It’s time for ice-cream and cake and a hearty happy book birthday to a very special book from a very special writer friend of mine, Beth Anderson. I remember reading the early drafts of this manuscript a number of years ago – and I’m thrilled that it is now a real book!!!

Written by Beth Anderson – Illustrated by Caroline Hamel – Published by Kids Can Press
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Cover Reveal: BRAINSTORM! Plus Giveaway

Revealing the cover of a picture book is like when the curtain is lifted off an important piece of art at a museum. We get a peek at the creative process that has been ongoing for a year or more with input from editor, art director, and perhaps even the author. We gaze at the brilliance that teamwork generates.

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Perfect Picture Book Friday: PENNY AND THE PLAIN PIECE OF PAPER Plus Giveaway

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, dear friends. And today is such a special day for this particular book because it is the one-year birthday for PENNY AND THE PLAIN PIECE OF PAPER.

HURRAY!!!!! What a beautiful book Miri Leshem-Pelly created! And I’m so thrilled to be able to share it with you. Miri is not only mega-talented…she is also mega-generous and one lucky winner is going to snag a Picture Book Critique or a Zoom chat with Miri…so make sure you leave a comment. Maybe you could tell us what YOU would write/draw on your plain piece of paper.

Happy One-Year Birthday!!!!
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