Sunday Post: Cities…A Good Place to Raise Children?

Jake at Time after Time has a Sunday Post Challenge and every week he provides a theme…this week’s theme is CITIES.


Do you live in a big city like Chicago?

Or are you raising your family in a smaller town?

Wherever children grow up, they enjoy doing things with their parents.

If you want to be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you need to be in their lives today.”

How can we do this?

Read with them.  This is Carter with the interactive Cheerios Halloween book that was part of the Halloween Prize Package I sent to his family.

Introduce them to nature and let them get dirty!  This is my grandson, Jeremy, having a ball with mud!

Share your interests with them!  This is my granddaughter, learning to fish.

Be joyous with them!  Laugh with them!  Love them!


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Sunday Post: Favorite Spot – Wherever Loved Ones Are!

Jake at Time after Time has a Sunday Post Challenge and every week he provides a theme…this week’s theme is FAVORITE SPOT.

Horseback riding in the western hills above Steamboat Springs, CO.



Fishing in Rocky Mountain National Park


Great cast into the Big Thompson River in RMNP.

A perfect autumn day in New England.



Reading with kids at Tollhouse Preschool in New Hampshire.



Cooking with kids builds self-esteem, develops literacy skills and is just plain fun!




I’d love to have the opportunity to travel…I’ve driven across the country twice and next spring I may have the unbelievable opportunity to speak at the Asian Festival of Children’s Content in Singapore.

However, sipping wine and feasting on homemade bread and cheese al fresco under the Tuscan sun is a dream of mine. 

A writer friend of mine has organized an amazing retreat for women writers in Florence, Italy.  It will take place from April 7-13, 2013. I cannot attend (this time), but you might like to go. Julie has an overview of the retreat on her website, plus specific information about the ProgramFacultyAccommodation and Rates. If you do register, please let Julie know I sent you!

Speaking about Julie…today is the last day of September…time to check in with the 12×12 in 2012 Challenge.  In January, children’s author Julie Hedlund issued a challenge: write one picture book draft every month in 2012.  Over 400 writers answered that challenge!


 The challenge has definitely inspired me to write a picture book draft each month…and I’ve enjoyed connecting with dozens of members of this amazing kidlit community.  My September draft is done…I’m hoping that in the next few months, I will prepare several manuscripts for submission!


This is the last day for nominations to give a dozen free copies of Show Me How! Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem Through Reading, Crafting and Cookingto schools or other childcare facilities.  Nominate your child’s school, or your own school if you are a teacher, in the Show Me How School Initiative by leaving a comment and telling us why you’d like that school or classroom to have this book.  If you don’t have young children, but know people who do, please tell them about the free book their child’s school can receive!  On Friday, we will use to choose 12 lucky schools. 

You can purchase a copy of this award-winning resource on Amazon (only $19.95) and on Amazon Kindle (only $9.95).  This award-winning book is a great gift for parents, grandparents, teachers, daycare providers and every young child (ages 2-8) that you know!  Get started on your holiday shopping…no batteries required…powered by a child’s imagination and a parent’s positive participation!  Check out this wonderful review from a kid’s point of view.


Want more information about Jake’s Sunday Post? 

The Forgotten Ones…

The Forgotten Ones….

Have you ever walked down the halls of a nursing home?

In most of them, it’s a heartbreaking sight.

I read a blog post that moved my heart…I hope it moves yours as well.

Piglet in Portugal has an award-winning blog in…you guessed it…Portugal.  Her tales about her vegetable garden will have you rolling on the floor…her sense of humor is apparent in every post she does.

The post she did about people in nursing homes won’t make you laugh…but I hope it will make you smile as you think about what you can do to bring a moment of happiness to an elderly resident of a nursing home. 

Parents: how about reading Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge, a picture book by Mem Fox about a little boy who lives next door to a home for the elderly?  Then you and your child can talk about how you can make them smile…maybe make a card or picture and deliver it to a local nursing home. 

I’ll be reviewing that book in my next post.