Perfect Picture Book Friday: JUST ONE PEBBLE Plus Giveaway

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, dear friends! I met the author of today’s featured book back in 2020 via a critique I did for one of her manuscripts…THIS ONE! Yes, it was a PB bio about a real boy who was making a difference…a boy named Braeden. And now that manuscript is a BOOK that is launching in just a few days on September 5th. I’m thrilled we are celebrating JUST ONE PEBBLE: One Boy’s Quest to End Hunger.

JUST ONE PEBBLE: One Boy’s Quest to End Hunger

Written by Dianna Wilson-Sirkovsky

Illustrated by Sara Casilda

Published by Clavis Publishing (September 5, 2023)

Ages: 4-8

Themes: Compassion, hunger, activism

Synopsis: From Amazon:“Anyone can change the world as long as you dream big.” The true story of a boy who ignites awareness and provides aid for hunger relief in his community. For children ages 5 years and up.
One day, on his way to the store, Braeden Mannering sees a man sitting by the side of the road. He has no home, no belongings, and no food. “Somebody should help him,” he tells his mom. “You’re somebody,” she replies. Braeden thinks about it. Maybe he can help! 

Why I Love This Book
1. I love that this is a TRUE story about a REAL kid who found a way to make a difference!
2. I love the engaging text – the author finds a way to explain homelessness and hunger in a child-appropriate and child-relatable way.
3. I love the wonderful illustrations that help us feel the emotions of all of the characters.

And I love that the author has been in touch with the main character and their family…she shared a bit of the back story about that:
Dianna:  I first read about Braeden on The Hunger Network in the Fall of 2020 and I knew instantly that I wanted to write his story. I began researching news articles and Braeden’s 3B Facebook page and began writing within days. When the story was finished, I reached out to his mom Christy and received their full support. Clavis bought the story in June, 2021 an the Dutch version was published Fall 2021. Once again, the stunning illustrations of Sara Casilda bring my words to life, and we are thrilled to share Braeden’s story with the world.

That’s amazing! Thank you so much, Dianna. We are thrilled that you are sharing Brayden’s story, too!


Photo courtesy:

For detailed instructions on making a blessing bag and other activities young kids can do to help the hungry and the homeless, please check out this wonderful post:

The book launches on September 5th, but it is available for PRE-ORDER right now
And it also helps to add it to your I WANT TO READ shelf on Goodreads.

A big thank you to Dianna and her publisher for offering a copy of JUST ONE PEBBLE as a giveaway. Please leave a comment on this post and share on your social media for more tickets in the giveaway hat.

I hope you all have a beautiful weekend!

30 thoughts on “Perfect Picture Book Friday: JUST ONE PEBBLE Plus Giveaway

  1. This story is sorely needed!!! The more people read about this problem the more people will hopefully understand we humans NEED to help each other! Thank you for writing such a perfect way to do random acts of kindness. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Fantastic subject for kids to see how an example of someone like them made such a huge difference for others. My daughter’s Girl Scout Troop packed similar bags every year for a nearby shelter. I shared on tumblr to help spread the word about this inspiring book.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh thank you so much, Danielle! I appreciate your kindness. We want as many kids as possible to see this and start thinking of their own ways to make the world a little bit better. Thanks again!

      Liked by 1 person

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