Sunday Post: Morning…We Remember 9/11


Jake at Time after Time has a Sunday Post Challenge and every week he provides a theme…this week’s theme is MORNING.

When tragic events take place, we almost always remember where we were and what we were doing.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, the unimaginable happened…planes piloted by terrorists crashed into the Twin Towers in NYC and into the Pentagon in Washington, DC.  One plane, destined to destroy the White House, was retaken by a group of courageous passengers and crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, killing all aboard, but saving the target from harm.

I was at home, trying to follow up on some phone calls for my husband’s business…but no one was answering.  I wondered about that and turned on the television in time to witness the horror on live TV.  My first thought was to call my own children, spread out across the country, to make sure they were all ok.

Morning is a time for renewal when all things begin again.  Each of us has the opportunity every day…to make changes, choose different options or follow a new path…because every day is the first day of the rest of your life.

We remember that morning eleven years ago…and pray for all who were impacted by it.

We thank the brave firefighters, police and others…many who gave their own lives.

And we pray for guidance to make the world a safer place for our children.

I’d also like to share a few important details:

  1. If you’d like to hear my interview on Michael Scott’s Bookmark Radio Show: (Yes, my name is spelled incorrectly…perhaps I need to change it to Kirkland…so many people seem to like it better that way.)
  2. The Summer Short and Sweets Contest winner will be announced tomorrow on Susanna Leonard Hill’s blog…if you’d like to read the stories submitted by the six finalists (I’m honored that mine is one of them), please go here.  You can even VOTE for the one you like best!
  3. We are still looking for more nominations of schools to receive a free copy of Show Me How! Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem Through Reading, Crafting and Cooking.  All you have to do is leave a comment on my blog post, naming the school or child-care facility that you’d like to enter in the Show-Me-How School Initiative.

30 thoughts on “Sunday Post: Morning…We Remember 9/11

  1. Nice way to incorporate the prompt.
    It was quite a morning. I was teaching and when we heard about it, I was nervous about my husband who works in NYC. My sons were let out of high school but for some reason I didn’t even think about my daughter who was in 5th grade. Everyone was picked up except her- I was too busy at my own school. Then we returned home and realized our neighbor was gone. It was a dreadful couple of days as people went it to try to find his body. His widow raised 3 kids, then all under 8 herself. It’s an indelible morning in our lives.


    • Eleanor Roosevelt was quoted as saying, “Yesterday is the past…tomorrow is the future…today is a gift…that’s why they call it the present.” Or something like that. I truly believe that we all have a special opportunity each and every day to start again, try something new, make a new plan, walk a different road…no one is stuck, although it may feel like it sometimes. For me, this is a very empowering thought…one I try embrace every day. 🙂
      Thank you for the kind and thoughtful comment, Susanna!


    • Thank you, Jake…glad I was able to participate in your Sunday Post…even though it was Tuesday when I posted it. 🙂 But, in a way, I’m glad I couldn’t do it before…paying tribute to 9/11 by focusing on that “morning” gave me the perfect tie in to your prompt.


  2. I enjoyed reading your post today. You are right the mornings do offer us a chance to begin again. I also remember the morning of 9/11. My heart and prayers go out to all who suffered. I am proud of the USA and our troops who have kept us safe ever since. Thanks for the pingback and listing my blog.



  3. Wonderful tribute for such a horrible act of violence.
    I certainly remember where I was. I was on my way to teach a painting class and I heard the news in my car. I thought it was a sick joke. That day will one no one with a heart will ever forget.
    I hope you win the contest. Grin.


  4. A beautiful reminder of 9/11. I don’t think my kids are old enough to know about the event and its horrific details, but in a way, I’m glad I’ve lived it to be able to tell them what happened, until other wars / terrorist acts before I was born.

    I was at a tradeshow in Houston when it happened and got stranded there (no planes!). The show closed down one day short to allow exhibitors to figure out their way home. I drove back 1500 miles in 2 days with my co-worker, painfully listening to country music (that’s all you can hear in Texas and the Southwest!). It was a great way to bond with my colleague! Everywhere we stopped, we met people like us, driving rental cars (even strangers sharing a ride) and trying to find their way home. I think it marked me more than if I had been in the comfort of my home at the time. It ended up being a real adventure.


      • My grandparents lived the first and the second world war in France, both times occupied by the Germans. My grandfather flew planes at age 17 during WWI. He crashed two of them. In those times, they barely flew! They didn’t talk much about it but when they did, you realized how much it had affected them. When you live side by side with the enemy, it leaves a permanent mark on you. My grandparents didn’t have many nice words for the Germans, but I can imagine why by putting myself in their shoes. I just hope my kids and I never have to live through such horrific events.


        • Thank you so much for sharing this with me, Milka! When we walk down the street and pass an elderly person (or any person, for that matter), we have no idea what their “story” is…we could learn a lot about life if we did. 🙂


    • And good luck to you, Erik!  I was so happy to see your entry in the finals. 🙂 It’s unfortunate that we do have to teach kids about 911, especially those who weren’t born when it happened…but perhaps keeping the memory of it alive will help us avoid a similar event in the future.   


  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Everyday Life & SUNDAY POST: Morning | "Shutter flirt"!… thAt!

  6. Amen to that… It was a sad time and my prayer is that we all learn to treat each other with a bit more compassion and less judgment. Sadly, we still have a long way to go. 😦


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