott Medal and as the chair of the Sydney Taylor Book Award. Her debut picture book, The Passover Guest was illustrated by Sean Rubin, published by Neal Porter Books/Holiday House and won the Sydney Taylor Book Award.

Want to know more about children’s book publishing? This mentor session with children’s book expert, librarian, bookseller, book buyer and consultant Susan Kusel will help guide you on your path to publication and figure out the next steps in your journey. 

PRIZE 9: A PB Manuscript Critique (600 words or less, fiction, rhyming or nonrhyming) or a submission opportunity from Kaitlyn Sanchez, Literary Agent at Bradford Agency

Kaitlyn Sanchez is a mom, wife, agent with Bradford Literary Agency, and middle school math teacher. She’s also the proud co-creator and co-host of the Spring Fling Kidlit Contest and Kidlit Zombie Week as well as creator and co-host of the Kidlit Fall Writing Frenzy Contest. In her free time, she loves to play soccer, binge-watch TV shows, and, of course, read. Especially when she’s all cozied up with her husband and daughter reading together.
Twitter: @KaitlynLeann17
Please follow my clients on social media:

PRIZE 10: One full PB Critique from Heather Cashman – Literary Agent and Agent Mentor at Storm Literary

Surrounded by books from her earliest memories, Heather reads picture books, biographies and select nonfiction, poetry, and all genres of fiction. While she devours any book that tells a good story and introduces a new world, she especially loves the ones that make her want to be the heroine of her own life. She was a professional editor for Cornerstones Literary Consultancy, helped authors by working as Managing Director of Pitch Wars, and interned for three years at The Bent Agency. She’s now a Literary Agent and Agent Mentor with Storm Literary Agency. You can find her latest deal announcements on her website, but many more have yet to be announced.

Storm Literary Agency​  ​​heather.stormliteraryagency@gmail.comWay-Word Writer | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook

PRIZE 11: A Picture Book Critique with Lisa Amstutz – Associate Agent with Storm Literary

Lisa Amstutz is the author of more than 150 books for children, including Mammal Mania, Plants Fight Back, and Amazing Amphibians. After 16 years as an author and freelance  editor, she joined Storm Literary Agency as an associate literary agent in 2021. Find her online at

PRIZE 12: PB Critique or a critical review and analysis of a chapter book with Brunella Castagiola, founder of The Military Editor Agency.. Her review will consist of: analyzing narrative structure, characters, marketability (and ways to optimize it), readability, pace, and flow.

Brunella Costagliola is an award-winning children’s book author, best-selling editor, and translator. Raised in Bacoli, a small coastal town west of Naples, Southern Italy, Brunella is passionate about sharing her home country’s culture, traditions, and history through her stories. Founder and owner of The Military Editor®Agency, LLC, a ghostwriting and editing agency catering to military authors and military-related manuscripts, and recognized by Forbes NEXT1000, Brunella helps fellow writers tell their stories and achieve their publishing dreams. Author of A Stroke of Magic: The Dinosaur Woman, and A Stroke of Magic: The Hawaiian Princess, a chapter book series that celebrates diversity and marginalized historical figures, Brunella is a proud Mamma of her two Italian American children, who are an endless source of inspiration for her stories, and devoted Air Force wife to her now-retired husband. Brunella lives in Florida with her family and their three dogs.

PRIZE 13: A Picture Book Manuscript Review with author and editor Patricia Stockland, founder of Kind World Publishing

Founder and CEO Patricia Stockland is a seasoned executive in children’s publishing. Prior to starting Kind World Publishing, she led change and growth initiatives as publisher for Capstone, VP and editor in chief for Lerner Publishing Group, and editorial director for Red Line Editorial, among other roles. She’s authored more than 80 books and edited and concepted numerous others. Her expertise spans creative work and continual improvement across operations. She has a secret love of metadata and a not-so-secret love of baked goods, which she shares with her family in Minnesota. Connect with her on Twitter (@pstockland) and LinkedIn and follow Kind World on Instagram @kindworldpublishing. 

PRIZE 14: Seat in Making Picture Book Writing Magic course from the founder of Perfect Picture Book Friday, New York Times Best-selling author Susanna Leonard Hill.

What can I say about Susanna? Her class was the first picture book writing course I took – and it provided an amazing foundation for me. She is a mentor to all, providing challenges and contests to keep us motivated and inspired!

PRIZE 15: A seat in the self-paced Lyrical Language Lab course from RENEE LA TULIPPE

I took Renee’s Lyrical Language Lab class in 2014…it helped me with every word that goes into a picture book, whether it is rhyming or prose. And her website offers tons of videos and resources – she’s a shining light for this kid lit community!

PRIZE16: The Complete Picture Book Submission System from author and fearless lounder of the 12×12 Challenge, Julie Hedlund

I cannot remember a time when I didn’t know how to read (although I know there WAS such a time). I have always lived surrounded by books. Therefore, it’s probably no surprise that I ended up wanting to create my own. This too, I started at a young age.
I continued writing through high school and college, but I didn’t consider writing books for children a possible career. I spent many years working in the banking industry before deciding I needed to try my hand at writing books that would inspire children the way I had been inspired myself. It was super scary, but I never looked back!
Today, I write books, I share them with children, and I help other authors do the same. I get to imagine, create, and inspire every day in my dream job, right from my desk in Boulder, Colorado. I get inspiration from my two kids, my high-maintenance hound dog, and the view of Rocky Mountain National Park outside my window.

