Perfect Picture Book Friday: COW SAYS MEOW Plus Giveaway

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, dear friends. One of my favorite kid-lit people has a brand new book that launched this month and I couldn’t wait to share the book with all of you.

Oh, and make sure you stick around and leave a comment at the end…and share the post on social media because the author, the wonderful Kirsti Call, and her publisher, HMH, are generously offering a giveaway.


Written by Kirsti Call

Illustrated by Brandon James Scott

Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (March 2021)

Ages: 4-7

Themes: Word play, humor, animals

Synopsis: From Amazon:

A humorous picture book filled with wordplay and mixed-up onomatopoeia, Cow Says Meow features bold graphic art, silly animals, and unique cover cut-outs at the front and back.

Why I love this book:

  1. The text: bursting with humor and clever word play
  2. The illustrations: bold and funny
  3. The construction of the book is unusual…kids will love it!


Photo courtesy:

There are enough craft ideas in this one spot to keep the kiddos busy and happy for almost a month! For detailed instructions:

And please remember, the best ways to thank your favorite authors:

  1. Buy their books if you can.
  2. Review their books – reviews on Amazon and other book sites are very important!
  3. Ask your local library to purchase copies for their shelves.
  4. Tell friends about the book and share on social media.

And for a chance to win a copy of this wonderful new book, please leave a comment below and also share on your social media channels for extra tickets in the giveaway hat.

Please come back tomorrow when a dear old friend of mine from Colorado, Julie Rowan-Zoch, stops by to chat about her author/illustrator journey and her brand-new book, I’m A Hare, So There! And of course, next Wednesday, we’ll be announcing the winners of the #50PreciousWords International Writing Contest.

35 thoughts on “Perfect Picture Book Friday: COW SAYS MEOW Plus Giveaway

  1. This looks soooo cute! Curious to learn when the cut-outs were developed–by Kirsti during the drafting stages or if the illustrator had that “aha” moment? (Or is that the “mooo-moment?”)


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