Have You Seen That Groundhog? Punxsutawney Phyllis’ Fashion Show

February 2nd is Groundhog Day.

You know the drill, right?


Luckily, I am good friends with a very special groundhog…author Susanna Leonard Hill’s famous Punxsutawney Phyllis.

So, I thought I’d call her to get the low-down on up-coming weather trends.

Phyllis was very close-mouthed about it – and refused to spill the beans before the official date – but she did share something with me.

She’s planning a vacation at an undisclosed nude beach in the Caribbean  – to attend the 1st Annual Groundhog Fun-in-the-Sun-Spectacular (or Spectacle…it was a bad connection and I wasn’t sure what she said).


Here’s a picture she emailed me…that’s Phyllis, on her beach blanket, covered by her towel…this is a G-rated blog, after all.

I know we all hope Phyllis has an awesome time – for more adventures of Phyllis, go here.

If you want to submit an entry or see the other posts, Susanna has a linky up on her blog…lots of others are joining Phyllis’ Fun Fashion Show.