PRIZE 17: A 30-minute phone or video call for a career consult or to ask anything about the path to publication with Independent YA & Children’s Book Editor Julie Scheina

Julie Scheina is a former senior editor at Little, Brown Books for Young Readers with over fifteen years of experience editing acclaimed and bestselling books for children and young adults. Julia has edited more than 200 titles across a variety of genres, from picture books and poetry collections to middle grade and young adult novels. Please visit to learn more about Julie’s work. Julie also recently launched a free resource for writers,, a series of weekly letters filled with writing guidance, revision advice, and encouragement.

PRIZE 18: Promotional opportunity – Mel Rosenberg, host of the Children’s Literature Channel of the New Books Network and co-creator of OurBoox is offering a one-on-one consultation on either ‘techniques for inventing ideas for picture books’ or ‘how to create and edit dummy books in minutes’, or a video interview if you have a book launching this year which may subsequently appear as an NBN podcast.

Mel Rosenberg is a scientist-inventor-musician turned children’s book writer. He is founder and host of the Children’s Literature Channel of the New Books Network and co-founder of Ourboox, a free platform for creating and sharing picture books and dummies. His new picture book, Emily Saw a Door is due out this year in Hebrew (Tal May Publishers). Mel is offering a one-on-one consultation on either ‘techniques for inventing ideas for picture books’ or ‘how to create and edit dummy books in minutes’, or hosting a video interview which may subsequently appear as an NBN podcast. 
Children’s Literature Channel
New Books Network.

PRIZE 19: ART OF ARC Course from author and former editor, Alayne Kay Christian

Alayne Kay Christian is an award-winning children’s book author, and the creator and teacher of a picture book writing course Art of Arc. In addition, she shares her knowledge with writers through free and affordable webinars at Writing for Children Webinars.
Art of Arc

One Book Club Package: One personalized copy of Pedro & Daniel, a 60-minute virtual visit with their book club; stickers, bookmarks, and illustration cards for all participants.”, plus a signed copy of PEDRO & DANIEL from author/illustrator Federico Erebia

Federico Erebia is an author-illustrator, artist and woodworker. His works have been featured in various magazines [including Boston Spirit Magazine, Boston Globe Magazine], newspapers [including The Boston Globe, Boston Home], television [Greater Boston] and radio [NPR-Boston]. The Pepito The Squirrel books have received critical recommendations from Kirkus, Booklife, and other editorial reviewers. His debut YA novel that launched on June 6, 2023 from Levine Querido has won many accolades and awards.
Amazon Author Page:

PRIZE 21: PB Critique and a 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom from author Lindsay Leslie.

A diary keeper, a journalism major, a public relations executive, now a children’s author—Lindsay Leslie has always operated in a world of written words. She likes to bring her unique outlook on life, quirky humor, and play with words to the page in picture books. Lindsay is the award-winning author of THIS BOOK IS SPINELESS, NOVA THE STAR EATER, DUSK EXPLORERS (an SCBWI Crystal Kite Award winner, Bank Street Best Book of 2021 with Outstanding Merit, and Amazon Editors’ Pick), and SO YOU WANT TO BUILD A LIBRARY. She lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband, two kiddos, two fur-beasts, and a guinea pig.

PRIZE 22: A 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom from author Laura Roettiger

 Laura Roettiger is the author of ALIANA REACHES FOR THE MOON and has enjoyed working with children ever since she was no longer considered a child herself. She was a reading specialist and elementary teacher in Chicago, IL before moving to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado where she worked in Environmental Education, as a mentor for new teachers at a STEM school, and as a tutor in the adult literacy program Boulder Reads. She is a judge for Rate Your Story. Her superpower is encouraging curiosity in children and her students, letting them know she believes in them.
She can be found on Twitter and Instagram @ljrwritenow 
Website which includes a blog with author interviews, giveaways, and photography.

PRIZE 23: A 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom plus a copy of one of her books from author Nancy Churnin

A native New Yorker, Nancy is a graduate of Harvard University, with a master’s from Columbia University. She lives in North Texas with her husband, a dog named Dog and two cantankerous cats. Learn more about Nancy at

PRIZE 24: A PB Critique with a Zoom call from author Ellen Leventhal. (Ellen is one of my long-time critique buddies – I love her feedback!)

Ellen Leventhal is an educator and writer in Houston, TX. Her writing usually contains universal themes to which children can relate–even if the thoughts occasionally come from talking cows or lambs.  She can’t remember a time when she wasn’t writing in some capacity. Ellen is the co-author of Don’t Eat the Bluebonnets and the author of Lola Can’t Leap. Her picture book based on the many flood disasters she and her family endured, Flood of Kindness, has helped many children cope with loss. And her newest book, Debbie’s Song: The Debbie Friedman Story, illustrated by Natalia Grebtsova, launched last year from Kar Ben. She has been published in magazines and newspapers as well as in short story and poetry anthologies. Ellen loves school visits! When visiting schools, she coordinates with and supports literacy programs as well as diversity and anti-bullying programs. Ellen’s best days are when she can interact directly with the students and spread her love of literacy and kindness. To find out more about Ellen’s books and writing projects, please go to

PRIZE 25: Picture Book Critique from author Tina Cho (Tina is one of my long-time critique partners – her insights are spot on!)

