Cover Reveal: UNICYCLE DAD Plus Incredible Giveaways

Hurray! I’m so glad you are here…because Cover Reveals are very special…a first peek at a new creation! When Sarah Hovorka told me she had a book launching next year from Amicus Ink entitled UNICYCLE DAD, my curiosity was peeked – and when I found out more about the book, I knew I’d want to share it with my blog followers. Even more wonderful, Sarah, and illustrator Alicia Schwab, stopped by to share a bit about the path to publication for this book…PLUS, EACH OF THEM IS OFFERING A FABULOUS GIVEAWAY! Sarah is offering a picture book manuscript and query critique! And Alicia is offering an art portfolio critique! That is so very generous!
And now, the cover of UNICYCLE DAD!

Just look at this amazing cover! This is definitely a book that kids will want to pick up!
Here’s a bit from the Amazon sales page:
Sarah knows her unicycle-riding dad is special–even as Sarah cooks, takes care of her brother, and does homework on her own. When her dad finally graduates from high school, gets a second job, and eventually lands a promotion, Sarah realizes there’s so much more that’s special about him. Unicycle Dad shares the inherent struggles and quiet joys of a single-parent, impoverished household. Raised by a single, teenage father in poverty, author Sarah Hovorka grew up in a family structure lived by many but seldom represented in children’s books. Illustrator Alicia Schwab captures the story with warm, expressive art.

And here’s what author Sarah had to say about the inspiration for the story:
SARAH: Unicycle Dad is based on my childhood being raised by a single, teenage father in poverty. As a child, I admired his skill with the unicycle… he always seemed to soar before my eyes. As I aged into adulthood, I realized there was so much more to admire about him from earning his GED while raising two kids to working two jobs so we could have shoes for school. I hope Unicycle Dad helps children see the strength in their own parents and caregivers, and ultimately, in themselves.

And here’s a little bit about Sarah and how you can connect with her:
Sarah Hovorka writes lots of stuff from big-hearted picture books to horror-ridden novels. Unlike Goldilocks, every genre she tries feels just right, though children’s literature is her primary focus. She is the author of Hattie Hates Hugs and Same Love, Different Hug with two more picture books coming in 2024. 

Beyond reading and writing, Sarah loves to play games, homeschool, eat chocolate, and enjoy trees with her husband and three sons in California. You can find out more about her, her books, and follow her blog at

Here is a bit about the path to publication for illustrator Alicia:
“I was so excited to illustrate Unicycle Dad, a story all about falling down and getting back up again, that I took the inspiration too literally and fell while hiking, breaking my leg. Despite my mishap, I persisted and finished all the art on time.”

And here’s a little bit about Alicia and how you can connect with her:

Illustrator Alicia Schwab was raised by two bookworms in the Madison, Wisconsin area, working several jobs to support Alicia and her siblings. Alicia started making books when she was little and has gone on to write, illustrate, and design books in Germany and the USA. Alicia specializes in characters that prevail over misfortune, including her debut middle-grade, LITE: The High Treason Incident, a 2023 IPPY Bronze Medalist. Alicia garners creativity by hiking/biking around Minnesota, where she lives with her family and their adventurous dog.
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We all know how important it is to show support for books we love. Please do at least one of these things for this book:
Buy the book.
Here are several pre-order links:
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Barnes and Noble
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Put the book on your Goodreads WANT TO READ shelf.
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Ask your local library to purchase copies for their collection.

And of course, don’t forget to leave a comment for a chance to win one of the two amazing giveaways. In your comment, please let us know if you’d rather win the Picture Book Manuscript and Query Critique from Sarah or the Art Portfolio Critique from Alicia.

I hope you all have a beautiful week!