PPBF: Be The Kite…Inspiring Kids to Imagine and Soar

Perfect Picture Book Friday…come and join Susanna Leonard Hill’s fantastic group of picture book writers, illustrators, librarians and others who contribute a picture book review.

A fellow 12x12er and local critique partner of mine sent me a link to an amazing YouTube video this morning.  Watch this 80 year-old gentleman demonstrate multi-kite flying…he travels all around the world…I promise you will be entertained for five minutes…and inspired for the rest of your life.


Seeing the kite-flying video encouraged me to review Be The Kite!



Be The Kite

Written and illustrated by Cathi Bosco

Publisher: C & D Publishers (April 2012)

Ages: 2 and up


Imagination, friendship, perceiving the world around us, kite-flying


From Amazon’s book page: “Art – Literature – Imagination! Be the Kite is an inspired, original picture-book by artist Cathi Bosco. Her illustrations and story celebrate the nurturing nature of imaginative thinking. Each illustrated page from this book feature the kite-flying adventure of two great friends and are literally connected. If printed out, each page would fit together making one long continuous picture.”

Why do I like this book:

This is a beautiful book that encourages young children to use their imaginations and take a look at the world. In addition, the author/illustrator invites participation of young readers: ”all young artists are invited to participate in a collective drawing activity. Parents, teachers, librarians and kids can submit their artwork featuring Tilly, George and Pickles and we will proudly include all drawings at our website in The Young Artists Gallery! Details can be found at http://www.CandDStudios.com. Be the Kite is a visually creative picture-book that children from 3 – 10 LOVE! Enjoying creativity and seeing the world in new and different ways are meaningful experiences for people of all ages.”

Related Activities:



Photo courtesy of eHow. You will find instructions for making many different types of kites with children here: http://www.ehow.com/how_5333244_make-kite-children.html

The author’s website where several activities can be found: http://www.bethekite.com/

If you want a step by step video showing how to make a kite that will really fly: http://www.ehow.com/video_4790375_make-paper-kite.html

I also wanted to share that the Asian Festival of Children’s Content has added to their website the speakers and program for this year’s event. I was thrilled to see my name…my trip to Singapore is definitely becoming more real: http://afcc.com.sg/_2013/speakers

I’m honored to be part of such a distinguished international line-up.

book pic from wordpress blog

If you want a great resource that will give you 100’s of picture book summaries, easy matching crafts (sorry, no kites) and healthful child-friendly cooking activities, purchase a copy on Amazon (or my website) of Show Me How! Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem Through Reading, Crafting and Cooking.  At $24.95, this book makes a PERFECT gift for any parent or teacher of children ages 2-8…as well as for daycare providers and grandparents.  No batteries required…powered by a child’s imagination!   Buy your copy today!

Sunday Post: Peaceful…How to Create a Peaceful Home

Jake at Time after Time has a Sunday Post Challenge and every week he provides a theme…this week’s theme is PEACEFUL.

how to create a peaceful home,www.positiveparentalparticipation.com,show me how build your child's self-esteem through reading, crafting and cooking­

Surroundings can be peaceful…many people find that being near quiet water helps relieve stress.

peaceful children listening to a picture book story,www.positiveparentalparticipation.com

Children listening to a picture book story can be peaceful.

Create a peaceful when children are crafting,www.positiveparentalparticipation.com

Children engaged in a craft activity can be peaceful.

Many years ago, when my own kids were young, I operated a home daycare.  People couldn’t believe that there were six children in the house because the house seemed so peaceful.

The children were always engaged in one activity or another…listening at a picture book; building with blocks; telling a story with the flannel board; working on a puzzle; drawing or painting a picture.

The house wasn’t silent…but the sounds of busy children, happily engaged in activities are PEACEFUL sounds.

Do you have young children?

Is your home a peaceful one?

It’s important for parents to provide those types of activities for their kids.

But it is difficult.  Parents are busy with other responsibilities.  Some parents aren’t sure what activities are best to do with their children.  Others don’t know how to plan a balanced and harmonious day.

That’s why Show Me How! Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem Through Reading, Crafting and Cookingis such a super cool book.

