Increase Your Wealth As You Improve Your Health

I saw a similar headline in an article in a recent Money Magazine.

It’s really commonsense, if you think about it.

What are some ways we could increase our wealth and improve our health?

1.    If you are a smoker, giving up cigarettes will improve your health…and you will also save money by not having to buy them. Because you will avoid many of the serious health issues that smokers often have to deal with, you will save on doctor visits and medications.

2.    Are you someone who drives everywhere…even to places that may only be a short distance away?  Walking or biking instead of driving would save money on gas as well as wear and tear on the car which would extend the life of the car.  The exercise gained from walking or biking would improve your core strength and over-all health…and that in turn would result in less money spent on pain medications and doctor visits for back pain.

3.    Do you eat out often or bring home prepared fast-food on a regular basis?  Most fast-food is really unhealthy and eating out can be very expensive.  Try to set aside a few hours a week to prepare home-cooked meals that you can freeze or refrigerate for healthful, easy-to-heat dinners.  You will save a lot of money and you will be eating much more nutritious foods.

4.    Portion control is an important step in maintaining a healthy weight…we are encouraged by the media to super-size and biggie-size our meals and that’s one of the reasons obesity is such a rampant problem. Before you pour a bowl of cereal, for example, look at the serving size on the box.  Usually it is ½ to 1 cup…but many cereal bowls hold 2 cups or more.  Buy a set of measuring cups and use them to make sure you are putting one serving in your bowl, not two or three.  The box of cereal will last a lot longer (saving you money) and you and your family will not be adding double and triple the number of calories when you eat cereal for breakfast…thereby maintaining a healthier weight.

What ways do you have of increasing your wealth while improving your health?  Do share!

It’s almost time for Jingle Bells and Holiday Wreaths!  If you are looking for some healthy child-friendly recipes, please check out my book.  Show Me How! Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem Through Reading, Crafting and Cooking gives you 100 easy cooking activities (and 100 simple craft projects) that would be fun for the whole family.  The holidays will be here before you know it…this award-winning book makes a wonderful gift for any parent, grandparent, preschool teacher, daycare provider or any children ages 2-7.  If you want a gift that keeps on giving long after the wrapping and ribbon have been tossed away, just buy a copy…you won’t be disappointed.  There is a money-back guarantee…and it’s on special now for 50% off the cover price!