Pi Bo Id Mo: Throw me a deadline & I will write a story

Pi Bo Id Mo: Throw me a deadline & I will write a story.

Hurray!  Children’s author Emily Lim, the awesome lady who invited me to speak at the 2013 Asian Festival of Children’s Content in Singapore, is joining PiBoIdMo!

PiBoIdMo is the perfect launching pad for picture book writers…not only will you create a notebook of 30 ideas that might someday become award-winners…you will also be exposed to over 500 (YES, 500) energized writers and illustrators who will be sharing tips and helpful information in posts (on Tara Lazar’s blog and in their own) and in the comments (I know, scrolling through hundreds of comments on each post takes time…but it is time well-spent…there are always excellent nuggets of knowledge lurking there). 

The Bible says something about if two or three are gathered  There IS power in community…and here we have over 500 gathering…don’t you feel the energy?

Haven’t signed up yet?  What are you waiting for? 
