Will Write for Cookies: Andria Warmflash Rosenbaum PLUS Giveaway



Plate of Cookies




 Andria W. Rosenbaum


I’m excited to welcome another 2017 debut picture book author today. Please don’t forget to leave a comment to qualify for the giveaway of a copy of Andria’s debut picture book, Trains Don’t Sleep.

 trains dont sleep

Here’s a bit of the bio from Andria’s wonderful website:

 Reading didn’t come easily to me, but making up stories and poems did. It took a lot of hard work, frustration and a few buckets of sweat and tears until I got the hang of it. Along with help from my parents and teachers, I finally figured out why everyone was so excited about reading. I earned a master’s degree in special education from Bank Street College of Education so I could help other kids learn to read faster than I did. Now I live in New Jersey with my husband and children. I can usually be found in the library stuffing shiny new books into a bottomless book bag. Too bad it isn’t weightless too

 Welcome, Andria! Thank you so much for spending time with us.

 ME: Who were your favorite authors/illustrators when you were a child?


The first books I fell in love with were all by Dr. Seuss. Was it his rhythm, his rhyme, or his sense of fun and the oddities embedded in his illustrations? I’m not sure, but I know his books got me reading. I’ll always be grateful to Theodore Geisel for that alone. Reading wasn’t hard for me, but reading and comprehending what I read was harder than cracking walnuts with bare hands.

ME: What do you know now that you wish you had known when you first started writing for children?


Writing is often flat without lots of thoughtful, artful, crafted revision. All the magic happens in the re-writing.

inner page of book

ME: Where do you like to write/draw – inside, outside, a special area in your home, on the computer, in a notebook? And when do you find time to write?


I’m lucky to have my very own office in the back of my home with windows on two sides. I love to write at my desk, but I recently bought a laptop and I’m trying to expand my writing horizons .

toy trains

ME: When during the day (or night) are you most productive? Do you set a schedule for working or do you write/draw when the muse speaks?


I like to write in the early morning until noon, but I can write almost anytime if it’s quiet in my house. I can’t write at night because it gets my brain spinning and leaves me unable to fall asleep. But in all honesty, I’m always thinking about writing no matter what I’m doing. I guess I’m obsessed.

cover reveal of new bookCover of Andria’s next book!!! Just love this!!!

ME: Why do you write for children?


I write for children because I remember what it was to be one. I think we’re all children within. They’re the most honest, truest, accepting version of ourselves. I honor that and hope my words reflect my respect. I also think that books can build bridges to empathy, compassion and fun. Never underestimate the importance of FUN!

ME: Oh, my gosh, Andria! I love everything you’ve said in this paragraph. These are incredible takeaways for everyone!

  • Remember what it was like to be a child
  • Honor that inner self and the children you are writing for
  • Books can build bridges to empathy, compassion and fun

ME: Is there anything else you’d like to share with us.


As a writer, mother, grandmother and former teacher I feel the need to underscore the importance of reading aloud to kids of all ages. Building a love for reading in children is engaging. It inspires kids to want to read on their own.  A child who can read will grow to feel confident and feel they can accomplish whatever they set their mind to achieve. So, snuggle up with a child by your side and build a reader!

To find out more about Andria and her books:


Twitter: @andriawrose

Trains Don’t Sleep on Amazon 

ME: Andria…thank you so much for joining us for the Q&A!

ANDRIA: Thank you, Vivian, for having me over for conversation and cookies!


Andria has something truly special…a treat I haven’t had since I moved from New York City a long long time ago. Take it away, Andria.

ANDRIA: In honor of the publication of TRAINS DON’T SLEEP I made Rollgelach. They’re really an old family recipe for rugelach, but I cut the dough into short ribbons, instead of triangles and rolled them up like wheels. The original recipe is parve (non-dairy) but you could substitute butter and cream if you like.


cookie 2

5 Cups unbleached flour

1 small container of parve un-whipped, whipped topping –you could substitute light cream

4 bars of margarine (you could use butter)

Combination of cinnamon and sugar for sprinkling


*You will need a rolling pin, hard plastic pastry rolling sheet, and parchment paper lined cookie sheets


Pour the flour into a mixing bowl. Soften the margarine, or butter and add that and the liquid whipped topping and mix until it forms a dough.

Wrap dough in plastic wrap and chill for at least ½ hour.

Divide dough into 8 pieces. 

cookie 1

Roll out one piece at a time –into a rectangular shape — until it is about ¼” thick. Sprinkle the dough with the sugar & cinnamon mixture. Cut into ribbons that are about 1″ wide and 4″ long. Roll up each strip and then flatten a bit until it looks like a wheel.

Place each “wheel” on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 24 minutes. Let cool and enjoy!

I can’t wait to try this recipe, Andria! Thank you again for stopping by!

Have a great weekend, everyone! And stay tuned Thursday, May 11th and the #50PreciousWordsforKids post.   

13 thoughts on “Will Write for Cookies: Andria Warmflash Rosenbaum PLUS Giveaway

  1. Congratulations, Andria, on your double debut! Thank you for your strong shout out for reading aloud to children of all ages! I am a former elementary reading specialist and couldn’t agree more strongly about the importance of continuing to read to kids throughout the elementary school years for their reading development alone. And as a fellow picture book writer, I know how sharing stories develops the heart and soul and funny bone and bonds parent and child, brother and sister, friend to friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for stopping by, Gretchen. And I agree…even my sister, at age 74, loves to hear me read my stories to her over the phone…we should NEVER stop reading to kids just because they know how to read to themselves. 😉


  2. Andria, I so agree. What a difference we’d see if parents would help us educators encourage and build in a love for reading in children. No matter the age I’ve taught, I’ve always had this as a goal – find something to light that fire for reading in a child. I created quite a fire-storm in my daughter when I homeschooled her. Now she is a voracious reader and successful college student. I’ll say like I do at the elementary school I work at: Let’s say hooray for reading – ready? Hip hip – HOORAY! Your books look delightful.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats! Trains don’t Sleep sounds like a good book. I hope lots of children cho-cho-choose to read it. (I apologize for that bad pun.)

    The cover of your next book looks great. And the title Big Sister, Little Monster tells me it is going to be a fun one.


  4. Thanks for your most encouraging interview and for jolting my mind for a story I have percolating in there. I agree with you that reading aloud to children is most important. Is there a time when kids get too old to listen? I think not!!! (I’m a big kid and love to be read to!)


  5. Mmmm those rollgelach look yummy! Perfect train wheels! Can’t wait to chug over to your launch party today! Xo!


  6. It was lovely to meet Andria here, Vivian. Thank you for introducing us. Of course I agree with everything she says about reading, reading aloud, and writing for children. 🙂


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