KARI ANN GONZALEZ: Will Write for Cookies Plus Giveaway






I’m so excited to welcome today’s guest! Her debut picture book just launched on August 15th – and I’ve met her in so many kidlit groups. I’m a huge fan of books that encourage kids to become lovers of books and reading…and when I saw the title, I knew I’d want to share it with all of you. Fortunately, Kari graciously agreed to the Will Write for Cookies interview – you are in for a treat!

Kari Ann Gonzalez is a children’s writer and a voracious reader. When she is not creating colorful characters for her stories, you will find her stuffing her little free library full of books. Her picture books include How To Hatch A Reader which releases in 2023 and two picture books releasing in 2025, If You Live On A Farm, and an unannounced title. You can see more of Kari’s work in Little Thoughts Press’s Hit The Road issue, and two short stories in 42 Stories Anthology (TBD). She is represented by agent Stacey Kondla at The Rights Factory and you can learn more about Kari by visiting her website at: www.karianngonzalez.com.
And you can connect with her here:
Twitter: @karianngonzale1
Instagram: kari_gonzalez_writes
Facebook:  Kari Gonzalez

I know you are excited to find out more about her, so here goes!

ME: Welcome, Kari! Thank you so much for hopping on board the Will Write for Cookies train.
Who were your favorite authors/illustrators when you were a child?

KARI: Oh, that is tough to pick just a few! I adored the Berenstain Bears series by Jan and Stan Berenstain,  the Frog and Toad series by Arnold Lobel, and the Amelia Bedilia series by Peggy Parish. I have always loved a good series. I get so invested in the characters!

ME: What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started writing?

KARI: When I started writing seriously with the aim to publish a book, I had no idea that I would be playing the long game. I wish I would have known that the average author is usually writing seriously for a few years before signing their first contract. It would not have changed my passion and dedication to the craft of writing, but let me tell you I would not have sent off those cringe-worthy early queries!

ME: Where do you like to write – inside, outside, special room, laptop, pen and paper?

KARI: I write wherever the inspiration happens and use whatever I have access to at the time. My laptop is my favorite place to write a story, but I have been known to capture lines, ideas, and dialogue on napkins and scraps of paper or by using a voice to text app on my phone.

ME: When do you write – early morning, late in the day, middle of the night, on schedule, as the muse strikes?

KARI: Great question! Finding writing time can be tough with younger kiddos and working my day job, but I write as much as I can. Often I write in the early hours of the morning and make lots of progress on projects on the weekends. I collect story ideas throughout the day, jot them down or use voice to text and piece the ideas together into a draft when I have more dedicated writing time available. This process has worked well… even though I do look silly voicing a line to my phone in the grocery store checkout line!

ME: Why do you write for children?

KARI: I have always wanted to be an author. Before I could read or write, I was telling stories and begging my dad to write them down. At the heart of every story is an opportunity to learn, grow and connect and I loved to read and experience epic new adventures. I want to create that same lure and excitement I had, when I dove into a book and couldn’t put it down.

ME: Also, if you have any thoughts or advice for aspiring writers, please share.

KARI: Enjoy and celebrate every milestone of your writing journey, you earn each and every one and deserve to celebrate them! Sometimes things don’t go according to plan, but as a creative, you are creative! Have a laugh at whatever misfortune had befallen and charge on!

For example, I had the best idea to bring a few chickens from my flock to join in the fun for my unboxing video. It was great until one decided to poop-a-doodle-doo…in the house…on video! Take two!

If you scroll down to the end of the post, you’ll find the unboxing video that Kari posted on Facebook!

 ME: As well as anything else you want to talk about that parents, educators, writers, librarians might want to hear.

KARI: What I love about working with Gnome Road Publishing is finding a kindred spirit in my publisher, Sandra. HOW TO HATCH A READER stood out to her because we were both in the thick of teaching our children to read. She connected with the story because it had humor with a purpose and immediately saw the need for a book that encouraged and promoted early literacy techniques that would support emerging readers and their caregivers. And, the free educator guide and activity sheets Gnome Road created to pair with the book? They are a dream come true!

ME: This is fabulous, Kari! Thank you so much for sharing all of your insights.

KARI: Thank you so much for having me on your blog, Vivian. I hope you enjoy the cookies!

ME: COOKIES? Did someone say COOKIES?

KARI: Here in California it has been a scorcher! So with my cookie recipe I am manifesting cooler weather and holiday vibes. Here is a favorite gluten free gingerbread cookie recipe that my family and I make every year. I included a photo of my favorite frosted cookie from the last batch. https://glutenfreeonashoestring.com/soft-chewy-gluten-free-gingerbread-men/

Gluten-free Gingerbread Cookies

How did Kari know that Gingerbread Cookies are one of my absolute favorites?

And we are not finished yet – because Kari is offering a FABULOUS giveaway – the winner’s choice of a copy of HOW TO HATCH A READER or a query package critique or a 20-minute Ask-Me-Anything Zoom chat. WOW!!! Please make sure you leave a comment (maybe you can tell us what hatched the reader in you) and please share the post on social media. Also, remember that we help our favorite authors and illustrators by buying their books and reviewing their books.

Here’s a little bit about Kari’s new book:

Title: How To Hatch A Reader
Author: Kari Ann Gonzalez
Illustrator: Rachel Suzanne
Publisher: Gnome Road Publishing
Published: August 15, 2023
Age Range: 4-8
Synopsis: A young farmer teaches her chickens to read in this plucky tale full of wit and humor while making sure to celebrate all of their reading milestones.Pitch: Learning to read can be tricky, but a good teacher can make all the difference! When your feathered friends begin begging for books, you want to be ready with all the right tools to help them learn to read. Luckily, you have this handy guide! First, find a cozy place to rest their chicken cheeks and help them peck the right story. Before long, words will be flying off the pages…as long as that wily fox isn’t around.

With warm colors, adorable characters, humor and hints of forthcoming mischief, How to Hatch a Reader is the perfect addition to any home, library or classroom, helping kids build confidence in their own skills while encouraging a love for books and reading with others.

And I’ll leave you all with an adorable UNBOXING of HOW TO HATCH A READER

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