Tina Cho is the author of four picture books– Rice from Heaven: The Secret Mission to Feed North Koreans (Little Bee Books 2018), Korean Celebrations (Tuttle 2019), My Breakfast with Jesus: Worshipping God around the World (Harvest House 2020), and The Ocean Calls: A Haenyeo Mermaid Story (Kokila/Penguin Random House Aug. 2020). Her lyrical middle grade graphic novel, The Other Side of Tomorrow, debuts from Harper Alley in November of 2024. After living in South Korea for ten years, Tina, her husband, and two teenagers reside in Iowa where Tina also teaches kindergarten. 
Twitter: @TinaMCho
IG: @TinaMCho

PRIZE 26:  A Rhyming PB Critique and a Signed Copy of Zadie and the Witch’s Tea from author Gayle Krause

Named the 2022 MG first place winner of the Kid’s Choice KIDLIT Writing Contest, I’m a PAL SCBWI member and currently write PB, MG and YA novels. My YA novel, Ratgirl:Song of the Viper, a retelling of The Pied Piper in a globally-warmed future was nominated for the Boston Globe /Horn Book and The International Reading Association Award. My picture book Rock Star Santa was performed as a play in Australia and presented at Storytime in Montserrat, British West Indies with a real British Rock Star. My picture book Daddy, Can You See the Moon? shares royalties with Our Military Child, an organization that helps veteran’s children deal with their parent’s war injuries/deployment. And my newest picture book, Zadie and the Witch’s Tea launched in 2023..
Website –
Blog –
Facebook –
Twitter – @GeeCeeK

PRIZE 27: A Picture Book Critique from author Melissa Stoller

Melissa Stoller is the author of the chapter book series The Enchanted Snow Globe Collection – Book One: Return to Coney Island and Book Two: The Liberty Bell Train Ride (Clear Fork Publishing, 2017 and 2020); and the picture books Scarlet’s Magic PaintbrushReady, Set, GOrilla!, Return of the Magic Paintbrush and Sadie’s Shabbat Stories. Melissa is an Assistant and Blogger for the Children’s Book Academy, a Regional Ambassador for The Chapter Book Challenge, a Moderator for The Debut Picture Book Study Group, and a volunteer with the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators/MetroNY. In other chapters of her life, Melissa has worked as a lawyer, legal writing instructor, freelance writer and editor, and early childhood educator. Additionally, she is a member of the Board of Trustees at Temple Shaaray Tefila, and a past trustee at The Hewitt School. Melissa lives in New York City with her husband, three daughters, and one puppy.

PRIZE 28: A 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom for Picture Book Writers from author Lori Degman

I went to MacMurray college, in Jacksonville, IL and when I graduated, I got a job teaching deaf and hard of hearing students at Waukegan West High School.  I stopped teaching after ten years so I could stay home with my two sons, Sean and Brian.  That’s when I decided to write picture books for children.  After six years at home (and not a single published book), I went back to work.  This time, I was a Hearing Itinerant Teacher with the Special Education District of Lake County – SEDOL.  After about ten years, I started writing again and finally sold my first picture book, 1 Zany Zoo.
For more about her MANY books:

PRIZE 29: A 30-min AMA Zoom about the path to publication or a verbal feedback on a PB manuscript (fiction, non-rhyming, up to 700 words) from author Rosie J. Pova. The winner can claim their prize in the second half of April as she will be on a 2-week school visits tour the first two weeks of April.

Rosie J. Pova is a multi-published, award-winning children’s book author, poet, writing coach, and speaker. Sally’s Musical Tale is Rosie’s latest picture book that will be released in spring of 2025 by Yeehoo Press. Her picture book, Sunday Rain, was featured in The New York Times and recommended by Parents magazine, and The School of Failure: A Story About Success was a Readers’ Favorite Book Awards silver medal winner, now in print in both China and the USA.

In her role as a Writing Coach and Mentor, Rosie has helped many aspiring picture book authors advance their careers and reach their publishing goals through her popular mentorship program, Picture Book Hub, and her signature course Picture Book Mastery.

Rosie lives in Dallas, Texas with her family. Find out more about her and her work at You can schedule a free career consultation here.
Website Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram

PRIZE 30: A 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom chat with author Carrie Finison (Carrie is one of my long-time critique buddies…her insights are amazing!)

Carrie Finison writes picture books with humor and heart, including Dozens of Doughnuts (2020), Don’t Hug Doug (2021), and Lulu & Zoey: A Sister Story, and Hurry, Little Tortoise, Time for School! (2022). She lives in the Boston area with her family. For updates and giveaways, subscribe to her newsletter, check out her website, or follow on Twitter or Instagram.

PRIZE 31: A Fabulous Book Bundle from author Hannah Holt. (Hannah is also one of my long-time critique partners – and she’s including a copy of THE DIAMOND AND THE BOY (nonfiction dual character pb bio), A FATHER’S LOVE (Sweet, SEL, Rhyming), and A HISTORY OF UNDERWEAR WITH PROFESSOR CHICKEN (Funny) – three totally different books that will make a great addition to any writer’s mentor text library.

Hannah Holt is a children’s author with an engineering degree. Her picture books weave together her love of literature and lifelong learning. They include, The Diamond and the Boy (HarperCollins), A Father’s Love (Penguin), and A History of Underwear with Professor Chicken (Macmillan). She lives in Oregon with her husband, four children, and a very patient cat.
Find out more about Hannah and her books here.