  1. It gives parents those types of activities.
  2. It gives parents a simple hour-by-hour plan that can be modified for each individual family’s situation.
  3. It gives parents 100 picture book suggestions that will develop better literacy skills.
  4. It gives parents 100 quick and easy craft projects that will build self-esteem.
  5. It gives parents 100 child-friendly healthful cooking activities that will encourage fussy eaters to try new foods.
  6. No expensive materials…just paper, scissors, markers and a glue stick.
  7. No planning…the activities are quick and easy…no muss…no fuss.
  8. Buy the book today and help several children’s organizations because we donate a portion of the book sales.
  9. The list price is $44.95…you can purchase it on my website for $24.95 and get THREE BONUS GIFTS: FREE SHIPPING, A HAND-CRAFTED FABRIC BOOKMARK FOR YOU AND A BRAND-NEW PENCIL FOR YOUR CHILD.

how to create a peaceful home,www.positiveparentalparticipation.com,show me how build your child's self-esteem,free bookmarks

A local woman who makes beautiful quilts created these awesome bookmarks for me…she donates her profits to a family shelter, so this is a win-win-win for everyone…she used three different pieces of fabric for each…here’s a close-up so you can see the lovely detail.

create a peaceful home,www.positiveparentalparticipation.com,free bookmarks,show me how build your child's self-esteem

Don’t wait…buy your copy today to make sure you get it in time for the holidays!

Start the New Year with a plan for a more peaceful home.

Want more information about Jake’s Sunday Post?

time after time, positive parental participation


Sunday Post: Architecture…Books Create a Strong Foundation

Jake at Time after Time has a Sunday Post Challenge and every week he provides a theme…this week’s theme is ARCHITECTURE.

Photo courtesy of http://departmentstoremuseum.blogspot.com/2010/06/abraham-straus-brooklyn-new-york.html


I held my mother’s hand as we approached the impressive façade of the eight-story building, my older sister excitedly chattering about the dress she was going to buy to wear at her junior high school graduation.  Located in downtown Brooklyn, Abraham & Strauss was a well-known department store with floors and floors of the finest merchandise.

Taking the elevator to the eighth floor, we entered a paradise for book lovers!  Wall-to-wall books…and in between…tables and tables of books.  Admonishing me to stay there and find something to read, my mother and sister left for the dress department.

Perhaps you are shocked and horrified that any mother would leave a nine-year old girl alone in a department store in New York City.  Looking back on the experience, I’m also surprised that she did…but it was another time…over 50 years ago…and people felt a lot safer, even though perhaps they weren’t.

I wandered around, happy as a clam (are clams happy?), picking up this book and that book and just reveling in the ecstasy of having so many books at my disposal.  I finally choose LITTLE WOMEN by Louisa May Alcott, one of my favorites.

I sat down on the floor and proceeded to read the entire book from cover to cover.  When I am engrossed in a book, the world outside of the book ceases to exist for me.

Is it that way for you?  I had no watch…time stood still for me until I finished the last page, closed the book   and crawled out from my quiet little cubbyhole under one of the tables.

“THERE SHE IS!!!!”  I saw my mother and sister running towards me.  Several policemen, uniformed store security guards and sales clerks were with them.  Later, my mother explained that after several hours of shopping for my sister’s dress, they returned to the book department, but couldn’t find me (I am very petite and at age nine, I was even smaller).   Store personnel and the police were called in to help search throughout the entire store because they believed I had walked away from the book department.

Walk away from a book department?  It’s obvious they didn’t know the real Vivian!

I’m sure my mother never did that again…but at no time during the experience was I frightened or concerned.  I didn’t think I was lost in the store…I was lost in the world of the book…and I was very happy to be there.

Books are like wings…they help children soar!

Why should we read to young children?

Research shows that young children who are read to on a daily basis have greater school success.  Buildings like the old Abraham and Strauss needed a strong foundation…children need a strong foundation as well…and books contribute a very important part of that.

Why should we limit TV and participate with young children in other activities?

Recent studies point to possible future health problems when kids get too much ‘screen time’.



With the holidays just around the corner, are you wondering what to get for friends who have young children, teachers who teach young children, grandparents or daycare providers?

Show Me How! Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem

Through Reading, Crafting and Cooking


A brand-new, signed and inscribed copy is just $19.95 on Amazon (there are several used copies from other book dealers being offered for $50 – $60).  The book contains 100 picture book suggestions with a summary, quick craft project and child-friendly recipe for each recommended title.  In addition, there is a gentle parenting tip and lined space for writing your own notes on every page.

This is a must-have book…you’ll never wonder what to do with your kids…and they won’t have to turn to the TV for entertainment.  Get your copy today!


Want more information about Jake’s Sunday Post?
