Happy Book Birthday: KITTY AND CAT: Opposites Attract Plus Giveaway

It’s time to sing Happy Birthday and welcome another new book to our shelves!

Written and illustrated by Mirka Hokkanen – Published by Candlewick

I love so much about this book! The illustrations are hilariously engaging! And the text adds a fabulous layer of learning opposites. Plus, the book is written and illustrated by a dear friend of mine, Mirka Hokannen, the talent behind the beautiful woodcut art in Four Otters Toboggan. And the lovely Mirka is generously offering a copy of KITTY AND CAT as a giveaway – please leave a comment at the end of the post for a chance to win!

Here’s a little bit about the book from the Amazon sales page:
Meet Kitty! Kitty wants to play! Meet Cat. Cat just wants to nap. Bold, whimsical artwork and plenty of humor engage little ones in a sly and stylish introduction to opposites.

This deceptively simple concept book introduces readers to grumpy, old, exhausted Cat, who just wants to be left alone, and to happy, new, energetic Kitty, who longs to make friends. In a story told entirely through well-chosen pairs of opposites and drolly expressive artwork, author-illustrator Mirka Hokkanen manages to elevate the humble concept book into a true work of art—one that is bound to have readers giggling and crying for more!

The book launched TODAY!!!! And it’s available at your local independent bookstores as well as at Bookshop.org and Amazon. Plus author/illustrator Mirka has coloring pages available for FREE download on her website: http://www.mirkah.com/books/print-ready-resources/

And because Mirka is so talented, she put together an adorable trailer. You’ll want to run right out and order a copy of KITTY AND CAT! I think it would make a fabulous PBS series, don’t you?

I hope you all have a wonderful week…please hop back over on Friday for a special Perfect Picture Book Friday featuring THE LOUD LIBRARIAN and a super cool interview with Rina Singh on Saturday’s Will Write for Cookies.

34 thoughts on “Happy Book Birthday: KITTY AND CAT: Opposites Attract Plus Giveaway

  1. I love what I’ve seen so far—both Kitty and Cat have very expressive faces. Anyone who has ever known a cat has seen those expressions. The opposites used are a little more sophisticated than the usual vocabulary and that’s a plus!

    Liked by 1 person

    • -oh! This is perfect! We just got a kitten and my oldest cat looks about the same as this one.
      My son will love this book!


  2. How adorable. Yes, I agree it would be a great series. I’m going to pick this one up for my 1 yr. old granddaughter, as the sparse wording will help us get through before she wants to roam off, but perhaps the fun pictures will engage her long enough so I can savor it too.

    Liked by 1 person

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