PRIZE 32: A signed copy of “Forever Home,” a 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom chat about the path to publication and a manuscript critique with author Cathy Stenquist.

Cathy Stenquist’s picture book “Forever Home,” illustrated by @ericaleighart, recently won the 2022 IPNE- Independent Publishers of New England Best Children’s Book Award and Honorable Mention in the 2023 Writers Digest Self-Published Book Awards.  Cathy also won second place in the 2020 Boston Author’s Club Picture Book Discovery Award for her MS “I Wish I Were.” Her poem “Mother Earth is My Home ” will be included in the anthology “Bless the Earth ” by June Cotner and Nancy Tupper Ling and illustrated by Keum Jin Song (2024). Cathy is a longtime member of SCBWI and Julie Hedlund’s 12×12 Challenge. You can find her at:, on Instagram &, Facebook @cathystenquist and on

PRIZE 33: A 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom Chat from author (and the person who won 1st Place in the very 1st #50PreciousWords Contest), Julie Abery

Julie Abey is an award-winning children’s author and former preschool teacher who shaped her career by reading picture books to children from around the world. Story time was her favorite part of the day, when she and her students stepped into the magical world of books. Songs and picture books were her friends, and her favorite method of engaging young minds, helping her deliver language learning with rhyme, rhythm and repetition.
Originally from England, she now calls Switzerland home.
To connect with Julie:
Twitter: @juliedawnabery • Facebook: • Website:

PRIZE 34: A 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom or a Picture Book Critique with Keila Dawson.

Keila V. Dawson is a former educator who writes fiction and nonfiction picture books. A two-time Ohioana finalist, her books have been nominated for awards, featured on the many best books and state reading lists. She is a coeditor of No World Too Big: Young People Fighting Global Climate Change, a companion title to the award-winning title, No Voice Too Small: Fourteen Young Americans Making History, and the forthcoming No Brain the Same: Young Neurodivergent Activists Shaping Our Future. She is the author of The King Cake BabyOpening the Road: Victor Hugo Green and His Green Book,and Yumbo Gumbo. A native of New Orleans, Dawson has also lived and worked in states from coast to coast, and abroad in the Philippines, Japan, and Egypt. She lives in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Find out more about her and her books at . Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, and Bluesky

PRIZE 35: A Picture Book Manuscript Critique from author Lisa Katzenberger

Lisa Katzenberger has been making up stories to entertain herself since she was a child. She loves to write books that make children laugh, escape, and dream. She is the author of IT WILL BE OK, A LOVE LETTER TO MY LIBRARY, I CAN DO IT EVEN IF I’M SCARED, CROC & GATOR, and IT BELONGS TO THE WORLD: Frederick Banting and the Discovery of Insulin. Lisa lives in the Chicago area with her husband and two children. Visit her online at

PRIZE 36: An Ask-Me-Anything Zoom Chat with author Marzieh Abbas

Marzieh Abbas is a baker turned award-winning author. She loves adding magic to her creations— whether a seven-layer rainbow cake or the books she writes for children all over the world. She enjoys learning new skills, jumping rope, sipping chai, eating samosas, and observing nature. She is the author of A DUPATTA IS (Feiwel & Friends/Macmillan) and several upcoming children’s books, a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, and a graduate of the Children’s Book Academy and Lyrical Language Lab. She lives in Pakistan. You can find out more about her on and follow her on social media–

PRIZE 37: 30 Minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom chat (to be redeemed after the end of April) from author ARIEL BERNSTEIN

Ariel Bernstein is the author of such picture books as WE LOVE FISHING!, which received a starred review from Publishers Weekly, YOU GO FIRST, a Junior Library Guild Selection and a Charlotte Zolotow Highly Commended Title, as well as the upcoming MABEL WANTS A FRIEND, all illustrated by Marc Rosenthal. She also wrote the WARREN & DRAGON chapter book series, illustrated by Mike Malbrough. Ariel lives in New Jersey with her family. Find out more at

PRIZE 38: A 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom chat from author Lydia Lukidis

Lydia Lukidis is the author of 50+ trade and educational books for children. Her passion for Breading and writing began at a very young age, when she was a voracious reader and composed poem after poem in her journals. She volunteers as a judge on Rate your Story, co-hosts the annual Fall Writing Frenzy competition, and is an active member of SCBWI, CANSCAIP, 12 x 12, and The Authors Guild. Another passion of hers is fostering a love for children’s literacy through the writing workshops she regularly offers in elementary schools across Quebec with the Culture in the Schools program. This program is organized by the Ministre de Culture et Communications Québec and the workshops are subsidized by the Quebec Government.

PRIZE 39: A 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom chat with author and Children’s Book Review editor, Bianca Schulze

Growing readers is my calling, writing books is my dream come true.
Bianca Schulze is the founder and editor of The Children’s Book Review—a resource devoted to children’s literature and literacy—and the host of The Growing Readers Podcast.
Bianca is also the author of the popular Don’t Wake the Dragon series (translated into 14 languages) and the bestselling 101 Books to Read Before You Grow Up (an Amazon “Book of the Month”). She is a reader, reviewer, mother, and children’s book lover.
Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, Bianca now lives with her husband and three children near Boulder, Colorado.

