Perfect Picture Book Friday: Hello, My Name is Tiger PLUS Giveaway

Today’s Perfect Picture Book Friday selection is coming just at the right time!

But before we get to the review, we have TWO giveaway winners to announce!

I feel blessed that our author guests and their publishers have been so generous this year.

The winner of a copy of CHICKEN WANTS A NAP by Tracy Marchini is….


And the winner of a copy of A FAMILY IS A FAMILY IS A FAMILY by Sara O’Leary is…


CONGRATULATIONS, dear ladies. I will contact you ASAP.

And now for our Perfect Picture Book!

School is just around the corner for many kids…and it may have already started for some. Whether it’s the first ever day of school, the first day at a new school, or the first day in a new class, kids often have a lot of anxiety. Will they make new friends? Will other kids laugh at them? Will they find their way around? Will they like their new teacher?




Written and illustrated by Jen Goldfinger

Published by HarperCollins (2016)

Ages: 4-8

Themes: first day of school, anxiety, be yourself


From Amazon

A reassuring picture book for back-to-school jitters!

Toby likes being a cat more than he likes being a boy. So when it’s time to go to school, he becomes a timid kitten. But when Toby finally gathers the courage to join in with the other kids, he finds out that everything is more fun with friends.

Why I like this book:

  • Wonderful text
  • Bold bright colorful illustrations
  • Super message for kids

Related Activities

ttigerPhoto courtesy:

Paper Plate Tiger

If you’ve visited my blog before, you probably know I LOVE paper plate crafts for kids. They are quick, easy, and inexpensive…plus kids really enjoy making them and they can be hung up and displayed proudly or used for role playing or children’s theater.

You will need: Paper plate, markers or crayons, scissors, glue, construction paper.

For detailed instructions:

And one of the best things we can do for our children when they are anxious about something is to LISTEN, really listen.

Thank you so much for stopping by today…I hope you’ll be back tomorrow when author/illustrator Jen Goldfinger is in the Will Write for Cookies house with an eye-opening Q&A and a yummy original take on the classic Toll House Cookie recipe.

Dont forget to leave a comment to qualify for Jen’s giveaway of a copy of HELLO, MY NAME IS TIGER.

For more wonderful picture book reviews you will find hundreds on Susanna Leonard Hill’s Perfect Picture Book site.

Have a wonderful weekend, dear friends!

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