Perfect Picture Book Friday: Little Red Rolls Away PLUS Giveaway

Welcome back, dear friends. It’s been busy around here with TWO Book Birthday posts earlier in the week. And now it’s Friday already. Time for another Perfect Picture Book review.

Luckily, there is no shortage of amazing 2017 picture books to review. We’ve got a really special one today that is quite dear to my heart because it reminds me so much of one of my all-time classic favorites, The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton.

But first we need to GIVE AWAY A BOOK! Last week, Lori Richmond offered a copy of PAX AND BLUE.



 Congratulations, Kathy! Please contact me so I can get your mailing information to Lori.

I also wanted to ask everyone to continue to spread the word about the #50PreciousWordsforKids Writing Challenge. I got a wonderful email today from a mother who wanted to know if she could write the story as her 5-year old son dictated it to her. I assured her that YES…of course she could. As long as the parent or teacher is not telling the story or changing the story, there is no problem with that. I’m grateful to everyone who has shared on social media and with their elementary and homeschool connections.

Today’s Perfect Picture Book Friday also has a giveaway…so don’t forget to leave a comment. I also have a favor to ask. If you have not yet signed up for my email list, please do! Subscribing to my email list is different from signing up to follow my blog. I hope everyone does both!!!! Please click on the sidebar logo to subscribe to my email list. Below that, you can click to get a notification every time I do a blog post. And I know you don’t want to miss out on that!! If you already do both, that is awesome. If somehow you missed out, here’s your chance. And I thank you so very much.

As I mentioned, today’s Perfect Picture Book Friday reminded me so much of one of the classics I love. But author Linda Whalen totally changed it up in such a timely and relevant way. I hope you enjoy my review.

book cover

Little Red Rolls Away

Written by Linda Whalen

Illustrated by Jennifer E. Morris

Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press

Ages: Preschool – Grade 3


Dealing with change, moving, friendship


From Amazon:

When Little Red Barn wakes one morning, he finds his animal friends have gone. He’s empty and alone. And then big noisy machines lift him up and put him on a truck. As Little Red is transported across the countryside, down a major river, and through city streets, he feels anxious and a little afraid. Where is he going? Who will be there when he reaches his destination? When Little Red does finally reach his new home in a surprising location, he finds things are even better than before. The story of the little barn’s relocation and adjustment to a new place will reassure and comfort young readers facing changes in their own lives.

Why I like this book:

  • The text is picture book perfect! I love the element of threes which the author uses so well. The story is absolutely delightful.
  • There is short guide at the back of the book for parents and teachers.
  • The illustrator managed to show the emotion of the main character…A BARN. Hats off for that accomplishment! And the colors on each page are bright and bold.
  • This book would be a wonderful launch pad for discussions on anxiety over the unknown, moving, and the importance of friendship.




barn-final1Photo courtesy:

You will need: Cardboard box, construction paper, glue, scissors, markers or crayons.

For detailed instructions:

There is also a wonderful little guide at the end of the book that will help parents and teachers address young children’s issues with dealing new places and things.

Have a wonderful weekend, dear friends…don’t forget to leave a comment to be entered in the giveaway of a copy of LITTLE RED ROLLS AWAY…and please come back tomorrow when we get a chance to Q&A with the author of LITTLE RED ROLLS AWAY:

 Will Write for Cookies

Linda Whalen


This post is part of a series for parents and teachers called Perfect Picture Book Fridays hosted by Susannah Leonard Hill. Click on her link and find lots of other picture book suggestions with summaries and activities.

34 thoughts on “Perfect Picture Book Friday: Little Red Rolls Away PLUS Giveaway

  1. This sounds like a great story and the cover illustration is wonderful. I love how the barn has a face– and thosxe eyes!!!


  2. Is it possible to fall in love with a picture book when you’re, perhaps, 5 times the recommended age? I’d love to get this for my 3-year-old brother, especially as he goes through new changes. Thanks for the review and the opportunity!


  3. So wish I’d had this when my kids were young & we moved quite a few times. Moving is so stressful for everyone & picture books that help kids process the changes are so helpful. Can’t wait to read it!


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