PRIZE 40: A 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom Chat with author Tina Shepardson

An award-winning teacher for 33 years, Tina was privileged to share her love of books with many students. She is the author of Walkout, a picture book, with Clear Fork Publishing (2020). Forthcoming is Canines Unleashed, a chapter book with CFP (2024), and The Sorry Seeds, a picture book, with Gnome Road Publishing (2024). She is an active member of 12×12 and a Rate Your Story judge. When Tina, a winter enthusiast, isn’t writing, she enjoys Upstate New York and the Catskills with her husband, daughter, and two Akitas, one snowstorm at a time. Learn more about Tina at

PRIZE 41: A 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom on the Path to Publication from author Carole Ekster

Carol Gordon Ekster was a passionate elementary school teacher for thirty-five years. Now retired, Carol is grateful that her writing allows her to continue communicating with children. She is the author of Before I Sleep: I Say Thank You which won 3rd place in the children’s category of the Catholic Press Association Book Awards and was also a finalist for the ACP Excellence in Publishing Awards 2016. Her picture book, You Know What?, came out first in Dutch (Mama, Wist Je Dat?), December 2016 with Clavis Books. The English version released September 2017 and was a CLEL Bell Picture Book Awards Nominee for Talk (2018) and a finalist for the SCBWI Crystal Kite Award in the New England region, 2018. The Korean language edition came out 2019 and Arabic and Chinese editions are in process. Another picture book, Some Daddies, with Beaming Books, came out May 2022. Trucker Kid, illustrated by Russ Cox came out spring 2023 with Capstone. When Carol is not in a critique group or at her computer she might be doing yoga or biking. She lives in Andover, Massachusetts with her husband Mark. Find out more at

PRIZE 42: A 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything chat plus a signed copy of JOURNEY TO THE STARS from author Laurie Wallmark

My full-time job is writing for children, and I love it. Some previous jobs I’ve held are software engineer, owner of a mail order company (I had a bookstore on the Web before Amazon did!), and computer science professor.
My books have earned six starred trade reviews, been chosen as Junior Library Guild Selections, and received awards such as Outstanding Science Trade Book, Best STEM Book, Cook Prize Honor Book, Mathical Honor Book, AAAS/Subaru Prize Longlist, and Parents’ Choice Gold Medal.

I have seven picture book biographies of #WomenInSTEM: THE QUEEN OF CHESS (Little Bee, 2023), HER EYES ON THE STARS (Creston Books, 2023), CODE BREAKER, SPY HUNTER (Abrams, 2021); NUMBERS IN MOTION (Creston Books); HEDY LAMARR’S DOUBLE LIFE (Sterling Children’s Books, 2019); GRACE HOPPER: QUEEN OF COMPUTER CODE (Sterling Children’s Books, 2017); and ADA BYRON LOVELACE AND THE THINKING MACHINE (Creston Books, 2015). In addition, I’ve published two fiction picture books RIVKA’S PRESENTS (Random House Studio, 2023) and DINO PAJAMA PARTY (Running Press Kids, 2021). Learn more about my books by clicking on the “Books” tab.I speak at many educator conferences such as NCTE, NSTA, TLA, ISTE, NJASL and have been a keynote speaker at the Kutztown University Children’s Literature Conference and the NJ SCBWI annual conference. I enjoy doing school visits and sharing my love of reading and STEM with children. Learn more by clicking on the “Speaking” and “Visits” tabs.
I have an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts. I also have a BA from Princeton University in Biochemistry and an MA in Information Systems from Goddard College.
Find out more about Laurie and her books:

PRIZE 43: An Ask-Me-Anything Zoom Chat from author Janie Reinart

I am a word gatherer. I can sweet-talk a phrase here and surprise a pun there—finding the words to hold a feeling. I revel in playing with words for the sheer joy of writing, cultivating the writer/reader connection—heart to heart. A former Poetry Day Liaison for OCTELA (Ohio Teacher of English Language Arts), a Teacher Consultant with the National Writing Project (NWP), and member of the NWP Writers Council, I share hope filled poems on my site using my own photos at

PRIZE 44: A Non-Rhyming Picture Book Critique with author and editing pro Beth Stillborn

Beth Stilborn writes mainly middle-grade fiction, with the occasional foray into picture books, fiction for grownups, and what she likes to call poetry. She’s still on the journey toward publication for her fiction, but she’s a published writer of hymn texts. She loves to share things she believe will encourage, and teach, and give hope. She write for kids like the kid she was, who often feel on the outside looking in. she write to tell them, and herself, “You’re okay. We’re okay.”

PRIZE 45: A 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom chat with author Cynthia Harmony

Cynthia Harmony is a bilingual author and educational psychologist, originally from Mexico City. She is a 2023 recipient for the Sustainable Arts Foundation Illustrated Children’s Books Award and author of JLG Gold Standard Selections MI CIUDAD SINGS, MI CIUDAD CANTA (Penguin Workshop, 2022) OUR WORLD: MEXICO (Barefoot Books, 2023) and the 3 starred reviewed A FLICKER OF HOPE, UN ALETEO DE ESPERANZA (Viking, 2024). When not writing, Cynthia can be found in a museum with her kids, dancing to a Latin beat, daydreaming of tacos, or planning her next family trip.
Connect with Cynthia and find out more about her books:
Instagram: @cynthiaharmony

PRIZE 46: A 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom plus a copy of one of her books from author Beth Anderson.

