Perfect Picture Book Friday: Hot Air + Activity

Brrr…we’re in the middle of a cold spell here in the Northeast. But never fear, we’ll soon warm things up with our Perfect Picture Book selection for today. My next nonfiction picture book story is going to be about balloon flights, so I’ve been researching books that are already out there and came across this very funny one.

hot air

Hot Air

Written and illustrated by Marjorie Priceman

Publisher: Atheneum Books for Young Readers (2005)

Ages: 4-8

Themes: Early balloon flight, animals, humor Continue reading

How to Stay Healthy This Winter Plus Giveaway

Batten down the hatches…we’re in for a cold spell!



But that doesn’t mean we have to all get colds, right? Most kids are returning to school which exposes them, and everyone in their homes, to lots of illnesses. In addition, homes and schools in the northern hemisphere crank up the heat which creates indoor conditions which dry out throats and noses which make us more susceptible to viruses and colds. I didn’t know that…did you?

Check out what WebMD has to say about the need to improve indoor humidity during the winter months:

So other than that, what can a parent or teacher do to help kids stay healthy?

Here are five simple steps:

  1. Wash hands often: everyone should have their own towel…perhaps a different color for each member of the family.  This helps colds from spreading. Another good idea is to keep a basket of small washcloths near the sink…instead of reaching for the big bath towel to dry a little pair of hands, there will be less laundry with these smaller ones.
  2. Dress appropriately: when it is cold, children should be dressed warmly, with hats or hoods on their heads.
  3. Get enough sleep: young children need LOTS of sleep so set up bedtime routines and stick to them.  Our body renews and cells regenerate during sleep.  Did you know that children between the ages of 2 and 5 need 11-14 hours of sleep?  For more information about sleep and young children, you can go to:
  4. Make every meal and snack count:  a good breakfast is a MUST and snacks can provide additional important nutrition, especially for picky eaters.  Breakfast doesn’t have to be a bowl of cereal. One of my sons loved having left over pizza or lasagna for breakfast. For more ideas on healthy meal planning for the whole family, you can visit:
  5. Keep a sick child home: I know it is difficult, especially when parents work…but your child will get better sooner and the teacher and the other children in the class will thank you. If your child has to stay home, a board game, some picture books and a pad of paper and box of crayons will help pass the time.


These are simple steps…but they really work!! How you keep your family healthy? Please share in the comments. Someone will win a set of washcloths and someone else will win some fun packs of tissues.

Who Else Wants Less Clutter? Plus a Giveaway!

Hodgepodge! Jumble! Chaos! Muddle! Holy Mess!


There are many words to describe clutter—but it all boils down to one thing: a state or condition of confusion. And that is what most of us should be trying to avoid. Life is stressful enough without adding more, right? Yet even though studies show that clutter contributes to stress, many people live with it.

  • Do you have more than one ‘junk’ drawer in your home?
  • Is your email inbox clogged with messages you don’t even open?
  • When you open your closets, does stuff fall out on you?
  • If unexpected company comes, do you rush around, clearing books, papers, and other items?
  • Have you had a late fee from an unpaid bill because it got lost in the mess on your desk?

If you answered YES to any one of these questions, it may be time to take control. If you are a parent, organization is especially important – those last minute searches for missing homework or a lost shoe are no fun at all!

This is my plan:

  1. Get a big shopping bag for each room…clear off every counter/desk/shelf/chair of anything that doesn’t belong. Ahhh…now that looks much better. When I have time, I can go through each bag and decide whether the items should be stored, given away, or thrown away.
  2. Use a letter file holder to keep bills and important mail…if possible, set up auto-pay.
  3. Set aside 15-30 minutes every day to go through one drawer or one closet or one cabinet and divide the contents into three piles: keep, give away, throw away. If you are a fan of Craig’s List or garage/yard sales, you can have a fourth pile…you might even make some money!
  4. Do the same thing with my emails—15-30 minutes every day to delete and unsubscribe from unwanted spam.

Are you ready?

It’s really as simple as 1, 2, 3.

  1. CLEAR
  2. CLEAN


I’ve got a busy year ahead of me, so it’s really important that Continue reading