Sunday Post: Goals…and the Writer’s Desk Competition

Jake at Time after Time has a Sunday Post Challenge and every week he provides a theme…the past week’s theme was GOALS.

Did you set goals for 2013?

I did! If you click here, you’ll see that many of them involve writing.

When Nancy at Spirit Lights the Way issued a “Writer’s Desk” challenge, I knew I had to participate.

Nancy says:

“ Write a short essay or poem (between 33 and 100 words) about your writing desk, your writing rituals, why you write, how you write, how you stop writing, or . . . surprise us with a tantalizing tidbit about your writing life.”

For all of the rules, please click on this link.  There is still time to join the fun…deadline is January 25.

I used to have a room that doubled as both an office for me and a guest room…it looked something like this:

goals,writer's desk competition,vivian kirkfield

Then, my husband retired and discovered the world of watercolor painting. I gave him that room to use as his studio and now it looks like this:

goals,writing desk competition,vivian kirkfield

So I do most of my writing at the dining room table…and for me, fortunately, writing has very little to do with location, location, location and very much to do with motivation, inspiration and perspiration.

goals,writer's desk competition,vivian kirkfield

I WRITE, THEREFORE I AM by Vivian Kirkfield

A writing space by any name does serve me well.

By lamplight or with sunlight streaming

Ideas flourish while I’m dreaming.

From mind to pen words quickly teeming

Pages fill with stories beaming.

In quiet or with children screaming

Cluttered desk or table gleaming

I’ve found my heaven…not to write would be my hell.

Do you write? What inspires you? Check out the Writer’s Desk Competition and join in.

 time after time, positive parental participation

Want more information about Jake’s Sunday Post?

  1. Weekly Photo Challenge – Resolved / Jake’s Sunday Post – Goals | Travels and Trifles
    January 6th, 2013 → 1:50 AM
  2. Travel Theme: Multiples « East of Málaga
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  5. Weekly Photo Challenge: Resolved « The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic
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  6. SUNDAY POST: GOALS « Francine In Retirement
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  7. Sunday Post : Goals « poppytump@number4
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  8. SUNDAY POST :GOALS « बंजारा
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  9. SUNDAY POST: GOALS | ~~Good~talk~with~Yen-Yen~~
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  10. Sunday Post ~ Goal « Inspiration Import
    January 6th, 2013 → 10:25 PM
  11. Incompatible Goals. « Luddy’s Lens
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  12. Sunday Post: Goals « Last Train to QVille
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  13. Take your snout out of the trough Piglet! | Piglet in Portugal
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  14. A resolved goal | Artifacts and fictions
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  15. Sunday Post : Goals « restlessjo
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  16. Sunday Post: Goals « Milka Pejovic
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  17. Sunday Post: Goals « The Day After
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  18. Sunday Post: Goals « patriciaddrury
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