Beth Anderson, a former educator, has always marveled at the power of books. Driven by curiosity and a love for words, she writes untold tales, hoping to inspire kids to laugh, ponder, and question. She’s the award-winning author of THOMAS JEFFERSON’S BATTLE FOR SCIENCE (5/14/24), CLOAKED IN COURAGE, FRANZ’S PHANTASMAGORICAL MACHINE, REVOLUTIONARY PRUDENCE WRIGHT, TAD LINCOLN’S RESTLESS WRIGGLE, “SMELLY” KELLY AND HIS SUPER SENSES, LIZZIE DEMANDS A SEAT!, and AN INCONVENIENT ALPHABET. Beth has more historical picture books on the way.

PRIZE 47: A copy of RIVER OF DUST and 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom OR a Zoom class visit plus bookmarks, poster and satellite magnets for the students from author Jilanne Hoffman.

Jilanne Hoffmann is the author of A River of Dust: The Life-Giving Link Between North Africa and the Amazon, a Junior Library Guild Gold Selection (Chronicle Books, July 2023). She’s also the author of two new board books for young explorers, Happy Camper and The Honey Bear Hive. Jilanne is a member of 12×12, SCBWI, and the Writing Barn’s Courage to Create community, and a member of the @StoryJammer, @PBSpree, and @SteamTeam marketing groups. She reviews children’s books from her home office in San Francisco, where she lives with her husband, son, and Wrigley-the-rescue-dog. Find links to Jilanne’s books and more info here: Follow her on Twitter: @Jill_SF and Instagram: @jilanne2694.

PRIZE 48: A Picture Book Critique from author Ana Siqueria.

I think I’m still a child at heart, My grandson says I’m super silly. My family thinks I’m goofy. So, what can I do? All the adventures in my head and heart need to come out on paper. And, children are the best. Also, being a member of a Brazilian-Cuban-American family, I make sure all my stories have latinx children. As a co-founder of @Latinxpitch, I believe all children need to see them in stories.
Bonus: Educators, Librarians, and parents, check some activities, including my teacher’s guide activities for my two first books. I will be completing my Abuela one soon, but most ideas can be used for Abuela too.  Check them out HERE.

PRIZE 49: A Picture Book Critique from author Chloe Ward

Chloe Ito Ward is a Japanese American author. A former curriculum director, she has a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction. Chloe has spent the last decade teaching kindergarten, where she discovered her passion for picture books. Her debut picture book launches April 4, 2024 from Albert Whitman. Chloe loves helping authors elevate their writing and enjoys critiquing lyrical and humorous picture books. 
To find out more and connect with Chloe:
Twitter: @ChloeItoWard
Instagram: ChloeItoWard 

PRIZE 50: A 30-page MG manuscript critique and a 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom Chat plus a signed copy of WHEELS OF CHANGE from Darlene Beck Jacobson

Darlene Beck Jacobson is a former teacher and speech therapist who has loved writing since she was a girl. She is the author of the middle grade historical novel WHEELS OF CHANGE (Creston 2014) which is a 2015 Notable Social-Studies Trade Book from the Children’s Book Council (CBC), A 2015 Mighty Girl Pick, and The Grateful American Book Prize Honorable mention for 2015. Her middle grade novel-in-verse WISHES, DARES, AND HOW TO STAND UP TO A BULLY (Creston 2020) is a Notable Verse Novel for 2021 from the CBC. 
Darlene lives and writes her stories in New Jersey with her family and a house full of dust bunnies. When she’s not writing , she enjoys baking and eating pies, dancing to the oldies in the supermarket, and discovering new things. She’s caught many fish, but never asked one to grant her a wish. She’s a firm believer in wishes coming true, so she tries to be careful what she wishes for. 
Her blog features recipes, activities, crafts, articles on nature, book reviews, and interviews with children’s book authors and illustrators. 
Twitter: @DBeckJacobson

PRIZE 51: A 30-mnute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom Chat from author Hanh Bui

Inspired by her first teacher at the refugee camp, Hanh Bui pursued a master’s degree in Early Childhood Education and taught second grade. She serves as co-chair of the Equity and Inclusion Team for the Mid-Atlantic region of SCBWI. She is a member of Diverse Verse and has been featured in Highlights For Children magazine and Next Avenue. She is the author of The Yellow Áo Dài and Ánh’s New Word (Feiwel & Friends/Macmillan).
To find out more about Hanh and her books:

PRIZE 52: A 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom Chat or a 30-minute Zoom critique with author, editor, and Rate Your Story owner Lynne Marie

Lynne Marie is the author of Hedgehog Goes to Kindergarten – art by Anne Kennedy (Scholastic 2011), Hedgehog’s 100th Day of School – art by Lorna Hussey (Scholastic 2017), The Star of the Christmas Play — art by Lorna Hussey (Beaming Books 2018), Moldilocks and the 3 Scares — art by David Rodriguez Lorenzo (Sterling 2019 and Scholastic 2019), Let’s Eat! Mealtime Around the World — art by Parwinder Singh (Beaming Books 2019), The Three Little Pigs and the Rocket Project — art by Wendy Fedan (Mac and Cheese Press, 2022), American Pie (Dancing Flamingo Press Spring 2022), There Was a Blue Whale Who Tangled with Plastic (Dancing Flamingo Press Spring 2023) and more, forthcoming. She’s also the Owner and Administrator of and a Travel Agent. She currently lives on a lake in South Florida with her family, a Schipperke named Anakin, where she can be found daydreaming and fracturing fairy tales. Visit her on her website Lynne Marie is represented by Marisa Cleveland Follow her on Facebook here and on twitter here.

