Sunday Post: What’s Your Nature?

The dictionary gives us three definitions of the word nature.


Nature can be the countryside…mountains….rivers…forests.


Nature can be the forces and processes that control the physical world…hurricanes, tornados, high tide and low tide.

Photo credit:

Nature can be the inherent character or basic constitution of a person…loving, generous, spiteful, envious, kind.

Jake at Time after Time has a Sunday Post Challenge and every week he provides a theme…this week’s theme is NATURE.

We are born with a particular disposition or temperament…environment and circumstances do play a role in shaping the person we become…and parents have a role in shaping the person their child becomes.

When natural disasters strike, it always amazes me how many step forward to assist…with their time, money and love.

But often, the problems are not so easily seen and may not be brought to our attention by the media.

Such is the case with our libraries today.  Most public libraries operate on small budgets that are funded by local revenues.  And these days, many libraries are suffering…cutting down on staff hours and putting a hold on ordering new books.

My nature is a sharing one.  I volunteer at local kindergartens, reading and crafting with the children and I donate a portion of the proceeds of the sale of Show Me How to three different children’s organizations.  

I began thinking about the situation the libraries are in and I had an idea! To help celebrate National Library Week (April 8-14) and to enable a bunch of libraries to add new materials to their collections, why not donate some of my books?


The Show-Me-How Library Project will enable twenty-five libraries across the country to receive a copy of my book.  If you would like to nominate your local library, please leave a comment on this post or on my Perfect Picture Book Friday post, telling me why you would like your library to receive one of the free books.  At the end of April, we will pick twenty-five libraries (through  If your library is chosen and you would like to do a review of Show Me How on your blog/website/magazine/newspaper, I would be happy to send along a second copy, just for you! 


  •         blog about this
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Whatever you can do to encourage everyone you know to hop on board and nominate their library would be appreciated.  Who knows, I just might have to give away books to more than twenty-five libraries and perhaps this will inspire other authors to make similar donations!

 If you’d like more information about Jake’s Sunday Post: 

And here are some other bloggers who are doing Jake’s Sunday Post:






Quick note on the 12 x 12 Challenge I am taking part in…I am happy to say I have completed my March picture book draft!

31 thoughts on “Sunday Post: What’s Your Nature?

  1. I wish I could afford to donate some of my books to the local library. Maybe one day when things get better, I will do just that. In the meantime, I commend you for your own generosity. I am sure it is appreciated by many. 🙂


    • Glad you think it is an idea that has merit, Marcy! Since I am self-published, I don’t have to pay the “sticker” price for my own books…it’s harder for traditionally published authors because I believe they only get a small number of copies when the book is first published…if they want more, they have to buy them like everyone else…with the lion’s share of the proceeds going to the publisher and the store that is selling it.


    • Thank you, Pat! I just about forgot it was April Fool’s Day…I guess that “holiday” is more relevant for kids…but even when I was younger, I wasn’t much of a practical joker.
      I really hope the interest will build and other authors will think about doing something like this.


  2. Pingback: Sunday Post: NATURE | Contemplative Eye

  3. Pingback: Nature’s Blood Sucker « Simply Charming

  4. Pingback: Sunday Post: Nature | Inspired Vision

  5. Great post and wonderful way to celebrate Library Week!

    I’d love for the Anna Maria Island Library to receive a copy of Show Me How. One of 8 libraries in the county, it’s the smallest and it does so much for the community and kids of all ages ~ book readings for wee ones, origami and jewelry making for older kids, special teen programs for high schoolers, etc..


    • I’m so happy you nominated your local library, Nancy! I’m afraid that if folks don’t do whatever they can to assist libraries, more and more will have to shorten hours, reduce services and close branches. Maybe this will inspire other authors to do something similar. I’d appreciate any help or ideas for spreading the word. 🙂


  6. What a wonderful way to share your gifts and talents. This post was so insightful! I am so glad I stopped by. I agree with you. This may start a trend of authors donating their books. Again, this is great. Going to tweet about this.


    • Thank you so much, Pam! I appreciate your lovely comments and I’m glad you stopped by. Do you want to nominate your local library or do they already have a copy?
      I mentioned the Library Project to someone who is a teacher and her husband has an article being published in Highlights. She also thought it was a great idea. I do hope that others will be inspired to help the libraries in whatever ways they can.


  7. Pingback: Sunday Post: Culture…What Do Children Really Need? « Positive Parental Participation

  8. Pingback: Free Copies of Show Me How! Nominate Your Library to Receive One! « Positive Parental Participation

    • I did a post with all of the winners…libraries in Troy NY, Verona NJ, a bunch in Florda, California, Maine, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, etc…I think if you look at a subsequent post you will see them. I was happy to do it because I know that if libraries have the book, it is available to so many parents and teachers. 🙂 And quite a few of the people who did the nominating will be doing reviews of Show Me How on their blogs. 🙂


  9. Pingback: Nature’s Blood Sucker | Simply Charming

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