Project 365 Challenge: Day 18…Where Does Time Go?


This is a picture of my three-year old grandson, getting a haircut.  He’s so grown-up…but the memory of walking up and down the hospital corridor with my daughter on the day he was born is as fresh in my mind as if it had happened yesterday.

Time passes so quickly.  Please don’t waste it regretting the past or pinning your hopes on the future. 

Today is here.  Use it to the best of your ability.  Do something you’ve been meaning to do for yourself.  Reach out and help someone else.  Pass along a smile.  And, if you can, read to a child. 

Project 365 Challenge: Day 17…Awards and Attitudes

Academy Award

Image via Wikipedia

It’s still January 17th here in Colorado, so even though WordPress considers it the 18th, I’m posting this at 10:20pm on Tuesday night.

I’m really trying to do the “one post every day” that is part of the challenge…but believe me, it is not easy.

However, since I’m encouraging parents to read EVERY DAY with their kids, I can do no less than try to write EVERY DAY and post some type of tip, tactic or tool to help with the difficult job of parenting.

I got a lovely surprise today…Sharon from DoinTheGratefulDance received the Versatile Blogger Award and she passed it on to me.  Thank you, Sharon!  One of my presentations to moms and dads is called: WE ALL NEED A CHEERING COMMITTEE AND PARENTS ARE A CHILD’S MOST IMPORTANT FANS!

In the same way, bloggers need a cheering committee, and receiving the Versatile Blogger Award lets us know that others appreciate our efforts.

So here are seven things about me that you might not know:

1.      I used to stay up till 2 or 3am, reading romance novels.

2.      I exercise to a Kathy Smith DVD every morning before I go to work.

3.      I used to smoke 😦  but gave it up over 35 years ago when I was pregnant.

4.      I signed up for Julie Hedlund’s 12×12 Challenge and will be trying to write a picture book draft every month this year.

5.      I used to be so shy that I was afraid to speak up…I’m still shy, but I’ve learned to say what needs to be said.

6.      I went parasailing with my husband and skydiving with my son, even though I am afraid of heights.

7.      I used to bake bread with my children several times a week when they were young.

And now…the envelope please!  I’m supposed to pass the Versatile Blogger Award on to up to fifteen other bloggers.  I’ve connected many new blogs in the last few months and I’ll also have the opportunity to recognize some blogs that I’ve been following and enjoying this past year.  The wealth of talent and effort is unbelievable.  I’m sure some of these bloggers have received many awards, but, just like the Oscars, there’s always room for one more on the mantle.

Barbara at Spanish4Kiddos

Elyse at Fifty-four and a half

Aimee at Classified Mom

Julie Hedlund at Write Up My Life

Susannah Leonard Hill

Anita Silvey at The Children’s Book-A-Day Almanac

Ella at My Memorable Children’s Books

I know there are many others I should have included in this list.  If I missed you this time and last time, it’s just that my eyes are closing. 🙂

Goodnight!  I’ll be back tomorrow with some sweet photos of happy children involved in great activities.

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On Music: The Shorthand of Emotion…

Even when Elizabeth of Mirth and Motivation says she is writing a short post, her efforts far surpass most of mine.  I’ve been following her blog for a year…when I can only read one post…hers is the one I pick.  Her photography is beautiful…her words are meaningful…her research is top-notch!

Do you like music…Elizabeth provides us with some of the best. 


On Music: The Shorthand of Emotion….

I hope you all have a beautiful weekend.  I’ll be catching up on your comments for the reading challenge and for Perfect Picture Book Fridays. 

Have you joined the 2012 Positive Parental Participation Challenge?  Please take a few minutes and read with your child…it’s a small investment of time…with big rewards.