PRIZE 53: A 30-minute Zoom Chat or a Picture Book Critique or an Illustrator Critique from author/illustrator and artisan Mirka Hokkanen

Mirka Hokkanen is a Finnish-American author, illustrator, and printmaker, who creates nature centric art and household goods, with a mission to bring joy to wherever you call home. Her work is often inspired by retro and Scandinavian patterns and colors, made to be timeless and enjoyed by animal lovers everywhere.
Mirka is a versatile illustrator due to her background in fine art. She works comfortably with watercolors, digital and printmaking media. Her love for line and drawing underlies her style no matter which media or style she is working in. Her favorite subjects to illustrate are quirky animal characters. 
Website http://www.mirkah.comInstagram 

PRIZE 54: Picture Book Critique from author Christine Alemshah

Christine Alemshah (she/her) is a bi-racial Filipino American children’s author and classically trained vocalist. Christine writes children’s picture books championing innovation, celebrating multiculturalism, and often having a musical vibe. She hopes readers will see themselves in the stories she writes. Her “From Faye with Love” picture book series is forthcoming with Free Spirit Publishing. Find out more about her:

PRIZE 55: 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom Chat with author Astrid Kamalyan

Astrid Kamalyan comes from a big, happy Armenian family, where she is the oldest of five siblings. Childhood summers spent in Artsakh are what inspired her to paint with words. Astrid’s debut picture book Bábo: A Tale of Armenian Rug-Washing Day, is a NYPL Best Book of 2023, a JLG Gold Standard Selection and received starred reviews from Kirkus, The Horn Book, and Publishers Weekly. 
Astrid loves globetrotting with her husband and two sons. She currently shares her time between Chicago and Yerevan, Armenia. 
You can read more about Astrid at or connect with her on IG @astridkamalyan, or X @astridkamalyan.

PRIZE 56: A 30-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom with author Sylvia Chen

A New Yorker now living in the Seattle area with her husband and two sons, Sylvia Chen is an Asian American children’s book author represented by Alyssa Eisner Henkin of Birch Path Literary. Sylvia is a member of SCBWI and 12×12, a #PBParty Judge (and Ninja Rockstar!) since 2022, a 2023 and 2022 #PBRisingStars mentor, and the creator of #PBStudyBuddy, which features amazing picture book creators and mentor texts (plus occasional #Kidlit giveaways) on Twitter/X, Instagram, Bluesky, and Threads for fellow creators, teachers, and librarians. Ever so excited about her debut picture book TRICKY CHOPSTICKS (March 19, 2024; Atheneum/Simon & Schuster), Sylvia loves crafting picture books that spark kids’ interest in STEAM and creative thinking. She often stays up late into the night puzzling away with wordplay and working on quirky ideas. 
You can connect with her and find out more about her books here:
Website: https://www.sylviaichen.PRcom/
Book website:

PRIZE 57: A 45-minute Virtual Consultation to discuss strategies for designing curricular materials and activities that supplement your picture book(s) or chapter book(s).  We can discuss one or more projects, including how to align materials to specific state and/or Common Core standards, how to choose activities, and what digital tools you can use to design your materials.  The winner will also receive $100 off any curricular design project created by The Book Links. (Stephanie just designed a Clickable Poster for me and I LOVE it!)

Stephanie Fitzpatrick is the owner and content creator of all materials at The Book Links LLC. An educator with 16 years of elementary education experience, Stephanie was a fifth- and third-grade teacher before becoming a school administrator.  As an elementary school assistant principal for 10 years, she spent a decade working directly with teachers and librarians to ensure that today’s best books are in the hands of our kids.  Stephanie has an Ed.M. in Educational Leadership from Teachers College, an MST in Elementary Education from Pace University, and a B.A. in History and Political Science from Binghamton University.  A writer in her spare time, she is a member of The Writing Barn’s Courage to Create Community, Julie Hedlund’s 12×12 Picture Book Challenge, and SCBWI. 
Instagram: @thebooklinksllc Facebook: (X): @stephanie_skibaThreads: @thebooklinksllcWebsite:

PRIZE 58: The Paula Cohen Martin Big Dreams Mentorship – for an older (over 50) un-agented and unpublished writer who has been plugging away for 5+ years and would like to work with me to polish a manuscript, pitch and cover/query letter. The mentorship includes written feedback and Zoom chats.

I created this mentorship in 2022 after author/illustrator Paula Cohen Martin passed away right before BIG DREAMS, SMALL FISH, her debut book as an author/illustrator, launched. Paula epitomized this kid lit community – she was passionate about sharing her stories and her talent with children – she was devoted to polishing her craft and helping others with theirs. This mentorship honors her work ethic and celebrates her beautiful life.

WOW! What do you think about these amazing prizes? I’m overwhelmed by the generosity of this kid-lit community. Thank you to all the prize donors. And to all those who are participating, please remember that the best gift you can give an author or illustrator is to buy their books, review their books, tell friends about their books, and ask your local library to purchase the books for their collection.

This year I’m partnering with my local independent bookstore, The Bookery in Manchester, NH, to create a literacy initiative that will put books in the hands of children who need them. I’m asking each participant to purchase a children’s book when they post their entry on the Official Contest blogpost. Every book will be donated to three local schools in need – two elementary sc hools and a middle school. That way, you can buy whatever type of book you prefer – a board book, picture book, chapter book, middle grade, or YA. You can buy a book written by a friend. If you are a published author, you can buy a copy of your own book and it will become part of one of the school’s libraries.

