Perfect Picture Book Friday: BEAUTIFUL NOISE: The Music of John Cage Plus Giveaway

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, dear friends! Today’s author is a kidlit friend of mine…and we are both part of the New England SCBWI chapter. I love her books…and she has graciously offered a choice to whoever wins the giveaway: either a copy of BEAUTIFUL NOISE or a Picture Book Critique (nonrhyming under 800 words). So, please make sure you leave a comment.

BEAUTIFUL NOISE: The Music of John Cage

Written by Lisa Rogers

Illustrated by Il Sung Na

Published by Random House Kids/Anne Schwartz Books (October 10, 2023)

Ages: 4-8

Themes: Creativity, persistence, mindfulness, acceptance, listening

Synopsis: From Random House Kids: Open this unique picture book and meet John Cage, the pioneering, inspiring composer who believed all sound—from the crash of a slamming door to the whirr of a blender to the whoosh of the wind—was music.

For John Cage, music was everywhere: in the hum of the refrigerator, the screech of a garbage truck, the patter of the rain. But other people disagreed. They felt that, surely, a pianist on stage must actually play their piano to create music…not just sit there. And in no way was it melodic to turn a musician’s mic on and off as they do play their instruments–it was just chaos!

John Cage found sound in silence, and knew that all noises were unique. All you had to do was listen to hear it.

Told in second person and paired with exciting illustrations as innovative as Cage’s music, here is a picture book–perfect for any budding musician–that celebrates the genius of a nonconforming musician who always stayed true to his artistic vision.

Why I Love This Book
1. I love books that introduce children to people they probably never heard of
2. I love books where the text is like a melody – lyrical and engaging!
3. I love books filled with glorious illustrations – what a wonderful opportunity for kids to see how color and lines can combine to create action and emotion while telling a story.

I was chatting with Lisa and mentioned that we all love to hear about the path to publication for our Perfect Picture Book Friday books…and she graciously stopped by.
Welcome, Lisa! Can you share a bit about why you wrote this story and how it came about?

Lisa:  Thank you so much for featuring BEAUTIFUL NOISE, Vivian. I’m happy to share.
I was a listening kind of child who paid close attention to the world around me. Growing up on the beach, I remember listening in vain for the ocean to be completely silent. Later, I learned about John Cage and his “silent” piece, so when in 2016 I saw a photo of him listening intently to the vibrations of cactus spines, I knew I wanted to explore the life of this intriguing, brilliant, innovative person. I dove into research, but there was so much to share about him! I wrote polished draft after polished draft, trying many different paths to the story, but couldn’t get to his essence in a way that would resonate for children. Other projects intervened, until early one morning in 2022, the words and structure of this book came into my mind. I was thrilled that Anne Schwartz, who edited my debut, 16 Words: William Carlos Williams and “The Red Wheelbarrow,” decided to take on Beautiful Noise, and ecstatic when award-winning illustrator Il Sung Na agreed to illustrate my words. Il Sung created an unbelievably beautiful sonic environment for this story that is nothing short of genius. His magnificent illustrations included creating a visual glossary for each sound word I used. It’s so fun to seek and identify each sound image as you enjoy the world of this book! 

WOW…thank you so much, Lisa. I loved hearing your path to publication for this book. And thank you, also, for providing the craft activity! I remember making these with my kindergarteners and with my own children.

Make a Rain Stick

Photo courtesy:

This cool rain stick craft is easy and ingenious!

BEAUTIFUL NOISE  launched on October 10 and is available right now!
And it also helps to add it to your I WANT TO READ shelf on Goodreads.

Here’s a little bit about Lisa and how you can connect with her:
Lisa Rogers became inspired to write for children during her career as an elementary school librarian, but her love of reading began early with poetry, fairytales and folktales. She holds degrees in English from The College of William and Mary and Boston College and received her library science degree from Southern Connecticut State University. Her award-winning titles include her debut, 16 WORDS: WILLIAM CARLOS AND “THE RED WHEELBARROW,” HOUND WON’T GO, and BEAUTIFUL NOISE, which has been chosen as a Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection.

A former daily news reporter and editor, Lisa lives with her family and sweet, obstreperous hound near the Boston Marathon route, which she has run four times. Find her at

I hope you will all connect with Lisa – and check out her other books. We all know how important it is to support authors and illustrators and publishers – otherwise, there will be no more books like this one. We can support our favorite books by:
Buying them (links in the blog post)
Reviewing them
Putting them on your WANT TO READ shelf on Goodreads (There is a link for that in the post)
Telling friends about them (if you share on social media, that really helps)
Asking your local library to purchase copies for their collection.

I hope you all have a beautiful weekend. Leaf peepers had better get peeping…the colors are gorgeous…but after a few more rains, we’ll have bare branches and a carpet of colors on the ground.

32 thoughts on “Perfect Picture Book Friday: BEAUTIFUL NOISE: The Music of John Cage Plus Giveaway

  1. I really love this! Sounds fascinating. It reminds me of Taylor Swift’s “Our Song”, where their song was the slamming screen door, taps on the window, whispers into the phone…all music.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. As a musician, I’m excited to learn about this man and his unique music. We used a rainstick and a thunderstick as percussion instruments for our spring concert this year. I would love to win a copy of this book to learn more.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m so glad this book is piquing your interest, Danielle! Your concert must have sounded beautiful! I filled little tubs with objects like buttons and keys and handed them out at my launch for the audience to play. It was so much fun and sounded great!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I so look forward to reading this story. What a perfect mentor text for me since I am trying to write a story about a Deaf boy who loves to dance. Will be checking this out soon and sharing with my students as well. Thanks for writing such an original story.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks. Sharon! Your story idea sounds fantastic! I was just reading Listen by Shannon Stocker about deaf percussionist Evelyn Glennie. It’s an inspiring story. And thanks for sharing this book with your students. I’d love to hear what they think!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This book is absolutely gorgeous! I knew nothing about John Cage until I read it, and I was fascinated. Lisa, your writing is brilliant, and Il Sung’s art brings the words (and noise) to life. Congratulations!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Stephanie! I’m glad you learned about John Cage, and I appreciate your kind words about my writing–and I cannot agree more about Il Sung’s art!! It’s incredible!! He just did an “undies” video on Instagram showing the case cover. It’s gorgeous!!

      Liked by 1 person

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