Perfect Picture Book Friday: LADYBUG LAUNCH: Inspired by a True Story of Chinitas in Space PLUS Giveaway

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, dear friends. Our feature today is from author Meilissa Trempe – you may remember that she was one of last year’s #50PreciousWords top winners. And it’s the type of picture book I really enjoy – based on true events. Get ready for a fun post – Melissa shares some great writerly advice – and she is offering a fabulous giveaway – winner’s choice of a Picture Book Manuscript Critique or a copy of the book. Please make sure you leave a comment for a chance – and share the post wherever you can.

LADYBUG LAUNCH: Inspired by a True Story of Chinitas in Space

Written by Melissa Trempe and Dr. Natalia Ojeda

Illustrated by Manuela Montoya

Published by Margaret K. McElderry Books (Simon and Schuster)

Ages: 4-8

Themes: STEM, perseverance, science, space, girl-power, ladybugs

Synopsis from Amazon:
Based on a true story, this out-of-this-world picture book follows the exciting scientific journey of a chica and a chinita with sky-high aspirations—perfect for fans of Mae Among the Stars and What Miss Mitchell Saw.

Natalia is a chica, an ambitious girl with dreams of becoming a scientist. Luna is a chinita, an adventurous ladybug that dreams of visiting the stars. But neither dream is easy to reach. Ladybugs are meant to munch on garden pests. And no one from Natalia’s family has ever been to college. Still, both Natalia and Luna want más.

Then Natalia’s all-girl class designs an experiment. If astronauts want to live in outer space, they’ll need to grow food. Could chinitas go along to keep the pests away? The girls are eager to find out, and Luna is hungry to help. If their theory is correct, it’s a project worthy of NASA itself—and the stuff all dreams are made of.

This inspiring picture book is based on the real story of Chilean high school girls who convinced NASA to send ladybugs to space!

Why I Love This Book:
1. I love books based on true events that can inspire young people to follow their dreams!
2. Fabulous text that captures our interest with a fascinating STEM story!
3. Bold illustrations that pop off the page and rocket us through the book with exciting action!

Here’s a little bit about author Melissa Trempe and how you can connect with her:
Melissa Trempe is a picture book author of fiction and nonfiction in the Philadelphia area. As a former educator, she loves connecting with readers during school visits. Melissa provides a critique service for fellow authors and is represented by Amy Nielsen at The Purcell Agency. When she isn’t working, she loves reading with her kids, camping, skiing, playing with her dog, and eating just about any flavor of ice cream.

Learn more about her and connect by going to her website at

Co-author Natalia Ojeda’s Bio:
Natalia Ojeda grew up in a simple home in the southernmost country of the world: Chile. Her family had few resources, yet her faith, determination, and experience in the ladybug project helped her to overcome the odds and achieve her dream of becoming a doctor. She is a doctor in the Palliative Care Unit of San Juan de Dios Hospital in Santiago, Chile. As a mother of four girls, she wants to share her story of strength and hope with children around the world.

Here’s a bit of writing advice from Melissa, based on her experience publishing Ladybug Launch.

Always be open to feedback, and don’t resist trying a different angle. Here’s why:

When I stumbled on the fact that ladybugs had traveled to space with NASA, I knew that was a picture book begging to be told. My first draft was a funny and inspirational story about a little ladybug who didn’t want to be ladylike. She wanted to be an engineer, build a spaceship, and rocket to the moon. I loved it! However, when I shared it with critique partners, I heard one piece of feedback over and over: Your back matter about the Chilean girls who convinced NASA to take ladybugs to space is fascinating! Why don’t you tell THAT story?

At first, I resisted. I’m a fiction writer. In fact, I’m a humorous fiction writer, and I don’t “do” nonfiction or even fiction based on true events. Yet finally, I relented. I tried a genre I had never written, and it became my debut picture book! While Ladybug Launch is not nonfiction, it’s closer to nonfiction than anything I had ever written. And now, I am writing nonfiction and loving it!

It’s been such an amazing experience collaborating with Natalia, my co-author. She is truly an inspiration, and I’m so happy to be working together to tell this story!

So, my advice to you is listen to the universe, stretch yourself to try things outside your comfort zone, and KEEP WRITING!


No-bake Recipe for Ladybug Cookies

You and your kids will love making these adorable, no-bake ladybug cookies together!

Feeling crafty? Here are 10 ladybug craft ideas!

Photo courtesy: Artsy Craftsy Mom

How can we help books become a success, you ask? We can:

Buy them
Review them
Tell friends about them (Please share this post on your social media.)
Ask our local library to purchase copies for their collection.
Follow the creator:

X/Twitter: @melissa_trempe
Facebook: @melissaluerytrempe

Melissa is also offering a giveaway of a copy of Ladybug Launch or a picture book critique. Please make sure you leave a comment – what did you dream of becoming when you were little?

Extra bonus! Order Ladybug Launch and attend Melissa’s revision webinar for FREE in May. Email her a snapshot of your receipt at

Thank you so much, Melissa, for your insights, cookie recipe, craft ideas, giveaway…and for writing such a fabulous book!
And thank you, friends, for spending your precious time with us.
The #50PreciousWords prize distribution continues…if you are waiting to be contacted by me, please be patient – this is a long process – as of Thursday evening, we are up to Winner #18.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

20 thoughts on “Perfect Picture Book Friday: LADYBUG LAUNCH: Inspired by a True Story of Chinitas in Space PLUS Giveaway

  1. Can’t wait to read this book! I’m so glad you found a way to turn this into an inspiring story for young readers – and through a direct contact to boot. Congratulations!


  2. Great interview, and what a fun, one-of-a-kind book! When was little, I dreamt of becoming a dancer and when I got a little bit older, I became one.


  3. What a wonderful idea for a picture book! Children will love learning about this fascinating event. How interesting that your back matter became the premise for your book! I love it!


  4. I would love to win a copy of this book to read and review. When I was little, I wanted to be a veterinarian and serve farm animals.


  5. What a fabulous story as well as illustrations! I love how this PB evolved!


    I wanted to be a veterinarian because I love animals! Hmm also a pediatrician, an actress…..I became a Kindergarten/first grade teacher! 

    Couldn’t have picked a better profession! 👩‍🏫💕


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