Here is the link to bookstore: also their phone number for people who don’t like to purchase things online: 603-836-6600. And if you are not able to buy a book or you’d rather not, please remember, this is not a requirement. I still want you to join the contest.
But if you buy a book, either online or over the phone, please let them know that this is for #50PreciousWords. That way, the bookstore will be able to put it aside in the #50PreciousWords pile. This is a win-win-win for the independent bookstore, for the schools, and of course, for the students. And also for the authors and illustrators of the books that are purchased.

The three Manchester, NH schools we are supporting at:
Weston Elementary
Beech Street Elementary
McLaughlin Middle School

And the library media specialist at Beech Street was kind enough to provide me with a WISH LIST:
She said:
I’m hoping to focus on nonfiction for K-4 especially in the following areas/topics: current famous soccer players/teams, updated (and elementary-friendly) books on countries of the world and professional basketball teams/players. Another area I’d like to enhance would be my “books in other languages” section – I have lots of Spanish offerings but not all my ELL students have Spanish as a language. I would love to add more Arabic, African languages, and Asian languages in popular picture books and nonfiction books. And books focusing on learning early words in those languages would help with some of our school-wide attempts to increase a love of reading and learning over the next few years.

Several author and illustrator friends have asked if they can donate their own books for the Literacy Initiative. YES! That would be lovely. If you have a new copy of children’s book that you wrote or illustrated and you’d like to add it to the #50PreciousWords Literacy Initiative pile, you can mail it to me at:
Vivian Kirkfield
30 Gage Road
Bedford, NH 03110
and I will deliver it to the schools along with the books bought at The Bookery when the contest is over. And if you are just stopping by to enjoy reading the contest entries and perhaps commenting on them (it’s so lovely for writers to read encouraging words!) and you’d like to donate a book to schools in need, I’d be thrilled to accept it.

Dear friends…please put on your thinking caps and sharpen your pencils and rev up your computers. It’s time to write and submit! And if you know someone who is always saying they are going to write a story, please let them know about this opportunity.  If anyone has questions, please email me. I will be happy to answer them: If you have trouble posting, please email me and I will do my best to help you.



  1. The Fall
    By Heather Brown

    They all fell.
    It was the way.
    Come! They cried.
    The leaf,
    Held on.
    First the ice stars!
    Frigid fleeting friends.
    A persistent precipitation.
    pattered, pelted, poured.
    She held on.
    But then,
    A familiar face,
    I see now.
    You are me.
    The leaf


    Liked by 3 people

    By Jenna Menkes

    In class, Janie collected half-used notebooks and old pencils destined for the trash.

    I wondered why.

    At lunch, Janie asked for the leftover food.

    I worried quietly.

    After school, I saw Janie delivering food and small gifts to those in need.

    I watched, amazed.

    Liked by 7 people


    By: Melissa H. Mwai

    Of course, it’s hard
    for little ducks
    to race a 1K
    against humans.

    But I’m the lucky duck,
    racer #332,
    racecar-red shoes.

    18 minutes later,
    the finish line’s near.
    Tired waddles
    burst into zooms.

    Last place doesn’t
    ruffle my feathers.
    ‘Cuz I’m still the fastest duck
    in racecar-red shoes.

    Liked by 4 people

    By Rita D. Russell
    (50 words)

    Trapped at the border
    in a sea of refugees

    War and poverty
    forced us to flee

    “Go back!” they threaten
    ignoring our pleas

    Dreams of freedom,
    prayers for opportunities

    Will they see us and agree
    our talents and skills
    are good for democracy

    Liked by 7 people

    – Rathi Munukur
    (50 words)

    “My horn is so pointy.”
    “Mine’s pointier!”
    “I like eating frogs.”
    “Slugs taste better!”
    “My tummy is rumbling.”
    “Mine is rumbling so loud, I can’t hear you!”
    “Hmph… I’m going to eat.”
    “Me first.”
    “Oh ya. I forgot.”
    “Frog slug shake?”

    Liked by 2 people


    Liked by 32 people

  7. Pingback: #50PreciousWords – Libby Demmon

    • Thanks Vivian. I had a lot of fun playing with words for this story 🙂

      I really appreciate the time and energy you put into helping us to write precious words. Thank you so much and happy reading!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you for this opportunity. I am in aww of all the great stories. There are so many talented contestants. Vivian this is so amazing.

    Rhonda-Kay Gatlin

    Liked by 3 people

    • Each year I hesitate for a second or two…do I really want to immerse myself for a couple of months – preparing, collecting prizes, gathering judges…and then the weeks of reading entries…and then the weeks of collating feedback with my amazing assistant judges…and then the weeks of distributing prizes…but after the second second, I realize I MUST do it because it’s become such an important inspiration for writers!

      And you are right, Rhonda…there are so many incredible stories!!! Some of them are ready to be books RIGHT NOW!


  9. Contestants: Delighted to be able to read and judge so many of your extraordinary entries.

    Vivian, thank you for asking me back to judge for this wonderful contest. I’ve enjoyed my third year very much.

    My other judging colleagues, it’s been a pleasure working with you all once again. Judges rule!!! 💕

    Liked by 4 people

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